Practice Management Alert

Disaster Planning:
Follow This Path to Ensure Your Practice Is Ready Before a Natural Disaster Hits
Being proactive is key to keeping your patients safe and practice running smoothly. No... Read more
Formalize Your Data Security to Ensure HIPAA Compliance
Strike a balance between ‘confidential’ and ‘available.’ If yo... Read more
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Quickly Assess and Communicate Your Post-Disaster Impact With This Checklist
Have parts of the form filled out ahead of time. If your practice is an unfortunate vi... Read more
What Would You Do? Stop Gossip About Patients Immediately
Question: The receptionist who works with me is always commenting on the patients and th... Read more
Reader Question:
HIPAA Supersedes Lesser State Retention Laws
Question: How long do we need to keep medical records? Codify Member Answer: The ... Read more
Reader Question:
Test Your ICD-10 Coding in March
Question: I have heard that there will be a test period for using ICD-10 codes on claims... Read more
Reader Question:
Opt for First-Initial, Last-Name Privacy Protocol
Question: What guidelines should our group follow to protect the privacy of patient info... Read more
Reader Question:
Script Refill Isn't Always Billable
Question: Is there a code we can bill with when the physician is just writing a prescrip... Read more
Solidify Your HIPAA Policies and Practices Before the Auditors Come Knocking
All covered entities and business associates are on the audit list, HHS says.  HI... Read more
Human Resources:
Answer 4 Questions When Deciding on Pre-Employment Drug Screening
Random post-employment screening is another option.  The debate over whether dru... Read more
Billing Corner:
Avoid Lost Reimbursement By Busting These Top 5 ABN Myths
Know when Medicare never pays before you decide on handing out an ABN. You’ve be... Read more
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Be Ready for HIPAA Documentation Requests Before the Letter Arrives
Use this checklist to get all of your documents lined up. Sure, HIPAA auditors will w... Read more
What Would You Do? Beware False Claims Myths
Question: A consultant told us that a healthcare provider can’t face false claims ... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Date of Service to Determine Sequestration Cut Impact
Question: Does the 2 percent sequestration cut apply to claims with dates of service on/... Read more
Reader Question:
Clear Up Modifier 59 Confusion
Question: We were just notified that modifier 59 is no longer accepted by Medicare payer... Read more
Reader Question:
MSP Doesn't Change Medicare Consultation Pay
Question:  I know Medicare doesn’t reimburse consults anymore, but a new code... Read more
Incident-to Billing:
Boost Your Productivity and Income By Adding an NPP, But Weigh the Pros and Cons First
Be sure you consult your state laws and NPP scope of practice rules before hiring. Hir... Read more
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Quickly Determine If You Can Bill Your NPPs Service Incident to the Physician
Incident-to billing can help you maximize your practice’s reimbursement by leverag... Read more
Advance Beneficiary Notices:
Expect Scrutiny If You Add 'G' Modifiers on Your Medicare Claims
The OIG report puts GA, GZ, GY, and GX in the hotseat. When your practice is billing M... Read more
News You Can Use:
Prepare for Part B Crackdown on Improper Payments
RACs have identified the issues and the OIG wants action. If you’ve heard that r... Read more
What Would You Do?
Should You Promote from Within? Question: We need a new coder because our current code... Read more
Reader Question:
Check CMS Website for ASC-Approved Procedures
Question: How can I find out which procedures our physicians perform are covered by Medi... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember that People Focus Differently
Question: One of our front office ladies brings a notebook into every staff meeting. At ... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Creative with Cost Cutting
Question: Our practice is trying to determine where we can cut costs to improve our bott... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Patient Okay Before Disclosing PHI
Question: Who’s authorized to make a request to review a patient’s medical r... Read more
Billing Case Study:
Check All the Boxes Before Billing Same-Day E/M Encounters
Knowing when you can and can’t report multiple codes is your key to maximizing you... Read more
Focus Your HIPAA Audit Prep on Protocols
Documentation is your key to success. If you’re on the target list for a HIPAA a... Read more
Capitalize on Your Online Real Estate With These Tips
Having a great website can streamline processes and bring in new patients. In this tec... Read more
What Would You Do?
Negotiate Your Way to Higher Physician Pay Question: I am a new practice manager and w... Read more
Reader Question:
Create Your Own Medicare Opt-Out Affidavit
Question: We are going to opt out of Medicare for next year because our patient base is ... Read more
Reader Question:
Question Employees On Your Own Performance
Question: As practice manager I don’t really get much feedback about whether I am ... Read more
Reader Question:
Calculate the Sequestration Cut Effects
Question: Does the 2 percent sequestration cut apply to claims with dates of service on/... Read more
Money Matters:
Review the PQRS Group Reporting Details to Secure Your Bonus Pay
How you’ll report depends on the number of providers in your group. If your pra... Read more
Human Resources:
Positive Affirmation, Documentation Help Ensure Productive Performance Appraisals
Make sure your managers spend time with employees on a regular basis. As the practice ... Read more
ICD-10 Prep:
Let 4 FAQs Help Guide Your ICD-10 Focus
Don’t limit your training to code selection alone. The ICD-10 implementation de... Read more
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Standardize Employee Performance Appraisals Across All Managers
A checklist like this can ensure successful meetings. As practice manager, performanc... Read more
What Would You Do?
Communication is Key to Boosting Morale Question: We have had many personnel chang... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Assume DNR Means Critical Care
Question: We’ve heard that the patient code status (DNR, DNI, full code) is one of... Read more
Reader Question:
MACs Decide On 96372 + J3420 for B-12
Question: Our clinics frequently provide B-12 shots as stand-alone charges with no E/M c... Read more
Reader Question:
CMS Clarified Unencrypted Email Prohibition
Question: I recently heard that the HIPAA privacy rule was changed and it now prohibits ... Read more
Review 3 FAQs to Ensure You Know When a New Provider Should Start Seeing Patients
If a provider starts too soon, you could be giving away free services. When a new phy... Read more
Check Family Connections Before Your Providers Refer Patients to Other Providers
Unless you meet exception criteria, you could be violating the ‘self-referral&rsqu... Read more
Human Resources:
Focus on the Top 8 Reasons That You -- and Your Employees -- Should Take Vacation Time
Rest and relaxation can improve overall work performance. As practice manager you may... Read more
What Would You Do? Don't Substitute Sign-In Sheet for History Form
Question: I recently started as practice manager for an ob-gyn practice. The practice ha... Read more
Reader Question:
Mitigate Late Patient Costs With Block Scheduling
Question: Recently we have had a lot of patients showing up late for appointments. The p... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Specific With Supply Codes
Question: A patient who had been stung by a bee came into our office and was exhibiting ... Read more
Reader Question:
Self-Define EPF vs. Detailed Exams
Question: I am so frustrated with the Palmetto GBA J1 Part B E/M Website because there i... Read more
Worker's Compensation:
3 FAQ Answers Will Help Solidify Your WC Processes
Remember that successful WC reimbursement starts long before the claim gets filed. Ma... Read more
Human Resources:
Implement a Grievance Process to Manage Employee Complaints
Disgruntled employees can cost you more than bad PR. No employer is perfect, and your... Read more
Review Your Business Associate Agreements Before the Feds Come Knocking
You have until September to get a handle on the recent changes. Now that the omnibu... Read more
Ensure 10 Essential Elements Appear in Your BAAs
Follow HHS’s guide on what your contract needs to include. Missing just one seem... Read more
What Would You Do?:
Can a Patient Retract an ABN?
Question: We have a patient who came for a service we knew Medicare wasn’t likely ... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Cautious With EMR Templates
Question: We are evaluating several EMR products and one company is touting the pros of ... Read more
Reader Question:
Inform Patients of Sequestrian Reductions -- Maybe?
Question: Now that the Medicare remittance is clearly tracking CO-223 for sequestration ... Read more
Denials Management:
4 Tips Set You on Course for MUE Appeals Success
Don’t fall victim to the ABN myth. If you think medically unlikely edits (MUEs) ... Read more
Money Matters:
Overcome Financial Woes With 5 Solid Strategies For Uncovering Untapped Money
Lessen the belt tightening you’ll face due to a 2 percent sequestrian reduction. ... Read more
News You Can Use:
State Medicaid Programs Offer E/M, Vaccine Reimbursement Boosts
Watch for retroactive pay raises, if you self-attest. Getting a payment increase from... Read more
You Be the Billing Expert:
NP Facility Procedure Billing
Question: An NP employed by the hospital wants to do sutures repairs in the ED and belie... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Payer Guidance on Same-Day Anesthesia Claims
Question: A patient had two different types of anesthesia administered on the same day, ... Read more
Reader Question:
Keep a Record of Your Provider's Signature Variations
Question: We’re having trouble making sure our providers meet signature requiremen... Read more
Reader Question:
Quality Measures Get Added to Contract Equations
Question: I’ve heard that quality issues will become a bigger part of contract neg... Read more
Reader Question:
Wait Until Oct. 1, 2014 to Use ICD-10
Question: Our practice is considering submitting claims with ICD-10 codes before the imp... Read more
Practice Management:
Streamline Administrative, Financial Tasks With Practice Management Software
Learn the basics before shelling out the dough. Medical practice management (MPM) sof... Read more
Practice Management:
Don't Settle: Perform an MPM Needs Analysis
Review these system features and decide which ones your practice needs. When your prac... Read more
Get Answers to These Critical MPM Questions
Making sure you get concrete answers to all of your questions is critical when you&rsquo... Read more
Clip and Save:
Review the 8 Pros of Practice Management Software
These perks may outweigh the high cost of implementing an MPM system. There’s no... Read more
Electronic Records:
Take a Hands-On Approach to Selecting an EMR System
Thorough pro vs. con analysis will help your practice decide whether or not EMR is for y... Read more
Clip and Save:
Focus on EMR Features When Determining the Best Fit
Check this handy list to compare different systems. Finding an electronic medical reco... Read more
Electronic Records:
Ease Your EMR Transition by Asking the Right Questions
Get answers in these key areas before choosing a system. When your practice is choosin... Read more
Consolidated Billing:
Follow 3 Tips to Ensure You Properly Bill Services for Nursing Facility Patients
Don’t wait to check the patient’s status until you are ready to file a claim... Read more
Payer Spotlight:
Be Prepared to Send WPS Additional Documentation for Modifier 22 Claims
The documentation will have to clearly support the ‘increased’ service. Ma... Read more
Clip and Save:
Create a Nursing Facility Payment Contract With this Sample Tool
Even if your provider doesn’t see many NF patients, be proactive and have a contra... Read more
You Be the Billing Expert:
Watch For Documented Consultation Requests
Question: Doctor A admits patient from assisted care facility. Dr. B does the H & P ... Read more
Reader Question:
Let Medical Necessity Rule Code Choice
Question: Our physician is a very thorough documenter and treats very sick patients. Bec... Read more
Reader Question:
NGS Halts Global X-Ray Pay for NPPs
Question: We submitted a claim to Medicare for an x-ray’s global fee under our nur... Read more
Reader Question:
Select 99221 vs. 99231 Based on Payer
Question: Our anesthesiologist was consulted for a possible emergency intubation. When h... Read more
Reader Question:
Keep a Record of Your Provider's Signature Variations
Question: We’re having trouble making sure our providers meet signature requiremen... Read more
Reader Question:
Quality Measures Get Added to Contract Equations
Question: I’ve heard that quality issues will become a bigger part of contract neg... Read more
Appeal Strategies:
Follow 4 Steps to Ensure You are Properly Appealing Modifier 25 Denials
Hint: Pay attention to global period assignments. Denials are a part of every practice... Read more
News You Can Use:
Congress Halts 27 Percent Reimbursement Drop
However, don’t assume your HPSA bonus will continue. As many practices are aware... Read more
Practice Management:
Follow this 8-Step Process the Successfully Hire the Right Coder
A solid coder can reduce your denial percentages, increase your revenue, and keep you ou... Read more
You Be the Billing Expert:
Skip Billing Benign Excisions?
Question: I bill for a dermatology practice. Our state Medicaid doesn’t cover beni... Read more
Reader Question:
Start the New Year With New Verification
Question: How should I file a claim on a patient who has new coverage but has not receiv... Read more
Reader Question:
Inform Patients Before Collecting Co-Pays Upfront
Question: We are an anesthesia group. One of our providers returned from a meeting, sayi... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Change Inpatient POS for Radiology
Question: One of my coworkers heard that some Medicare rules have changed regarding whet... Read more
Avoid Billing E/M Service Based on Cloned Documentation, Or the OIG Will Come Knocking
Ensure your EMR is not setting you up for failure. If you have reviewed the HHS Offic... Read more
Don't Rely on Modifier 59 Alone to Bypass CCI Edits, CMS Says
Key: Get to know modifiers 24 and 57 better. You’ve heard the Correct Coding In... Read more
Payer Preferences:
Know Which Payer You are Billing for Post-Op Complication Treatments
CMS and private payer rules and reimbursement may differ drastically. Do you automati... Read more
Payer Updates:
Prepare for Quality Measure Contract Discussions
Plus: CMS delayed POS rule until April 2013. Contracts between hospitals and insurers ... Read more
You Be the Billing Expert:
Check Individual Payer Consultation Rules
Question: If my doctor sees a patient in the office for something like diabetes, then th... Read more
Reader Question:
Legibility Matters, CMS Stresses
Question: I have heard payers are cracking down on illegible provider documentation. My ... Read more
Reader Question:
Stay Up to Date on Payer LCDs
Question: A colleague told me that if we bill to Palmetto, there are two new codes we ca... Read more
Available Years:  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  

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