Practice Management Alert

Win Medicare Appeals at Review Step With Well-Crafted Letter
If your billing department never considers appealing a Medicare claim even when you'r... Read more
Challenge a Claim Denial With the Medicare Appeals Process
The Medicare appeals process is designed so beneficiaries and their providers who are ... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Medicare Noncovered Services
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Stop Revenue Leaks:
Capture Hospital and Office Charges
No matter how many claims you send out, if your practice fails to capture all its char... Read more
Reader Question:
Medicaid as Secondary Payer
Question: I have a patient who has Medicare primary and Medicaid secondary. When I sub... Read more
Reader Question:
Colonoscopy Reimbursement
Question: My practice is getting reimbursed only about a third of our charges for colono... Read more
Reader Question:
Defining a New Patient
Question: If a doctor saw a patient within the last three years but the doctor is now ... Read more
Overturn Denials of Preventive and Problem-Oriented E/Ms With Education, Appeals and Documentation
Education, appeals and documentation can help overturn denials of legitimately bil... Read more
Purchase the Best Billing Software for Your Practice
Computer billing software can make or break your practice. When chosen correctly, softwa... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Financial Performance Reporting
Test your knowledge.  Determine how you would handle this situation bef... Read more
Preventive Care:
Waiver for Coverage of Services
Open the PDF file to view this document.... Read more
Letter of Appeal
Open the PDF file to view this document.... Read more
Office Visit
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Physical Examination
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Reader Question:
Payment for Phone Calls
Question: Can telephone calls made by physicians be billed, and, if so, whats the best way... Read more
Reader Question:
Untimely Copayment Fee
Question: I've heard that some practices charge a fee, such as $15, if they don't receiv... Read more
Reader Question:
Verifying Medicare Deductible
Question: What is the most efficient and least time- consuming way to find out whether a p... Read more
Reader Question:
Waivers for Professional Courtesy
Question: Can my physicians accept assignment for certain patients, such as other physicia... Read more
Reader Question:
Posting Payments
Question: Our payer contracts state that I have seven personnel in charge of posting payme... Read more
Reader Question:
HMO Payer or CPT Manual Codes
Question: Some of my HMO payers have told me to use their codes for certain procedures a... Read more
Best Ways To Coordinate Benefits From Multiple Insurers
" Practices can maximize reimbursement and reduce the costs of administering claims for p... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Charging for Copies
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Boost Efficiency by Avoiding Three Common Billing Errors
If your practice's billing department isn't as efficient in handling claims or as effect... Read more
Establish Procedures for Handling Bad Checks
Bad or bounced checks from patients cost practices revenue and can cause havoc for billi... Read more
Reader Question:
Medicare Allowables
Question: We have been told it is illegal to bill Medicare for more than 115 percent of it... Read more
Reader Question:
Consultation Versus Referral
Question: Can we bill for an office consultation when we know at that visit that the p... Read more
Adhere to Collection Procedures To Ensure Payment
If your practice has 20 percent or more of its patient accounts receivable outstandi... Read more
Six Tips for Hiring a Collection Agency
Even with consistent adherence to collection procedures, practices will have some outsta... Read more
Charging Collection Fees
Practices should decide whether they will charge their own collection fee on delinquen... Read more
You Be the Expert:
New Patient Information
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Reader Question:
Handling Refusals To Pay
Question: How should I handle a disgruntled patient who absolutely refuses to pay the co... Read more
Reader Question:
Advice-Seeking Patients
Question: Our practice has patients who have delinquent balances on their bills and keep... Read more
Reader Question:
Investigate Copay Error
Question: We have patients who tell us they have copayment for their visits and make t... Read more
Refuse Payment:
Successfully Fight Demands for Refunds on Old Claims
If your practice is receiving demands for refunds on claims that are years old, payi... Read more
Prove Financial Hardship Before Writing Off Charges
Practices that routinely write off charges to help patients with financial hards... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Timely Claims Filing
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing Bilateral Procedures
Question: We have been receiving denials or reduced payment for bilateral procedures. What... Read more
Reader Question:
Assigning Payers
Question: When setting up our billing department, is it more efficient to assign full resp... Read more
Reader Question:
Charging for No-Shows
Question: Can I charge patients who fail to show up for their appointments, and how should... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing Modifiers
Question: Some of my payers dont recognize HCFAs modifiers, such as -59, so I usually get ... Read more
Available Years:  2001  

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