Question: The podiatrist is applying a multi-layer venous wound compression system. How do I report this service? Also, if the podiatrist reapplies it in a few weeks, can I report an E/M encounter for this?
California Subscriber
Answer: You can make use of a new code in 2010 to report this application: 29581 (Application of a multi-layer venous wound compression system, below knee).
Helpful hint: Do not report this code in conjunction with strapping of the ankles and/or foot (29540, Strapping, ankle and/or foot) or Unna boot (29580, Strapping, Unna boot). Use 29581 only to report treatment of chronic venous insufficiency with multi-layer compression products.
You probably could report the appropriate level E/M code for reapplying the device at subsequent visits as long as the encounter meets all E/M office visit (99201- 99215) criteria.