Question: I recently got a +20933 (Allograft, includes templating, cutting, placement and internal fixation, when performed; hemicortical intercalary, partial (ie, hemicylindrical) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)) denied for wrong place of service (POS). This was in an outpatient setting. Is code +20933 inpatient only?
AAPC Forum Subscriber
Answer: No. Code +20933 is not only for inpatient. This procedure can be done in an outpatient facility such as a hospital POS 22 (On Campus-Outpatient Hospital) or ambulatory surgical center POS 24 (Ambulatory Surgical Center). The procedure cannot, however, be done in an office setting — POS 11 (Office).
Don’t miss: Since +20933 is an add-on code, you must report it on your claim along with the appropriate primary code. You cannot report +20933 on its own.