Hint: Make sure you know whether HPI is brief or extended.
History of present illness (HPI) is a vital element you must consider when leveling your office or outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) services. Do you know how to count the various HPI elements and what constitutes as a brief or extended HPI?
Check out the following expert advice so you’ll get your HPI information right every time.
First, Define HPI For Clarity
The history of present illness (HPI) is an element within the history component — one of the three key factors used in selecting the correct level of E/M service. The CPT® manual defines HPI as “a chronological description of the development of the patient’s present illness from the first sign and/or symptom to the present.”
Obtaining the patient’s HPI is an important first step in determining the etiology of a patient’s problem, says Cynthia A. Swanson, RN, CPC, CEMC, CHC, CPMA, senior manager of healthcare consulting for Seim Johnson in Omaha, Nebraska. The HPI information can assist a practitioner in arriving at the patient’s diagnosis.
To start the HPI conversation, the physician will ask the patient to describe his problem, adds Swanson. The physician may ask the patient any one or more of the following questions to get into the HPI discussion:
Check Which Element List You Should Use
Depending on the payer, there are seven or eight HPI elements, reminds Marcella Bucknam, CPC, CCS-P, COC, CCS, CPC-P, CPC-I, CCC, COBGC, revenue cycle analyst with Klickitat Valley Health in Goldendale, Washington. For Medicare and Medicaid payers, the HPI elements are:
Caveat: CPT® does not include duration in its list of HPI elements, so some private payers might only use the other seven elements. If you are unsure of a payer’s HPI element list, call your representative to check.
Use 3-Element Limit for Brief HPI
Once you’ve got a handle on what HPI is, and which element list you’ll use, you’re ready to check the encounter notes to see whether the provider performed a brief or extended HPI.
When a provider reviews one to three elements during the E/M service, she is performing a brief HPI, Swanson confirms.
Because CPT® considers a brief HPI part of a problem-focused or expanded problem-focused history, it can support the following E/M office visit levels:
Scenario: A Medicare patient reports to the podiatrist with a chief compliant of ankle pain (location). The patient reports that the pain has gone on for about a month (duration).
HPI: The provider reviewed two elements, so this is an example of brief HPI.
Count to 4 Before Considering Extended HPI
When a provider reviews four or more elements during the E/M service, she is performing an extended HPI, Swanson says.
Having enough elements to qualify as an extended HPI means the care might mean coding for a detailed or comprehensive history. When you spot an extended HPI on an encounter form, it might make the visit eligible for the following E/M office visit levels:
Remember: An extended HPI does not guarantee a higher-level E/M code; it only makes reporting these E/M codes possible. The provider must still must satisfy other encounter requirements (review of systems [ROS] level; past, family, social history [PFSH] level; physical exam level; medical decision-making level) in order to select a higher-level E/M office visit code.
Determine Number of Systems Reviewed to Determine What Kind of HPI
A Medicare patient reports to your office complaining of heel and toe pain. The provider asks the patient:
HPI: The provider reviewed seven systems, so this case is an example of extended HPI.