Hint: You’ll look to the ‘Q’ series for many such codes.
When your podiatrist sees a patient for a congenital condition, it can be challenging for you to pinpoint the most accurate ICD-10-CM code. After all, congenital diagnoses are not as common as traumatic injuries or overuse issues in podiatry practices, so you may not be as familiar with the codes that describe these conditions.
To brush up on your congenital condition coding knowledge, take the following quiz.
Quiz question 1: The patient has congenital hammertoe on their left foot. Which ICD-10-CM code should you report for this diagnosis?
Quiz question 2: A patient presents to your practice to get orthotics due to congenital flat feet. Which diagnosis code applies?
Quiz question 3: The podiatrist hands you a chart indicating the patient suffers from posterior ankle impingement syndrome (PAIS) involving the os trigonum. Which code applies?
Quiz question 4: The podiatrist sees a pediatric patient with congenital syndactyly for an office visit. Which diagnosis code should you report?
Think you know the answers? Click here to know the Answers.