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Podiatry Coding Alert
Podiatry Coding Alert
Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 12
Surgical Coding:
Compare 27698 vs. 27695, Maximize Brostrom Procedure Pay
Understanding primary vs. secondary procedures is key. When your podiatrist hands you a ...
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Coding Quiz:
Test Yourself on the New Coding Changes for 2023
Make sure you're ready for the MDM levelling changes and new Z codes for 2023. The end of...
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ICD-10-CM Coding:
Follow This Guide, Code Hyperhidrosis Diagnosis, Treatments Correctly
Hint: Payers differ on Botox policies. When patients with excessive sweating present to ...
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Coding Quiz Answers:
Check Your Answers to Our Coding Changes Quiz
Once you've answered the quiz questions on page 3, compare your answers with the ones prov...
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Reader Questions:
Can You Bill for E/Ms With Smoking/Tobacco Cessation?
Question: We have podiatry patients with peripheral neuropathy and are trying to impl...
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Reader Questions:
State Unstageable/Unspecified in Pressure Ulcer Skin Graft Procedure
Question: I'm trying to determine the correct ICD-10-CM code to establish medical nec...
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Reader Questions:
How Should This Hammertoe Procedure Be Coded?
Question: One of our patients received a surgical correction for a rigid hammertoe on...
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You Be the Coder:
Sequence Your Diabetic Ulcers and Complications Correctly
Question: I have a diabetic patient with peripheral angiopathy who has a stage 4 decu...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 11
Facture Coding:
Apply This Ankle Fracture Care/Casting Advice
Remember: E/M codes aren't automatically allowable. When a patient presents with a fractu...
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CPT® Coding:
Bill K-Wire Removal? Not So Fast
Understand how global surgical packages impact your claims. Every podiatry coder knows ...
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Take These Hints, Avoid Risking MDM Calculations
Here's how to take clinician thought process and judgment into account. In Podiatry Codin...
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Reader Questions:
Hold off on New E/M for Old Problems
Question: We have a podiatrist in our practice that insists on adding an office/outpatient...
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Reader Questions:
Code for Primary Service in This Morton’s Neuroma Encounter
Question: For a patient with Morton's neuroma, the podiatrist documented a release of the ...
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Reader Questions:
Provide Pertinent PCP Info for Routine Diabetic Footcare Encounters
Question: When a patient comes in for diabetic footcare, is it required for the podiatrist...
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You Be the Coder:
Don’t Let Orthotic No-Shows Tread on Your Bottom Line
Question: What is the correct way to handle custom orthotics that the patient does not pic...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 10
Wound Repair, Part 2:
Conquer All Your Adjacent Tissue Transfer Challenges With 3 Tips
Hint: Use square centimeters for ATTs. In Podiatry Coding and Billing Alert volume 14, nu...
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Take These 3 Tips for Effective Data Counting
And refresh your understanding of the 2023 E/M changes. Of the three elements that define...
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Condition Spotlight:
Get the Answers to All Your Frequently Asked Hammertoe Questions
Stay flexible on coding all the possible treatment options. Hammertoe is a relatively com...
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Reader Questions:
Pair This Code With Callus Paring Procedures
Question: One of our providers sometimes states she “pares a callus with a Dremel t...
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Reader Questions:
Rule out Definitive Dx in This Suspected Achilles Rupture
Question: How do I document an Achilles rupture diagnosis that our provider describes...
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Reader Questions:
Do a Double Take on This Bilateral E/M Problem
Question: If a patient has a bilateral problem (for example, the patient has rheumato...
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You Be the Coder:
Paint the Whole Picture for This Podiatric Pathologic Fracture
Question: My podiatrist saw a patient who fractured his right foot. The patient was d...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 9
Wound repair, Part 1:
Target Length of Wound and Complexity for Successful Laceration Repair
Wound repair using only adhesive strips should be reported with an E/M code. In the recen...
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Diabetic Shoes:
Follow 3 Tips to Ace Diabetic Shoe Claims
Certifying physician must be MD or DO. When you bill for diabetic shoes in your podiatry...
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E/M 2023:
Get Ready: Office/Outpatient Consultation CPT® Guidelines Will Change in 2023
Hint: Don't forget to append modifier 32. Now is the time to review the changes you will...
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Reader Questions:
See How to Submit Heel Spur Excision
Question: According to the documentation, my podiatrist performed a calcaneal spur re...
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Reader Questions:
Stay Compliant With HIPAA
Question: We've been experiencing an increase in phishing and are aware of reports of...
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Reader Questions:
Understand Billing Date for Custom Inserts
Question: What would be the correct date of service to bill for custom inserts? The d...
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You Be the Coder:
Puzzle Out This Arthrodesis Scenario
Question: The patient came in for right tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint fusion, which I t...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 8
Poisoning, External Cause, Z Codes Top New 2023 Options
Hint: You'll gain a new transportation insecurity Z code. The Centers for Medicare & ...
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Bust 4 Plantar Fasciitis Myths to Solidify Your Claims
Hint: Note difference between 20550 and 20551. Plantar fasciitis can be tricky to report...
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Follow 3 Steps to Avoid Claim Denials in Your Practice
Keep these checklists handy. Submitting clean claims is the goal of any practice, but i...
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Reader Questions:
Figure Out Achilles Tendon Attachment Conundrum
Question: If the podiatrist detaches the Achilles tendon to perform a calcaneal spur ...
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Reader Questions:
Solve This E/M Puzzle
Question: One of our physicians decided that a patient had to have surgery, then had ...
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Reader Questions:
Follow Handy Modifier 22 Advice
Question: I was told documentation for modifier 22 (Increased procedural services) sh...
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Reader Questions:
Dive Into Debridement Scenario
Question: My podiatrist documented that they debrided the patient's skin. Partial-thi...
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Reader Questions:
Always Report Add-On Code With Primary Code
Question: I recently got a +20933 denied for wrong place of service (POS). This was i...
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You Be the Coder:
Report Bunionectomy Codes With Caution
Question: I have a podiatrist who wants to bill two bunionectomy codes together, 28295 (Co...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 7
Identify Exact Removal Technique to Successfully Conquer Wart Claims
Hint: Never report codes 17110 and 17111 on the same claim. If your podiatrist performs ...
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Differentiate Between 3 Types of Fractures to Boost Coding Knowledge
Hint: Traumatic fractures are caused by trauma. Fractures can be really difficult to code...
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4 Expert Tips Sharpen Your Modifier Knowledge
Remember: Modifier 58 is appropriate for staged procedures. It can be challenging to kno...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid HIPAA Compliance Certification Traps
Question: We recently got a flyer from a compliance company touting that it could ce...
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Reader Questions:
Learn About Orthotic Reporting
Question: I am hoping to get some advice on what HCPCS and CPT® codes are appropriat...
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Reader Questions:
Never Report add-on Without Primary Code
Question: I recently got a +20933 (Allograft, includes templating, cutting, placement...
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You Be the Coder:
Make Sure to Report Correct ICD-10-CM Code for This Case
Question: My provider is doing the following procedure: “Bilateral lateral sided hy...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 6
Conquer Medicare’s Routine Foot Care Policy With Ease
Observe the systemic conditions exception. During the recent Virtual HEALTHCON session �...
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Part 2, Bunionectomy:
Conquer Bunionectomy Coding by Knowing Whether Podiatrist Performed Osteotomy
Code 28299 has 3 different double osteotomy options. Last month, you learned all about t...
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3 Handy Tips Keep Your Claims Process Running Smoothly
Always verify the reason the original claim was denied. If you submit duplicate claims i...
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Reader Questions:
Be Mindful of Claims Review Process
Question: Would it be more efficient, in terms of time and money, to review a percent...
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Reader Questions:
Identify Correct ICD-10-CM Code for Cuboid Fracture
Question: What function does the cuboid bone have and which ICD-10-CM code should I r...
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Reader Questions:
Discover Heel Spur Surgery Options
Question: Can you explain the surgical options for heel spurs? Texas Subscriber Ans...
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You Be the Coder:
Figure Out This Calcaneal Fracture Scenario
Question: The patient had a displaced fracture of the body of the right calcaneus cau...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 5
Part 1, Bunionectomy:
Follow 4 Handy Steps to Perfect Your Bunionectomy Claims
Hint: Code 28292 does not include an osteotomy. When your podiatrist performs a bunionect...
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Be Ready for These Sports-Related Injuries in Your Podiatry Practice
Report G57.61 for Morton's neuroma in the right foot. Spring is upon us, and as more pe...
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Always Listen and Carefully Set Tone to Hone Your Communications Expertise
Tone sets the pace and comfort of your communication. During the session “A Practical G...
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Reader Questions:
Solve This Arthrocentesis Situation
Question: My podiatrist inserted a needle through the patient's skin and into an inte...
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Reader Questions:
Look at This HIPAA Advice
Question: Can we switch to gap analysis of how we implement HIPAA compliance instead ...
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Reader Questions:
Focus on This Congenital Syndrome
Question: What is os trigonum syndrome and which ICD-10-CM code should I report for t...
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Reader Questions:
Beware of This Security Risk
Question: A provider in our practice informed us that they have been sending patient ...
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You Be the Coder:
Puzzle Through Ruptured Achilles Repair Options
Question: My podiatrist performed an Achilles rupture repair. Which CPT® code should...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 4
Follow 4 Simple Steps for Clean Morton’s Neuroma Claims
Report 28080 for Morton's neuroma excision. Chances are that your podiatrist sees cases o...
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Handy Tips Perfect Your Open Ankle Wound Claims
Hint: You must know if the wound is a laceration, puncture, or bite. ICD-10-CM offers mul...
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Physician Engagement:
Learn How to Cultivate an Environment Where Your Physicians Are Engaged
Some physicians may have a poor understanding of new healthcare models. If you've ever w...
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Reader Questions:
Heed ICD-10-CM Advice
Question: When preparing a claim, should you enter the diagnosis code only for the co...
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Reader Questions:
Use 27691 for Single, Deep Tendon Transfer
Question: My podiatrist made a long incision from the front of the patient's lower le...
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Reader Questions:
Pay Attention to Code Descriptors
Question: My podiatrist removed a ganglion cyst from the patient's left foot. Accordi...
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Reader Questions:
Be Aware of Malware
Question: What exactly is keylogger software, and how can we avoid this type of secur...
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Reader Questions:
Decipher Mallet Toe Correction Scenario
Question: I am coding a mallet toe correction. The CPT® code I am using is 28285 (Co...
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You Be the Coder:
Focus on This Bunionectomy Code
Question: My podiatrist made an incision over the patient's metatarsophalangeal (MT...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 3
Case Study:
Report Multiple Codes to Ace this Evaluation and Management, X-ray, DME Scenario
Hint: You will base E/M service on either the MDM level or time. Your podiatrist probabl...
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10 Questions Solve All Your Tarsal Bone Fracture Dx Coding Conundrums
Hint: The navicular bone is the keystone of the arch. Chances are that you see numerous ...
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Risk Adjustment:
Figure Out How to Tackle Risk Adjustment in Your Podiatry Practice
Hint: Follow 4 handy risk adjustment rules. If you are new to risk adjustment and not sur...
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Reader Questions:
Don’t Forget Modifier 58 on This Claim
Question: A diabetic patient presented with a 2 cm ulcer on the plantar surface of th...
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Reader Questions:
Get Answers to This E/M Question
Question: If a patient has only one chronic problem that is not worsening but is not ...
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Reader Questions:
Submit 64455 for Morton’s Neuroma Injection
Question: My podiatrist treated Morton's neuroma through an injection. They injected ...
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You Be the Coder:
Puzzle Out Heel Spur Surgery Codes
Question: My podiatrist performs a lot of heel spur surgeries, but I'm confused about...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 2
Case Study:
Solve Tricky Case Study to Perfect Toe Injury, Office Visit E/M Claims
Differentiate between new and established patients for correct E/M code. Toe injuries are...
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Test Yourself on Metatarsalgia Dx Options and Treatment to Solidify Your Claims
Hint: Report M77.41 for metatarsalgia of the right foot. Reporting ICD-10-CM codes can ...
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3 Tips Help Determine Scope of Your Practice’s Audits
Hint: Ask yourself specific questions. Audits are an important way to identify any compli...
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Reader Questions:
Patient Has Contracture of Foot? Do This
Question: The medical documentation indicates that my podiatrist treated a patient with �...
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Reader Questions:
Report M72.2 for Plantar Fasciitis
Question: The podiatrist diagnosed the patient with plantar fasciitis. What is plantar fas...
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Reader Questions:
Turn to Chronic Ulcer of Unspecified Severity
Question: According to the medical documentation, the patient has a healing non-pressure c...
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Reader Questions:
Decipher This Ankle Pain Scenario
Question: A 28-year-old patient complained of right ankle pain after a snowboarding trip t...
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Reader Questions:
Rely to These Choices for Open Tenotomy
Question: My podiatrist performed an open tenotomy. What CPT® code choices do I have to c...
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Reader Questions:
Understand Differences Between New and Established Patients
Question: If a patient sees one surgeon in our practice, then one year later sees a differ...
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Reader Questions:
Dive Into Peroneal Tendinitis Dx
Question: The patient has peroneal tendonitis. What is peroneal tendinitis, and which ICD-...
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You Be the Coder:
Sort Through 3 Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis Codes
Question: What code(s) would you use for the following injections My podiatrist performed ...
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Podiatry Coding Alert - 2022; Volume 14, Number 1
4 Rules Solve Your Most Challenging Calcaneus Fracture Coding Puzzles
Report either 28400 or 28405 for closed treatment of calcaneal fracture. If you report ca...
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Always Submit Clean Jones Fracture Claims With a Quick Quiz
Hint: Identify type of encounter to choose appropriate 7th character. Since ICD-10-CM off...
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Develop Robust Audit Program for Physician Services With These Handy Tips
Apply audit results to advance provider education. During the 2021 Regional HEALTHCON ...
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Reader Questions:
Learn 2 Types of Hammertoe
Question: What are the different types of hammertoes? North Carolina Subscriber A...
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Reader Questions:
Be Aware of Payer Downcoding
Question: A payer I work with consistently downcodes our claims and never gives us warning...
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Reader Questions:
Always Check Medical Documentation for Details
Question: According to the medical documentation, the patient has drug-induced chroni...
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Reader Questions:
See How 360X Project Helps
Question: During the pandemic, our practice has really come to appreciate the importa...
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You Be the Coder:
Decipher This Injection Situation
Question: What code(s) would you use for the following injections performed at the same vi...
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Available Years: