Podiatry Coding Alert

News You Can Use:
WPS Recently Updated Modifier KX Stance for Podiatrists on Certain Procedure Codes
Procedure codes that allow modifier KX include 27600 and 64905. The Medicare Administrati... Read more
Answer 8 Questions to Solve Your Ankle, Foot Effusion Coding Conundrums
You should report M25.474 for effusion of the right foot. When your podiatrist treats j... Read more
Follow 3 Tips to Build Powerful CDI Program in Your Podiatry Practice
Have skills on your team ranging from clinical to coding expertise. During the 2021 RIS... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose Correct Heel Spur Code
Question: My podiatrist performed a calcaneal spur resection with plantar fascial re... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know When to Append Modifier 24
Question: What are the proper situations to use modifier 24? We are having a debate i... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Dx for Congenital Hammertoe
Question: The patient has congenital hammertoe on their left foot. Which ICD-10-CM co... Read more
Reader Questions:
Define MUE for Clarity
Question: I don't understand what the acronym MUE means in relation to the Centers for Med... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dive Into This Arthrodesis Situation
Question: My podiatrist incised the skin over the affected joints in the front of th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
See Differences Between Fracture Types
Question: I'm new to podiatry. Could you please explain the difference between stress... Read more
3 Tips Help Keep Your Heel Spur Claims on the Up-And-Up
Remember: Heel spurs are also known as calcaneal spurs. If your podiatrist performs surge... Read more
Test Your Ankle Fracture Smarts With a Quick Quiz
Hint: A trimalleolar fracture involves 3 bones. Fractures are one of the trickiest type o... Read more
Follow Expert Steps to Learn All You Need to Know About Establishing Strong Audit Program
Master how to best educate your providers. In the 2021 RISKCON session, “Effective Au... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know When to Use Fasciotomy Code
Question: My podiatrist made a plantar incision, exposing the deep fascia overlying the ab... Read more
Reader Questions:
Observe 99211 Reporting Rules
Question: What are the minimum documentation requirements needed to bill 99211? What has t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Conquer Ingrown Nail Coding With Ease
Question: The patient had an ingrown toenail. After my podiatrist prepped the patient and ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand How Medical Records Fees Work
Question: Since patients' rights to access their medical records continue to dominate the ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know Differences Between Corn Removal Codes
Question: My podiatrist used a blade and local anesthesia to cut one corn off a patient's ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Unravel This Pilon Fracture Situation
Question: My podiatrist fixed the patient's fibula on the day of the injury and placed a t... Read more
CPT® 2022:
Adopt New Principal Care Management E/M Codes Before 2022 Rolls Around
Code 99211 will be revised in 2022. When CPT® 2022 becomes effective on Jan. 1, 2022, y... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Follow These Simple Steps to Keep Your Plantar Fasciitis Claims in Tip-Top Shape
Hint: The code descriptor for 20550 specifies “aponeurosis.” Chances are your podia... Read more
4 Tips Perfect Internal Billing Audits in Your Podiatry Practice
Hint: Document every time you touch an open claim. During the 2021 HEALTHCON session “... Read more
Reader Questions:
Differentiate Between Dislocation and Fracture Repair
Question: My podiatrist performed closed manipulation of a dislocated toe. My colleague th... Read more
Reader Questions:
COVID-19 PHE Extended Even Longer
Question: What is the current status of the PHE for COVID-19, and when can we expect it to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Puzzle Out Bimalleolar Fractures
Question: My podiatrist performed closed treatment of a lateral and medial malleoli ankle ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Hammertoe Treatment Options
Question: I'm new to podiatry and trying to learn more about hammertoe treatment. Can you ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Query Providers Carefully
Question: One of our newer podiatrists often creates documentation that's missing the det... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Investigate Primary Achilles Tendon Tear Repair Scenario
Question: The patient came in with extreme pain and swelling of her left heel. She was pla... Read more
Apply This Expert Advice to Always Submit Clean Orthotic Footwear Claims in Your Practice
Hint: Covered Oxford shoes include L3224 and L3225. In a recent webinar, Lisa Addison, p... Read more
Simple Steps Solidify Gout ICD-10-CM Coding
Remember: Read “code first” notes carefully. If you report gout in your podiatry prac... Read more
3 Tips Build Strong Communication Skills in Your Podiatry Office
Hint: Give and receive constructive feedback. If you have ever wondered how to improve ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Pinpoint Differences Between Walking Boot HCPCS Codes
Question: Can someone tell me the difference between codes L4360 and L4361? My vendor told... Read more
Reader Questions:
Correct EHR Errors Like This
Question: We are aware of how to correct a mistake on a paper medical record, but how do w... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Withhold PHI from Patients
Question: One of our patients has a sizable balance and hasn't responded to requests for p... Read more
Reader Questions:
See Differences Between Open and Closed Fracture
Question: What is the difference between an open versus a closed traumatic fracture? Cal... Read more
Reader Questions:
Discover Correct Osteotomy Options
Question: My podiatrist performed an osteotomy of the patient's calcaneus. She first incis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Careful When Using MDM Tables
Question: Both the Elements of Medical Decision Making (MDM) table in the 2021 CPT® Manua... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Differences Between Achilles Tendon Repair Codes
Question: My podiatrist performed a primary open repair of an Achilles tendon. According ... Read more
Routine Foot Care:
Bust 4 Corn and Callus Removal Myths to Solidify Your Routine Foot Care Claims
Remember: Always include class findings. Medicare's routine foot care policy can be trick... Read more
ICD-10-CM Update:
New Poisoning and Health Status Codes Highlight Your Podiatry Changes for 2022
Hint: You will see a new code for a post-COVID-19 condition. The Centers for Medicare &... Read more
Signature Guidelines:
6 Rules Boost Your Medicare Physician Signature Smarts
Hint: You can only use stamped signature in one instance. Provider signatures are a vita... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Between Percutaneous and Open Tenotomies
Question: My podiatrist performed just a tenotomy for a reducible hammertoe deformity with... Read more
Reader Questions:
Demystify Right Achilles Tendon Injection Scenario
Question: The patient was brought to the table and laid in prone position. Her right knee ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Solve Amputation Scenario With Ease
Question: My podiatrist documented that he performed a Chopart type procedure — an amput... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand Great Toe Arthrodesis Procedure
Question: The patient has pain due to end stage osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Identify Correct Dx and Procedure Codes for Heel Spurs
Question: The patient has a heel spur in her left foot. My podiatrist excised the spur and... Read more
Reader Questions:
Master Modifiers 52 and 53
Question: My podiatrist performed a screw removal (20680), but he was unable to complete t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Handle Nonparticipating Insurance This Way
Question: Do we have any obligation to try to collect copays or deductibles when we are no... Read more
Reader Questions:
Catch Denials Early
Question: We performed a self-audit two months ago and identified over a dozen denied clai... Read more
Shatter 3 Myths to Slash Potential Wart Procedure Errors
Remember: Your podiatrist can use 3 biopsy techniques. When your podiatrist performs proc... Read more
Handy FAQs Solve Your Most Pressing Pathologic Fracture Questions
Hint: Turn to category M80.0- for age-related osteoporosis with current pathologic fractu... Read more
Follow 5 Steps to Build Excellent Compliance Program in Your Podiatry Practice
Hint: Always record compliance updates, including different versions. If you are not sure... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report These Codes for Ruptured Achilles Tendon Repair
Question: A patient came in with extreme pain and swelling of her left heel. She was danci... Read more
Reader Questions:
Solve ESWT Situation
Question: My podiatrist administered high energy sound waves to the sole of the patient's ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Differentiate Between Pressure Ulcer Stages
Question: I'm looking at codes from category L89- (Pressure ulcer), and I'm trying to figu... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Forget Modifier 58 on This Claim
Question: The patient had a pilon fracture. My podiatrist fixed the patient's fibula on th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Learn More About Charcot Foot ICD-10-CM Codes
Question: Which ICD-10-CM code should I report for Charcot foot? Louisiana Subscriber ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand Calcaneal Fractures Versus Talus Fractures
Question: I am new to podiatry. Can you explain the difference between calcaneal and talus... Read more
Reader Questions:
Gauge PHI Risk With Patients’ Names
Question: Is it OK to call out full names in a waiting room? Can you ask for “John Smith... Read more
Case Study:
Follow Along With This Case Study to Improve Your Office Visit E/M and X-Ray Podiatry Claims
Don't forget to append an anatomical modifier to the X-ray code. In your podiatry practic... Read more
ICD-10 CM:
Remember Important Medical Documentation Details When Reporting Traumatic Fractures
Hint: Don't forget the seventh character of the ICD-10-CM code. When your podiatrist docu... Read more
6 Questions Solve Your Most Burning NCCI PTP Edit Conundrums
Hint: Make sure documentation supports breaking the edit with a modifier. Whenever you re... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dive Into This Hydrodissection Scenario
Question: My podiatrist performed a hydrodissection decompression of the superficial peron... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Lateral Malleolus Ankle Fracture With Ease
Question: Can you explain what a lateral malleolus ankle fracture is and what CPT® codes ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dial Into Plantar Fascia Repair Procedure Codes
Question: What are some of the different surgical codes for plantar fascia repair? North... Read more
Reader Questions:
See What Most Common Bunionectomy Procedure Entails
Question: My podiatrist performed a bunionectomy correction with sesamoidectomy, with dist... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Discover Active Wound Care Management Codes
Question: I'm new to podiatry coding. Can you explain to me what active wound care managem... Read more
Case Study:
Elevate Your Ingrown Toenail Surgery Coding With a Detailed Walkthrough
Hint: Code 11750 can be performed using surgical, laser, electrocautery, or chemical techn... Read more
Test Your Achilles Tendinitis Smarts With a Quick Quiz
Learn the 2 types of Achilles tendinitis. Coding all the different diagnoses you see in ... Read more
4 Tips Boost Your Assistant Surgery Modifier Coding Skills
Hint: Reserve modifier 82 for cases in a teaching hospital when a qualified resident is n... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Modifier 51 With Caution
Question: We have a coder who puts modifier 51 (Multiple procedures) on almost all claims ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Always Look at Modifier Indicators
Question: My colleague said that we can't bill codes 28740 and 29450 together on a claim. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Thoroughly Check Documentation for Details
Question: Is it against the rules to bill an E/M code instead of code 11721?  Pennsy... Read more
Reader Questions:
Discover How HIPAA Works
Question: Is patient consent required under HIPAA before we can share encrypted communicat... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know When to Get ABN Signed
Question: Can you offer any guidance on how to properly submit advanced beneficiary notice... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Solve This Tangential Biopsy Puzzle
Question: I'm new to podiatry, and I'm confused about what a tangential biopsy includes. D... Read more
Follow 5 Medicare Rules to Sidestep Common LOPS Errors for Diabetic Patient Claims
You must report an appropriate diabetes ICD-10-CM code on your claim. When your podiatris... Read more
Solve Non-Pressure Ulcers Conundrums by Checking Documentation for Healed Vs. Healing
If ulcer increases in severity during admission, report 2 codes. The ICD-10-CM Official G... Read more
Use Foot, Toe Modifiers to Secure Ethical X-Ray Reimbursement
Be aware of these NCCI edits before you report 73620 with 73660. A patient presents to y... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow This Advice to Avoid Denials
Question: Medicare recently denied a claim citing invalid patient information. What could ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Decipher Tumor Excision Code Choice
Question: My podiatrist excised a 2 cm in diameter tumor from just beneath the patient's s... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on New MDM Guidelines
Question: If a provider is billing an outpatient E/M code based on medical decision making... Read more
Reader Questions:
Find Exact Neuroplasty Code for 1 Nerve, 1 Toe
Question: My podiatrist used an open approach to incise scar tissue to relieve tension on ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose Appropriate Plantar Fascia Repair Code
Question: My podiatrist performed a fasciotomy of the patient's foot and toe to relieve te... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Between Bimalleolar and Trimalleolar Fractures
Question: I'm new to coding, and I'm having trouble understanding the difference between d... Read more
CERT Report Discovers 12.9 Percent Improper Payment Rate for Podiatry
Insufficient documentation was the top mistake for podiatrists. Whether you are a new or ... Read more
Tarsometatarsal or Great Toe Arthrodesis? Here’s Why It Matters
If your podiatrist performs arthrodesis on the patient's great toe, you have two codes to... Read more
4 Tips Help Guide Your Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
Turn to flu vaccine policies as precedent. Since a COVID-19 vaccination is now availabl... Read more
Reader Questions:
Secure Mobile Devices in Your Practice
Question: What are some tips we can use to help secure our mobile devices, meet HIPAA requ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Plantar Fascial Fibromatosis Same Dx as Plantar Fasciitis
Question: My podiatrist documented a case of plantar fascial fibromatosis. Which ICD-10-CM... Read more
Reader Questions:
Navigate Correct Modifiers for Medicare Billing
Question: I don't understand the difference between the CR modifier versus the DR conditio... Read more
Reader Questions:
Unna Boot Code Includes Supplies
Question: My podiatrist applied an Unna boot to help treat the patient's venous statis ulc... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know How to Handle “Correlates or Consistent With”
Question: When I'm reporting a diagnosis code, I'm always confused when my physician docum... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include 2 Codes on This Fracture Claim
Question: My podiatrist fixed a fracture of the weight-bearing articular portion of the pa... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Pay Attention to How Many Times to Report 27695
Question: My podiatrist performed a primary ankle collateral ligament repair. In the medic... Read more
Check Medical Documentation for Exact Technique, Number of Lesions to Smoothly Navigate Biopsy Claims
With an incisional biopsy, the podiatrist must use a sharp blade, not a punch tool. When ... Read more
Stress Fractures Involve Repetitive Stress or Force on Bone Caused by Overuse
“A” character indicated an initial encounter for a fracture. If your podiatrist sees... Read more
HCPCS Level II 2021:
Power Through HCPCS Level II 2021 Updates With This Primer
You will no longer be able to report G2058 in 2021. The Centers for Medicare & Medica... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand When to Report External Cause Codes
Question: My podiatrist recently performed a reduction of a traumatic fracture in our offi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Differentiate Between Implant Removal Codes
Question: Can you help me to understand when I would report 20670 for an implant removal v... Read more
Reader Questions:
Define Medical Necessity for Clarity
Question: Can you help define medical necessity for me? North Carolina Subscriber Answer... Read more
Reader Questions:
Discover This ICD-11 Update
Question:  I listened in on a webinar recently where the speaker said to prepare... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report 10060 for Simple I&D
Question: My podiatrist used a No. 11 scalpel to make a simple incision over the target ar... Read more
Grasp Both Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory Patient Criteria to Solidify Your AFO Claims
Hint: The standard written order (SWO) must include specific elements. In the recent webi... Read more
7 Questions Clear up Your Hammertoe ICD-10-CM Coding
Hint: 2 types of hammertoe include flexible and rigid. If your podiatrist sees hammertoe ... Read more
Conquer Provider Queries in Your Podiatry Practice With This Expert Advice
Hint: There are 2 types of provider queries. In the Virtual HEALTHCON 2020 presentation,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Are You Using Most Recent ABN Form?
Question: How do I know whether I'm using the correct advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Solve 28730 Scenario With Ease
Question: My podiatrist completed a first metatarsal-cuneiform arthrodesis (lapidus not fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Define “Unprocessable” Claims for Clarity
Question: We received an “unprocessable” claim from our MAC. Can we appeal this? Cal... Read more
Reader Questions:
Perform Self-Audits in Your Practice
Question: We recently performed a self-audit and found that there are certain issues that ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Always Double Check CCI Edits
Question: I submitted a claim for codes 11056 and 11721, but my MAC denied my claim. Do yo... Read more
Available Years:  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009