Podiatry Coding Alert

CPT® 2019:
Get the Scoop on New CPT® 2019 Skin Biopsy Codes With These Handy Tips
Hint: Learn more about the tangential skin biopsy technique. If you're used to reporting ... Read more
Ace Your Bunion Coding With This Expert Advice
Don't miss: There are special ICD-10 codes you should use when reporting bunionettes. In ... Read more
Bust 3 External Cause Code Myths to Elevate Your ICD-10 Coding
Remember: Never report external cause codes as the primary diagnosis. External cause code... Read more
Reader Question:
MLN Matters® Further Clarifies Modifier GT
Question: Someone in my office mentioned that they read another update about modifier GT. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Familiarize Yourself With These Rules For Online E/M Services
Question: Can you explain how we should document email exchanges between a patient or pati... Read more
Reader Question:
Demystify This Hyperkeratotic Lesion Scenario
Question: The podiatrist used a scalpel to remove a benign hyperkeratotic lesion on the pa... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Confuse Achilles Tendinitis With Peroneal Tendinitis
Question:  Can you explain the difference between Achilles and peroneal tendinitis? W... Read more
CPT® 2019:
Get Ready For These Fine Needle Aspiration, Skin Biopsy, and Allograft Updates
Hint: Don't miss new codes 10004 through 10008. It's CPT® update season once again, and ... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Test Your LOPS Knowledge With These Quick Questions
Hint: You must bill G0247 on same date of service with either G0245 or G0246. If you have... Read more
Be Precise With Your HPI Math to Reach Correct E/M Service
Hint: Make sure you know whether HPI is brief or extended. History of present illness (HP... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to This Code for Hammertoe Correction
Question: The podiatrist performed a rigid hammertoe correction. Which CPT® code should I... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Between Open Versus Closed Fractures
Question: Can you explain the difference between an open and a closed fracture? Californi... Read more
Reader Question:
Zero in on This Bunionectomy Solution
Question: The podiatrist treated a bunion on the side of the patient's foot. He fused the ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Never Report These 64455 in Conjunction With 64632
Question:  The podiatrist destroyed the plantar common digital nerve with a neurolyti... Read more
Shatter These Commonly-Believed Routine Foot Care Services Myths
Hint: Medicare's routine foot care policy has a systemic condition exception. Reporting r... Read more
Heel Spurs:
Confused by Your Heel Spur CPT® and ICD-10 Options? Read This
Hint: Don't confuse calcaneal stress fractures and heel spurs. Do you know what ICD-10 co... Read more
ICD-10 2019:
Navigate Hurricane Aftermath, Underdosing, and Neoplasm ICD-10 2019 Guidelines With Ease
Hint: You should never report an underdosing code as the principal diagnosis. CMS recentl... Read more
Reader Question:
Mark Down These Standard Documentation Requirements for Diabetic Shoes
Question: What are the standard documentation requirements for diabetic shoes? South Dako... Read more
Reader Question:
Get the Scoop on New Medicare Cards
Question: Can you explain what the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) number on the new... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to This Code for Bursal Sac Infection Removal
Question: The podiatrist made an incision through the patient's skin and fascia in his rig... Read more
Reader Question:
Podiatrist Treated Plantar Fasciitis Without Heel Spur Excision? Read This
Question: What CPT® options do I have if the podiatrist treats plantar fasciitis alone an... Read more
Reader Question:
Delve Into HIPAA for Greater Understanding
Question: Could you please explain how HIPAA defines a company as a “business associate�... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decipher This Skin Substitute Graft Scenario
Question: We are applying skin substitute grafts to ankle ulcers, and I have a question ab... Read more
Debunk 5 Morton's Neuroma Coding Myths to Solidify Your Podiatry Reimbursement
Hint: You should not report 64455 in conjunction with 64632. When it comes to Morton's ne... Read more
CCI 24.2 Update:
CCI 24.2 is Here. Do You Know How Your Podiatry Claims Will be Impacted?
Don't miss these 38222 PTP edit pair modifier indicator changes. CMS recently released it... Read more
Sharpen Your Skills and Tackle These Puzzling EOB FAQs
Remember: An EOB is not a bill. If you've ever received patient calls in your podiatry pr... Read more
Reader Question:
Zero in on Correct Dx Choices for Ankle Effusion
Question: The podiatrist documented that the patient has effusion in her right ankle. What... Read more
Reader Question:
99211 is Not Just for Nurses
Question: There has been debate in the office about which healthcare professionals can app... Read more
Reader Question:
Turn to This ICD-10 Code for Achilles Tendon Rupture
Question: The patient came into the office with an initial encounter for a rupture of his ... Read more
Reader Question:
See How PFSH Differs Between New and Established Patients
Question: How does PFSH relate to new vs. established patients? North Carolina Subscriber... Read more
Reader Question:
Count on 27695 for This Ankle Ligament Repair Scenario
Question: What code should we report for a primary ankle ligament repair? Wisconsin Subsc... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Heed CCI Policy Manual Instructions for This Scenario
Question: The physician performed a three-view X-ray of the patient's foot and a two-view ... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Check Out Non-Pressure Ulcer Revisions, Shiny New T and Z Codes
Dial into these revisions for last year's non-pressure ulcer codes. CMS recently publishe... Read more
Sharpen Your Ruptured Achilles Tendon Repair Coding Skills With This Quiz
Did the podiatrist perform the Achilles repair with or without a graft? A patient comes i... Read more
NCCI Edits:
Bust 3 Common Casting, Splinting Myths With NCCI Policy Manual
Hint: Watch out for strapping and restorative treatment on same anatomic area. As a coder... Read more
Quiz Answers:
Test Your Answers Against These Achilles Coding Solutions
Hint: Make sure you know whether it's a primary or secondary repair. Think you aced the A... Read more
Reader Question:
Always Report a Capsulotomy With Care
Question: The podiatrist documented a capsulorrhaphy of the second metatarsophalangea... Read more
Reader Question:
Rely on This POS for Telehealth Services
Question: Do we need to append modifier GT to telehealth services we provide from our prac... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Whether Pathological Fracture is Due to Osteoporosis or Not
Question: What do the ICD-10 Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting say about report... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Test Your Pathological Coding Skills With This Scenario
Question: Our podiatrist saw a 72-year-old man for a fracture of the right foot. He was or... Read more
Pathological Fractures:
Handy Tips Enhance Your Pathological Coding Proficiency
Report 7th character "A" as long as the patient receiving active treatment for fracture. ... Read more
Understand Wound Depth When Reporting Debridement Claims
Puzzle out CPT® and ICD-10 codes in this debridement scenario. If your podiatrist sees p... Read more
3 Modifier FAQs Will Show When You Should—And Shouldn't—Separately Report an E/M Service
Hint: Never mix up modifiers 25 and 57 on your claims. Your podiatry practice must know h... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Between 28288 and 28104
Question: Can you please explain the difference between 28288 and 28104? There has been so... Read more
Reader Question:
Decipher This Plantar Warts Conundrum
Question: A patient had several plantar warts on the sole of her right foot, and the podia... Read more
Reader Question:
See Where to Look for Solitary Bone Cyst Dx
Question: The podiatrist diagnosed the patient with a solitary bone cyst in his left ankle... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Miss the Modifiers on This Claim
Question: The podiatrist performed a level-four evaluation and management (E/M) service fo... Read more
Demystify Your Ankle Fracture Treatment Options for Coding Success
Hint: Don't forget about syndesmotic injuries. You have a lot to remember when it comes t... Read more
Build Your CERT Program Knowledge, Submit Cleaner Claims
Hint: Know your appeal rights when it comes to CERT. Whether you have been coding for two... Read more
Bust 3 Modifier Myths to Protect Your Bottom Line
Hint: Don't confuse modifiers 58 and 78. As a podiatry coder, you know how important modi... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Out This Excision Scenario
Question: The podiatrist excised a subcutaneous abnormal mass from immediately below the p... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Your Non-Pressure Chronic Ulcer Rules
Question: How should you code for an admitted patient with a non-pressure chronic ulcer th... Read more
Reader Question:
Pinpoint Correct Ankle Pain Dx
Question: A patient reported to our practice complaining of pain in the right foot around ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Simple or Complicated I&D? Find Out
Question: The podiatrist examined a 23-year-old male patient who complained of severe pain... Read more
Pathological Fractures:
Build Your ICD-10 Skills For Pathological Fracture Reporting Success
Hint: Don't make this common M84.4- mistake. When it comes to coding podiatry fractures, ... Read more
Ankle Fractures:
Quick FAQs Clear Up Your Ankle Fracture Coding Confusion
Keep an eye out in the documentation for "bimalleolar equivalent fracture." Reporting fra... Read more
Gustilo Classification:
Reference the Gustilo Classification for Precise Open Ankle Fracture Coding
Hint: You must know the depth of the wound and the extent of tissue damage. When you look... Read more
Reader Question:
Zero in on This CPT® Code for Closed Metatarsal Fracture Treatment
Question: The podiatrist took an X-ray of a patient who tripped and fell down the stairs i... Read more
Reader Question:
Decipher Between 28755 and 28750
Question: The podiatrist performed an arthrodesis of the interpha­langeal joint of the pa... Read more
Reader Question:
Make Sense of Tenotomy Procedure
Question: The podiatrist treated mallet toe with an open flexor tenotomy at the plantar as... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Mind Your Modifier 53 Use
Question: The podiatrist began a screw removal on an in-patient in the hospital - 20680 (R... Read more
Fractures, Part 2:
3 Quick Tips Reinforce Your Traumatic Ankle Fracture Coding Understanding
Hint: The Gustilo fracture classification is for open fractures only. Reporting fractures... Read more
Orthotics 101:
Demystify Your Orthotics Reporting With This FAQ
Hint: Grasp the importance of the physician's assessment. Knowing how to report ankle-foo... Read more
Familiarize Yourself With These Clinical Documentation Improvement Concepts
Don't miss five questions to ask yourself when implementing a new process. If you struggl... Read more
Reader Question:
Grasp How to Report Unna Boot Application
Question: Which CPT® code should we use to report an Unna boot application? California S... Read more
You Be the Coder:
See Which Hammertoe Correction Code to Choose
Question: The podiatrist performed a level-three evaluation and management (E/M) service o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Podiatrist Performs Cheilectomy for Hallux Rigidus? Report This Code
Question: The podiatrist surgically corrected the patient's hallux rigidus deformity witho... Read more
Fractures, Part 1:
Hone Your Traumatic Fracture Coding Know-How With 5 Handy Tips
Check out this expert scenario to see how to code fracture care with manipulation. Chance... Read more
Avoid Common CERT Errors for Orthotics to Fortify Your Future Claims
Remember: If it's not documented, then it hasn't been done. CMS manages the Comprehensive... Read more
Medicare Cards:
Consider All You Need to Know About New Medicare Cards
Hint: You must prepare your practice's systems to accept new MBIs by April 2018. When it ... Read more
Reader Question:
Always Use This POS for Home Visits
Question: The podiatrist performed a home visit 99341 for a new patient. Which POS should ... Read more
Reader Question:
Grasp Correct Rules for This E/M Code
Question: Can you report 99211 for new patients? Codify Subscriber Answer: No. "Use of 9... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to 11765 for Wedge Excision
Question: A patient came into the office with an ingrown left second-digit toenail. The po... Read more
Reader Question:
Documentation is Your Key to Non-Pressure Ulcer Coding Success
Question: The podiatrist documented the admitted patient's non-pressure chronic ulcer as h... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Morton's Neuroma Dx Codes Right Every Time
Question: What are the ICD-10 code options for Morton's neuroma? North Carolina Subscribe... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Mark Down These ICD-10 & CPT® Codes for Plantar Fasciitis
Question: The podiatrist diagnosed the patient with plantar fasciitis. What ICD-10 and CPT... Read more
CCI 24.0 Update:
Implement These Orthotic and Prosthetic Management CCI Edits Before You Face Denials
Hint: Always pay attention to the modifier indicator for PTP edits. You've learned about ... Read more
Follow These 5 Handy Tips for CCI Success
Hint: Along with CCI edits, you should also be familiar with the CCI Policy Manual. Keepi... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Fine-Tune Your Hammertoe Coding Skills With This Primer
Hint: There are two types of hammertoe - rigid and flexible. No matter how long you've be... Read more
Will You See a Boost in Your Part B Payment for 2018?
Physicians can expect conversion factor to go up to estimated $35.99 in 2018. Medicare ju... Read more
Reader Question:
Differentiate Between Pertinent and Complete PFSH
Question: Can you give me an example of pertinent PFSH versus complete PFSH? Florida Subs... Read more
Reader Question:
Metatarsalgia Dx? Count on these Codes
Question: What are the ICD-10 options for reporting metatarsalgia? Wisconsin Subscriber ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Caution When Billing for LT
Question: Can you bill a locum tenens (LT) for non-physicians? Delaware Subscriber Answe... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Count on Fracture Care Code in This Case
Question: The physician saw the patient in the ED after she fell off the jungle gym at sch... Read more
CPT® 2018:
Hone Your CPT® 2018 Knowledge With These Quick Questions
Make sure the documentation supports use of 76881 vs. 76882. From orthotic and prosthetic... Read more
Answer These FAQs to Get Your Home Visits Right Every Time
Remember: Always ensure your documentation is complete and legible. If your podiatry prac... Read more
Stay Up-to-Date on the 2018 MPFS Final Rule
CMS did not move forward with E/M documentation revisions like it originally proposed. Ta... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier 25 or Modifier 57? Find Out
Question: Can you tell me when to correctly append modifier 25 versus modifier 57? Nebras... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to These ICD-10 Codes for Heel Spurs
Question: What are the ICD-10 choices for reporting heel spurs? Oregon Subscriber Answer... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know When to Correctly Report 28322
Question: A patient had surgery for an elongated second metatarsal at the ASC. The surgery... Read more
Available Years:  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  

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