Podiatry Coding Alert

Check Out These Routine Foot Care FAQs for Cleaner Claims
Hint: Medicare has a systemic condition exception to its routine foot care policy. Medica... Read more
Diabetic Shoes:
Certifying Physician, Prescribing Physician, or Supplier? Know the Difference
Remember: The certifying physician must be either an MD or DO. To ensure your diabetic sh... Read more
Dodge Modifier 57 Denials With These Quick Tips
Remember: Codes with a 90-day global period are considered major surgeries. Modifiers car... Read more
Reader Question:
Mind Your Modifier 58 Use
Question: A diabetic patient presents with a 2cm ulcer on the plantar surface of his ... Read more
Reader Question:
Podiatrist Applied a Splint? Do This
Question: The podiatrist saw an established patient who complained of ankle pain in h... Read more
Reader Question:
Ace This Wound Treatment Scenario
Question: How should we report the treatment of a foot wound of less than 50 sq. cm t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decipher This Achilles Tendon Repair Situation
Question: The podiatrist repaired the patient's Achilles tendon with a graft. I'm try... Read more
CPT® 2018:
Gear up for Orthotic & Prosthetic Management Changes, Plus Both a Ultrasound and E/M Language Revision
Hint: Code 76881 includes real-time ultrasound scans of a joint. It's CPT® update season... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Test Your Diabetic Shoe Knowledge With a Quick Quiz
Remember: The diabetic shoe benefit resets itself every calendar year. From understanding... Read more
Modifier 25:
Payer's New Modifier 25 Policy Reduces Your Payment By Half
Documentation for additional E/M must be entered in separate section of medical record. Y... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Count on Z47.89 in This Case
Question: The podiatrist performed an MRI on a patient who had a displaced fracture o... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient has Ruptured Achilles Tendon? Look to These ICD-10 Codes
Question: The patient came into the emergency department with a ruptured Achilles ten... Read more
Reader Question:
Not Sure When to Refresh ROS? Read This
Question: How often should you update a patient's review of systems (ROS)? I know you... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Make Sure Your Report the Correct Bimalleolar Fracture Code
Question: How do we know which bimalleolar fracture code to report? Colorado Subscri... Read more
Diabetic Shoes:
Billing for Diabetic Shoes? Remember These 5 Important Coverage Requirements
Hint: To qualify for diabetic shoes, the patient must have a diabetes diagnosis. If your ... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Put Your Non-Pressure Chronic Ulcer Coding Skills to the Test
See how to code for patients with a non-pressure ulcer documented as healing. CMS and the... Read more
News You Can Use:
Proposed MPFS Explores Comment Areas Regarding E/M Documentation Guidelines
CMS considers making MDM and/or time main factor in determining E/M visit levels. In the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember Modifier 78 for This Claim
Question: The podiatrist performed surgery on a patient at the ASC for an elongated s... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Miss New Diabetes ICD-10 2018 Codes
Question: When I was looking through the list of new ICD-10 2018 codes, I noticed add... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Look to 28120 for Partial Excision of Talus Bone
Question: What code should I report when the podiatrist performs a partial excision o... Read more
ICD-10 Spotlight:
Confused by Which Code to Report for the Morton's Neuroma Treatment Level? Read This
Hint: You can only report both 64455 and 64632 one time per session. Morton's neuroma is ... Read more
Answer These FAQs to Get Your Podiatry Coding Right Every Time
Remember: You must append modifier 59when reporting 27695 for two or more repairs. Whethe... Read more
E/M Skills Sharpener:
3 Answers Clear Up Confusion About MDM Vs. Medical Necessity
Experts say medical necessity should drive the amount of history and exam the physician pe... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Out What Code to Report for Corn Treatment
Question: A new patient came in complaining of corns and calluses on the bottom of he... Read more
Reader Question:
Break Down This Strapping Scenario
Question: My podiatrist reviewed an established patient who complained of having pain... Read more
Reader Question:
Prepare for Brand-New ICD-10 2018 Ulcer Codes
Question: All of the upcoming ICD-10 additions are overwhelming. There are going to b... Read more
Reader Question:
Always Study the CCI Edits
Question: Can you bill bunionectomy codes 28297 with 28299 or 28292? Iowa Subscriber... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Select Correct Foot Foreign Body Removal Code
Question: Recently, a patient came in complaining about mild pain after stepping on a... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Breaking: Chronic Ulcer Codes Dominate ICD-10 2018 Podiatry Additions
CMS adds new “without evidence of necrosis” ulcer codes. CMS recently publish... Read more
Dodge These Common Home Visit Errors With Ease
Hint: The documentation must support your use of modifier 25. Correctly reporting home vi... Read more
Answer 3 Questions to Perfect Your PFSH Skills
Hint: Check out this PFSH advice from our experts. If you find calculating the correct le... Read more
Reader Question:
Determine Correct Code for Great Toe Fracture
Question: The podiatrist repaired a great toe fracture without surgery or manipulatio... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Break Down Medicare's Routine Nail Care Policy
Question: What is Medicare’s policy for covering routine nail care? Hawaii Sub... Read more
News You Can Use:
NGS Reveals Top Home Visit Mistakes Podiatrists Make
Hint: Bill POS 12 for home visits. A recent National Government Services (NGS) service-sp... Read more
3 Common Running Injuries You Need to Know
Hint: Report M72.2 for plantar fasciitis. Running puts a lot of stress on your feet, and ... Read more
E/M 101:
Get Answers to Erase Your Locum Tenens Confusion
Hint: Pay attention to the time limit. Imagine this scenario: Dr. Smith, one of the podia... Read more
Reader Question:
Telephone E/M Doesn't Apply
Question: We had a new patient come into the office, and the physician did a complete... Read more
Reader Question:
Grasp E/M Documentation Guidelines
Question: I’ve heard that I can choose either the 1995 or the 1997 documentatio... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Puzzle Out Trimming Vs. Debridement
Question: Do we use the same CPT® codes to report trimming and debridement of a p... Read more
Enhance Your Podiatry Coding With FAQs About CCI Edits
Get ready for CCI with tips from our pros. Over 20 years ago, CMS created the Correct Cod... Read more
Sharpen Your Coding Skills With This Podiatry Quiz
Hint: Know where Medicare stands with routine foot care services. For several months, you... Read more
E/M Review:
Bust These 3 Myths About 99211, Safeguard Your Podiatry Coding
Hint: Only report 99211 for established patients. In some cases, an established patient m... Read more
Quiz Answers:
Align Your Answers With These Podiatry Coding Solutions
Hint: Study the new bunion codes. Think you made an A+ on the podiatry coding quiz on pag... Read more
Reader Question:
Master Modifier 25 for E/M Encounters
Question: There’s been debate in our practice about how to properly append modi... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Correct Jones Fracture Code
Question: In the medical documentation, the podiatrist diagnosed the patient with a J... Read more
Reader Question:
Get New and Established Patient Right Every Time
Question: A new podiatrist is joining our clinic next year. This podiatrist is coming... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Your Calcific Achilles Tendonitis DX Here
Question: The podiatrist documented an excision for thickening of the Achilles tendon... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Right Option For Weekly Clubfeet Casting
Question: We have a patient who comes in every week for recasting to treat his bilate... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decode 29540/20550 PTP Edit Pair
Question: I’m not sure how to correctly report 29540 and 20550. I’ve been... Read more
Diabetic Foot Care:
What You Could be Missing When Routine Foot Care Isn't Routine
Turn to these G codes when you’re treating patients with LOPS. Medicare announced i... Read more
Keep Your Documentation Claims Clearly Legible and Free from Denials
Focus on CMS signature requirements or you risk the wrong use of signatures. If you&rsquo... Read more
Take This Primer on Medically Necessary Toenail Procedures
Use these 3 questions and answers to spot the difference between medically necessary toe t... Read more
Removing the Confusion from Post-Reduction X-Rays
Make sure you know your modifiers when performing follow-up imaging services. Coding for ... Read more
Reader Question:
Untangle This Locum Tenens Scenario
Question: I’ve never coded for a locum tenens (LT) physician and our practice r... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Determine the Size of the Lesion
Question: When our podiatrist performs shaving or excision of a lesion, should we con... Read more
Code for Site Specificity with Your Podiatry Biopsies
Look for details on nail bed services, test results to increase your coding accuracy. If ... Read more
You Have 3 Options When Coding for Debridement vs. Biopsy
These 3 scenarios will help you get your claims accepted the first time. Whether for skin... Read more
Upgrade Your Image Reporting with the FX Modifier
CMS has begun penalizing reimbursements for non-digital imaging services. By now, pretty ... Read more
Expect Extra CMS Scrutiny of Routine Foot Care and E/M
Avoid audit hotspots with these 3 strategies. Even the most experienced coders struggle w... Read more
Reader Question:
Nail Clipping May Not Mean E/M Code Too
Question: Is there a code you would charge for seeing a patient and doing a clipping ... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Coverage for Routine Nail Care
Question: If a patient has neuropathy from chemotherapy, but is not a diabetic and do... Read more
You Be the Coder:
I&D of Plantar Space Infection
Question: If my physician performed a procedure that included an I&D of plantar s... Read more
How Your Podiatry Practice Can Reap the Benefits of MIPS in 2017
These tips will help you easily maximize your MIPS potential in its first year. MIPS i... Read more
How Will MIPS Affect Your Coding? Find Out
QPP’s core values are in line with ICD-10, facilitating greater clarity & more... Read more
Primer on Diabetic Foot Ulcer Coding
A how-to guide on successfully coding DFUs under ICD-10 Diabetes and diabetic wounds a... Read more
Reader Question:
Isolate These Foot Orthotics Diagnoses
Question: What diagnosis codes besides plantar fasciitis and diabetes are billed fo... Read more
Reader Question:
Get to the Bottom of this ICD-10 Coding Mistake
Question: I’ve begun a small rural clinic and am taking over a lot of the cod... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Sort Through This Modifier 79, 58 Issue
Question: I have a question about modifiers 79 (Unrelated procedure or service by t... Read more
MIPS Adoption: Pros and Cons for Your Podiatry Practice
Here’s how to crunch the numbers that forecast MIPS’ effects. To take the ... Read more
What You Must Do To Meet MIPS Requirements in 2017
The good news about MIPS? Practices won’t have to do very much in 2017 to avoid re... Read more
Practice Management:
Podiatry Practice Benchmarks Start Your New Year Right
Gauge the financial health of your practice. Find ways to boost profits. As you feel o... Read more
4 Tips for Effective TRICARE Billing
This military payer is often the secondary insurance. No matter how far from a militar... Read more
A Lesson on Lesions: How Grafts and Closures Affect Coding
Resist the temptation to overcode, and keep the lesion size plus margin equation simple ... Read more
Reader Question:
For an MD Covering For Another, Do This
Question: What is the correct CPT® code to use when billing for a patient seen ... Read more
Reader Question:
Pinpoint the Code for Diabetic Shoes
Question: Are A5500 and A5513 the right codes to bill for shoes for diabetic Medica... Read more
Reader Question:
Can You Bill Repeat Fracture Care? Find Out
Question: We had a patient come presenting a fractured left great toe. We billed fo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Follow the Birthday Rule
Question: I just received a call from a patient’s parent claiming that we did... Read more
2017 Brings Big Changes to Bone Biopsies, Bunions, Foot Fractures & More
Ring in the New Year with this summary of crucial podiatry coding and billing changes. ... Read more
Audit-Proof Your Podiatry Practice in 2017
Follow these steps to safeguard yourself from practice-killing penalties in the event of... Read more
Does Your Podiatry Practice's Compliance Program Have These 7 Essential Elements?
Having an effective compliance program can not only prevent mistakes from occurring but ... Read more
Practice Management:
Watch Out: Compliance Blunders Just Got More Expensive
FCA, Stark, Anti-Kickback & HIPAA get teeth with new civil monetary penalties. It&... Read more
Reader Question:
Mind the Details with Partial Amputation
Question: I performed a procedure which included an I&D of plantar space infect... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand this New Patient Quirk
Question: Our office recently had a patient referred to us for treatment for a cond... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Verify Coverage During Scheduling
Question: Do I have any options for filing claims on patients who say they have new... Read more
Available Years:  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009