Podiatry Coding Alert

Dig Into Details to Decipher Lesion and Tumor Codes
Growth characteristics, size, and depth give handy clues to accurate coding. If your paye... Read more
Distinguish Lesions From Tumors
A lesion is any localized area of diseased or dead tissue. While lesions may be located on... Read more
3 Tips Unlock the Secrets of Modifier 59 Success
Separate sites, modifier indicators hold clues to proper use. When your podiatrist perfor... Read more
Capitalize on Physician's After Hours Services
Show your payer the cost of not paying on after-hours codes. If your practice is open dur... Read more
Avulsion of Nail Plate
Podiatry Coding Alert Volume 1, Number 2 contained a partially incorrect answer to the av... Read more
Bill Separately for Distinct Joint and Tendon Procedures
Question: My podiatrist fused the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) of a patient's bi... Read more
Injury Location Determines FB Removal Code
Question: Our clinic performed minor surgery on a patient to remove a metal fragment from... Read more
Report Only One Surgery Type at a Time
Question: I am new to podiatry and I need help with billing tenotomy cases. How many time... Read more
Distinguish Pain Killing Agents in Plantar Injections
Question: Our clinic has a number of patients seeking treatment for pain in the sole of t... Read more
Prove Medical Necessity Before Billing House Calls
Question: Our podiatrist sometimes gets requests for house calls from senior patients. Th... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Shave Errors By Pinning Down Lesion Size
Question: A patient came for a follow up visit after treatment for an injured ankle. Duri... Read more
CPT 2010 Update:
Flesh Out Tumor Excision Details With Several New, More Specific CPT Codes
If your podiatrist doesn't diligently document tumor size, you'll start losing r... Read more
Fee Changes Could Wreak Havoc on Your Consult Pay
CPT 2010 leaves the codes untouched -- but that doesn't mean you'll get paid. Althou... Read more
3 FAQs Eliminate Your Diabetic Neuropathy Coding Confusion
Choosing the right G codes will ensure your timely reimbursement. Capturing payment for r... Read more
LOPS Defined
In general, Loss of Protective Sensation (LOPS) occurs when an individual is unable to sen... Read more
Single Vs. Double Osteotomy Affects Code Choice
Question: I am new to podiatry coding and I'm finding that the podiatrist I code for uses... Read more
Save Post-Op Codes for Original Surgeon
Question: A patient had an orthopedic surgeon put a pin in her second toe on her left foo... Read more
Count Supply Cost in Your In-Office Procedure Pay
Question: My doctors want me to bill for supplies, like surgical trays, that they use dur... Read more
Overcome Complicated Complication Differences
Question: A patient who is in the 90-day global period of a surgical procedure has compli... Read more
Timely Filing Miss Doesn't Always Mean No Pay
Question: A payer denied our claim because we missed the timely filing deadline. The prob... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Tendon Injection Preclude Strapping Code?
Question: I have received tons of conflicting information regarding codes 29540 and 20550... Read more
ICD-9 2010 Update:
Master Neoplasm, Embolism Dx Changes Before Denials Roll In
Plus, you can also add several new personal history V codes to your arsenal. This month y... Read more
News You Can Use:
CMS Proposes Jan. 1 Elimination of Consultation Coding
The goal: Eliminate confusion over transfers of care. If you cringe every time you see th... Read more
Part 2:
Seek Outside Help for Lingering Payer, Claims Issues
When a payer won't communicate, lean on your colleagues for support. What if you take the... Read more
64455 Eliminates Plantar Digit Guesswork
Question: Our podiatrist administered steroid injections on a patient's big toes on both ... Read more
Turn to Modifier 50 for Bilateral Procedure
Question: Our doctor injected our patient with 10 mg Kenalog each on both feet. Should I ... Read more
Match Specs for Accurate Diabetic Shoe Coding
Question: We are currently billing A5500 and A5513 for shoes for diabetic Medicare patien... Read more
Code Only Medically Necessary Nail Trims
Question: The doctor in our clinic trims almost every patient's nails upon consultation b... Read more
Nail Down 'Rupture' Before Choosing 27650
Question: Our podiatrist excised a portion of our patient's Achilles tendon, reanastomose... Read more
Avoid 99441-99443 After In-Office E/M
Question: A new patient came to our office, and the physician did a complete workup, resu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Between Supply and Service Codes
Question: Another podiatrist told my doctor that billing L3000 at the time of casting is ... Read more
Get Paid for Minor Procedures and E/M Service on the Same Day
2 scenarios show you how to apply modifier 25 for separate procedures. When patients come... Read more
ICD-9 2010:
New Codes Help You Better Describe Gout Stages
2 Select acute or chronic and indicate tophi presence with new 5th digits. You'll be able... Read more
Are You Using Modifier 25 Accurately?
Modifier 25 is one of the most misunderstood modifiers. In many cases, it is misused, miss... Read more
Part 1:
Master the Art of Working With -- Or Around -- Problem Payers
Follow these steps and get results from every payer. You know all too well that problem p... Read more
Describe 4 Types of Gout -- Here's How
Brush up on your gout details and apply the new codes accurately with these definitions: &... Read more
In the August issue we had an incorrect answer to the reader question on pp. 14 and 15 hav... Read more
How Do I Code for Flat Feet?
Question: This is somewhat new to me, but apparently Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) does n... Read more
Nail Debridement and Modifiers
Question: I am getting denied for CPT 11721 with a diagnosis of 110.1. Is it because I a... Read more
Omit Location Modifier
Question: My physician billed a 99202 (Office or other outpatient visit) with a 17110 (De... Read more
Are Multiple Anesthetic Injections Allowed?
Question: How many times can a patient get an injection (64455) before it is global per M... Read more
Decide on Electronic Vs. Paper Record Retention
Question: My practice is running out of space for storing our paper records. How long do ... Read more
Do Your Homework Before Hiring Outside Help
Question: Our practice just combined with another practice, and we're thinking about outs... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Finesse Toe Amputation
Question: I am having difficulty coding an OP report. The preoperative and postoperative ... Read more
Don't get nervous over using plantar digital nerve codes
Keep these 4 tips in mind for successful claims every time. CPT 2009 introduced two new c... Read more
Medicare might pay for mycotic nail debridement
Know frequency limitations for CPT 11720 and CPT 11721 . If Medicare routinely denies cl... Read more
Follow carrier's lead for G0247 usage:
Follow carrier's lead for G0247 usage:
Extra guidelines apply if you don't submit 11720 or 11721. When you prepare claims for my... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use judgment for nursing home nail treatment
Question: Our podiatrist treats many nursing home patients. One has foot pain and al... Read more
Reader Questions:
Coding certain conditions requires PCP info
Question: When we see a patient for CPT 11055 and/or CPT 11720, do we include the last da... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch T modifiers with hammertoe correction
Question: When coding multiple hammertoe correction, should I submit 28285 with the appro... Read more
Reader Questions:
Verify if carrier allows 99304 for podiatrist
Question: Is 99307 the correct code for a nursing home consult? Our podiatrist has seen t... Read more
Reader Questions:
11730 includes all or part of the nail
Question: A patient came to our office with five ingrown toenails. Our physician complete... Read more
Reader Questions:
Yes, CCI does allow 28110 with 28285
Question: What factors should we consider about billing 28110 with 28285? Wisconsin Subsc... Read more
Reader Questions:
Yes, CCI does allow 28110 with 28285
Question: What factors should we consider about billing 28110 with 28285? Wisconsin Subsc... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Criteria Before Coding Consult
Question: A new patient came to our office with pain in his foot. We performed a complete... Read more
Reader Questions:
Document for multiple units of 20680
Question: The podiatrist removed screws from two separate incisions on a patient. Medicar... Read more
Reader Questions:
'Unlisted' best for hallux limitus and arthroplasty
Question: Our podiatrist performed a joint replacement for hallux limitus and thinks we s... Read more
You be the coder:
Billing office visit before admission
Question: Our podiatrist saw a patient for a wound care visit and documented the need for... Read more
Available Years:  2009