Eli's Rehab Report


Keep Track of PQRI Measures

Know the correct quality data codes to put on your claims form.

If you're a PT or OT in private practice, you can participate in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Physician Quality Reporting Initiative and receive a 2 percent bonus for these claims. CMS has just released its latest specs for 2009, and we've put the measures relevant to rehab in an easy-to read chart. Email the editor for a copy at lindseyr@eliresearch.com.

For a review on how to report PQRI measures, see Physical Medicine & Rehab Coding Alert, Vol. 10, No. 2. To view CMS' complete 2009 PQRI measure specifications, go to www.cms.hhs.gov/PQRI/15_MeasuresCodes.asp#TopOfPag, scroll to "Downloads," and click on the second link.

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