Question: How should we report an F-wave study only? New Mexico Subscriber Answer: Effective Jan. 1, 1996, CPT deleted 95935 (H or F reflex study, by electrodiagnostic testing) and did not replace it with a new F-wave-only code. Most carriers do not maintain policies regarding how to report F-wave studies performed alone, so you should contact your insurer to determine how it prefers you to submit the claim. Chances are, they will request that you report either 95903-52 (Reduced services) or 95999 (Unlisted neurological or neuromuscular diagnostic procedure). Either way, you should submit your chart notes from the session along with a short letter explaining why you performed only the F-wave study.
Because you did not perform a full nerve conduction study, 95903 (Nerve conduction, amplitude and latency/ velocity study, each nerve; motor, with F-wave study) does not apply either.