Eli's Rehab Report


Therapists Dodge Caps, Fee Schedule Cuts a Little Longer

Feeling Medicare therapy cap and fee schedule woes? The Temporary Extension Act of 2010 (HR 4691) just bought you a little more time.

On March 3, President Obama signed this bill into law, which puts the 21.9 percent 2010 Medicare fee schedule pay cut on hold and reinstates the therapy cap exceptions process until March 31, 2010.

Lawmakers created the one-month extension legislation so Congress would have time to work on "a larger jobs bill, which could contain a longer-term extension to the therapy caps exception process and prevention of Medicare physician fee payments cuts," according to the American Physical Therapy Association's weekly news bulletin, News Now.

Don't miss: Because therapy caps have been in effect since Jan. 1 with no exceptions process, you may now bill your 2010 claims retroactively to Jan. 1 with exceptions.

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