Eli's Rehab Report

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Coding: SLPs Welcome New Dysphagia ICD-9s

Rockville, Md. -- You heard about the AMA's proposed ICD-9s this summer -- well now they're final. And beginning on Oct. 1, you will need to report new -- and more specific -- codes for dysphagia. The following is a list of the AMA's final ICD-9s for dysphagia, which are a result of an ASHA recommendation for more specificity in dysphagia classification, according to an e-mail from ASHA to the press:

787.20 -- Dysphagia, unspecified

787.21 -- Dysphagia, oral phase

787.22 -- Dysphagia, oropharyngeal phase

787.23 -- Dysphagia, pharyngeal phase

787.24 -- Dysphagia, pharyngoesophageal phase

787.29 -- Other dysphagia.

Don't miss: In lieu of the new diagnosis codes, regional home health intermediary Palmetto GBA has revised its local coverage determinations for home health occupational therapy (LCD 02HH-0015-L) and speech language pathology (LCD 02HH-005-L).

The OT determination added the following codes to the list that support medical necessity: 359.21, 359.22, 359.23, 359.24 and 359.29. It also included the codes expanded from 787.2: 787.20, 787.21, 787.22, 787.23, 787.24 and 787.29.

Likewise, Palmetto added the following codes to its SLP determination medical necessity support list: 315.34, 359.21, 359.22, 359.23, 359.24, 359.29, 388.45, 389.05, 389.06, 389.13, 389.17, 389.20, 389.21 and 389.22. It also included 787.20-787.29, expanded from 787.2, Palmetto explains.

Good idea: Everyone should keep an eye on their payers' LCDs for changes brought on by the new ICD-9s.

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