Heads up, therapists in skilled nursing facility settings: CMS just released the Proposed SNF PPS -- and the changes are huge. The rule unveils the new RUG-IV system for Oct. 2010, and its a major overhaul. For example, there are thirteen new RUGs, and SNFs wont be able to capture preadmission services. Some experts even think SNFs wont be able to capture projected rehab therapy services.
Meanwhile, after some back and forth, MDS 3.0 preparation will be heating up again in October -- if the revised guidelines stay on track. CMS expects to publish the final MDS 3.0 data specifications, including RUGs, RAP triggers, and quality measures and indicators, in October 2009. It will also publish the MDS 3.0 data elements, which includes admission, quarterly, swing beg, and discharge MDSs. Also look for publication of the MDS 3.0 RAI Users Manual.
Key: The timeline calls for MDS 3.0 implementation on Oct. 1, 2010. Review the entire revised timeline for MDS 3.0 by clicking on the Downloads section on the MDS 3.0 for Nursing Home Web page at: www.cms.hhs.gov/NursingHomeQualityInits25_NHQIMDS30.asp. For more information on how the MDS 3.0 will affect rehab, see Physical Medicine & Rehab Coding Alert, Vol. 10, No. 3.