WASHINGTON, D.C. -- If you've obtained updated CMS-1500 forms to accommodate the National Provider Identifier (NPI), the forms may not be valid.
Snag: CMS noted on March 12 that certain print vendors, specifically the Government Printing Office (GPO), are selling incorrectly formatted versions of the revised form.
"After reviewing the situation, the GPO has determined that the source files they received from the NUCC's authorized forms designer were improperly formatted," CMS said in a press release. "This resulted in the sale of both printed forms and negatives which do not comply with the form specifications."
Next step: Given the circumstances, CMS has decided to extend the CMS-1500 (12-90) version acceptance period beyond the original April 1, 2007, deadline while the situation is resolved. "Medicare contractors will be directed to continue to accept the Form CMS-1500 (12-90) until notified by CMS to cease," CMS said, estimating a target date of June 1, 2007.
In the meantime, CMS is directing contractors to return, not manually key, any CMS-1500 (08-05) forms they receive that are not printed to specification. For more information on identifying correct and incorrect forms, visit www.cms.hhs.gov/ElectronicBillingEDITrans/Downloads/1500%20problems.pdf or contact Brian Reitz at Brian.Reitz@cms.hhs.gov.