Question: A 15-year-old established male patient reports to the pediatrician for his annual physical. Encounter notes indicate that the provider also took a complete lipid panel during the encounter. How should I report this encounter? Texas Subscriber Answer: You should be able to report a pair of codes for this encounter. On your claim, report Remember: In order to report 80061, the provider must obtain the following measurements during the panel: If the provider does not obtain all three of these measurements during the lipid panel, don’t report 80061; instead, report the measurements separately. So, let’s say that notes indicate the pediatrician performed a preventive medicine visit and a panel consisting of total cholesterol serum and triglycerides, you’d report Why pediatricians? Most of the time, lipid panel tests happen in a cardiologist’s office. There are times, however, when a pediatrician will detect an underlying systemic issue that prompts her to perform a lipid panel. Many times, these diagnostic services occur when a patient presents for a well visit such as an annual physical.