Reader Questions:
Report Fungal Sinusitis With Combination of Codes
Published on Sat Nov 20, 2010
Question: Is there is a specific diagnosis code for fungal sinusitis? Answer: Although looking up "Sinusitis: due to: fungus, any sinus" in the Alphabet Index, Volume 2 of ICD-9-CM directs you to "117.9," a single code doesn't describe fungal sinusitis. You should instead use a combination of ICD-9 codes to represent the condition. "Use additional code to identify manifestation," according to the initial instruction for category 110-118, Mycoses. For the primary diagnosis, list the chronic or acute sinusitis. Then code the underlying fungal infection as the secondary diagnosis. Here's how: Step 1: Report the appropriate sinusitis code for sinus membrane lining inflammation. Use 461.x for acute sinusitis. For chronic sinusitis -- frequent or persistent infections lasting more than three months -- assign 473.x. Choose the fourthdigit code based on where the sinusitis occurs. For example, for ethmoidal chronic sinusitis, you should report (473.2, Chronic sinusitis; ethmoidal). Your pediatrician will most [...]