Pediatric Coding Alert


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Question: Do you know of any pediatric coding conferences coming up in the next year or two?

Iowa Subscriber

Answer: Many pediatric-specific conferences do exist. The Coding Institute recently held a pediatric coding conference in Naples, Fla.

The event featured Pediatric Coding Alert's consulting editors Victoria S. Jackson, practice management consultant with JCM Inc. in California; and Richard H. Tuck, MD, FAAP, a nationally recognized pediatric coding speaker with PrimeCare of Southeastern Ohio; and several of the publication's editorial advisory board members including Joel Bradley Jr., MD, FAAP, pediatrician at Premier Medical Group in Clarksville, Tenn.; and Jeffrey F. Linzer Sr., MD, FAAP, FACEP, associate medical director for Compliance and Business Affairs at EPG--Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston.

The editor had the pleasure of hearing these experts first-hand and will include their advice in upcoming articles. If you weren't able to attend the three-day conference, plan now to come to next year's or order a CD copy of the seminars. For more information, visit

The American Academy of Pediatrics also offers coding seminars at the National Conference and Exhibition. The next one will be held in Atlanta on Oct.  7-10, 2006. To learn more, go to