Pediatric Coding Alert


Choose J Code Based on Drug, Not Name

Question: Publications list the code for Phenergan as J2250 (Midazolam hydrochloride). Would it be more appropriate to report J2550 for Phenergan, if promethazine is indeed the generic and Phenergan is the brand name?

Pennsylvania Subscriber

Answer: You should select the appropriate HCPCS supply code based on the drug and dosage. Generic or name brand does not affect code assignment because the supply codes reflect the drug, not the brand. So whether you use the generic promethazine or the name brand Phenergan, you should code the injectable with J2550 (Injection, promethazine HCl, up to 50 mg).

Looking up either product -- "promethazine HCl" or "Phenergan" -- in the index of the HCPCS Manual will refer you to the same code: J2550, not J2250 (Injection, midazolam HCl, per 1 mg), which is for Versed.

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