Pediatric Coding Alert

ICD-9 2004 Will End Pre-Birth Counseling, Synagis Dilemmas

You cant code to the highest specificity unless a diagnosis exists for the patients condition. So, how do you report a pre-birth counseling visit? Starting Oct. 1, you may be able to use V65.11 (Pediatric pre-birth visit for expectant mother). The proposed rule for ICD-9 2004 contains this new V code, as well as 120 other new and revised codes.

Pediatric coders may benefit from more diagnoses, signs and symptoms, and V codes. For instance, instead of reporting gestational age and weight for Synagis vaccines, ICD-9 may add a diagnosis specifically for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) inoculations: V04.82 (Need for prophylactic vaccination and inoculation, respiratory syncytial virus [RSV]). Other top changes may include a new code for cough variant asthma (493.82) and an emergency contraceptive counseling code (V25.03, Encounter for emergency contraceptive counseling and prescription). Plus, generalists as well as neonatologists and endocrinologists may benefit from greater specificity for sickle-cell anemia coding and carnitine deficiencies.

Jeffrey Linzer Sr., MD, MICP, FAAP, American Academy of Pediatrics ICD-9-CM editorial advisory board representative, will offer advice on using the new and revised pediatric ICD-9 codes in the September 2003 Pediatric Coding Alert.

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