Pediatric Coding Alert


Practices Appear to Be Split on Advantages to ICD-10 Delay

The AMA, however, has requested delay extended further, through 2015.Whether you submitted comments to CMS about the new proposed ICD-10 date of Oct. 1, 2014 or not, you most likely have an opinion on whether the new diagnosis coding system should be implemented sooner rather than later--and so did the rest of the coding community.Comments about the new implementation date were due on May 17, and 135 comments were publicly posted on the government's feedback Web site, Pediatric Coding Alert reviewed the comments, and the opinions appeared to be split down the middle, with roughly the same number of comments in favor of the delay as those who opposed it. Practices Have Invested in ICD-10Among the voices opposed to the ICD-10 delay was one New York-based coder, who commented, "As an individual, I have spent significant time, energy and money to prepare for this important change to ICD-10-CM...I estimate [...]
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