Don't Sell Yourself Short on Problem Camp Exams
Published on Sun Jun 28, 2009
Tip:Time-based E/M might be in line when managing diabetes, asthma, ADHD. Overlooking time as the key factor on a camp or sports exam in which the patient has a problem could cut $30 per claim. Opportunity: An office visit (99201-99215, Office or Other Outpatient Services) using time as the key factor might be appropriate. Watch for Chronic Conditions If there is a chronic medical problem to update, e.g. asthma, we often use that diagnosis code (such as 493.00, Extrinsic asthma; unspecified) and code by time, as counseling will often be more than 50 percent of the visit time, says Marc Tanenbaum, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician with Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Atlanta. The patients health problem might affect his ability to participate in a certain camp activity or type of camp. Id want to do a more recent assessment and some updated counseling regarding the patients health issue and how [...]