Pediatric Coding Alert

Concussion Management:

3 Tips Help You Code Head Injuries

Learn what options you have for treating cognitive deficits.Scanning your ICD-9 coding manual for an appropriate diagnosis code can give even seasoned pediatric coders a headache. You probably won't find a perfect code when head injuries are involved, but here's how to get closer than ever before.1. Consider Procedure CodeBefore you've got your diagnosis code nailed down, you'll focus on the appropriate CPT code to describe your service. If the physician provides an outpatient E/M service to evaluate the concussion, you'll report the appropriate code from the 99201-99215 series. If you administer a computerized neuropsychological test to determine the impact of the concussion, report 96120 (Neuropsychological testing [eg, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test], administered by a computer, with qualified health care professional interpretation and report). If, however, you administer a non-computerized neuropsychological test, 96116 (Neurobehavioral status exam...) would be an appropriate code. If you perform both the neuropsych testing and the [...]
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