Pediatric Coding Alert

Avoid Same Date Admission, Discharge Denials By Checking Admit View

Your 99463 view might need tightening. You may never say hello to the $75 for 99463 unless you're vigilant about meeting the insurer's same-date interpretation. Code 99463 specifically states E/M of normal newborn infant admitted and discharged on the same date. Does same date mean the hospital admission date of service has to match the initial h&p note and discharge? Here are two ways policies may view same date. Use 99463 When Hospital, H&P Dates Match Turns out a literal approach to interpreting the sameday admit and discharge code can head off a stack of denials. One Ohio hospital is knee deep in denials for 99463 (Initial hospital or birthing center care, per day, for evaluation and management of normal newborn infant admitted and discharged on the same date) with two dates of service: • one for the hospital admission • one for the history and physical (h&p) and discharge. [...]
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