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Pediatric Coding Alert
Pediatric Coding Alert
Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 12
Don't Shy Away From Billing High-Level Codes When Warranted
See what this practice did right, and what it did wrong. If you see a patient who has ...
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J45 Shifts Focus to Severity for Asthma Reporting
Hint: Identify symptoms and medication use for accurate reporting. Asthma is a common ...
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5 Essential Tips Help You Collect for Inhaler Education
Inhaler demo could pay you $19 — if you know how to navigate the rules. When you...
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Reader Question:
Is Counseling Included in Preventive Service?
Question: When we billed CPT® codes 99395-25 (Periodic comprehensive preventive medi...
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Reader Question:
Vaccines Don't Automatically Warrant 99211
Question: The coder at another practice recently told me that 99211 is allowed with a we...
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Reader Question:
Know Your 99051 Limitations
Question: We are not usually open in the evenings or on the weekends, but we have decide...
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Reader Question:
Consider How to Collect for 30 Month Visits
Question: We have a new pediatrician who has scheduled several 30-month visits. How can ...
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You Be the Coder:
Develop Your Own Policy for Billing Meet-and-Greets
Question: We often have parents who come in wanting to get to know the pediatrician befo...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 11
CPT® 2014:
Prep Now for New Consultation, Speech Evaluation Codes
CPT® 2014 also offers several new vaccine codes. Just like an early holiday presen...
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The Problem in This E/M Note Cost This Practice Over $65
Know what you can’t miss when billing new patient visits Most pediatric practice...
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Look to F50 Series for Eating Disorder Diagnoses
Hint: Distinguish from binge eating or purging type to nail the ICD-10 diagnosis. When...
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Reader Question:
Know How to Email Without Violating HIPAA
Question: I sometimes e-mail patient records to consultants for help on how to bill...
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Reader Question:
Differentiate Depression From Anxiety
Question: What is the appropriate way to code a claim when the physician calls out ...
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Reader Question:
2 Specialists May Generate Two Separate Visits
Question: Can a patient be seen by two different providers in a billing group on the sam...
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Reader Question:
Create A Policy for WIC Visits
Question: When the pediatrician sees a patient on the WIC (Women Infant and Childre...
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Reader Question:
Ensure That Your Appeals Have A Chance at Success
Question: When we know that the carrier has made a mistake in denying one of our cl...
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You Be the Coder:
Nail Down Depression Screening Code
Question: My doctors have been using 96110 for their developmental screenings as well as...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 10
Breaking News:
New Edition of CPT Debuts 'Interprofessional Telephone/Internet' E/M Codes
Plus: You’ll also find changes to cerumen removal code. When some payers stopped...
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E/M Coding:
Can You Spot the Problem in This E/M Note?
Review this documentation and determine how you’d code it before you read the solu...
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Well Patient Coding:
'V' Codes Can Be Your Friends for Non-Injured Patients
Remember that V20.2 isn’t your only well-visit option. You see it at least once ...
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Know How to Code Abuse/Neglect Checks
Often, ‘V’ codes will be required for such visits. Unfortunately, every pe...
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Memorize R10.83 for Your 2014 Colic Coding Choice
Under ICD-10, you’ll say goodbye to 789.7. Pediatric practices are absolutely fa...
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Bust 5 Common Compliance Myths With These Quick Tips
True or false? Being unaware of accidental overpayments can’t invoke false claims ...
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Reader Question:
Include BMI Calculation in E/M
Question: We have been calculating our patients’ body mass index (BMI) when we per...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Consult for Parent Meeting
Question: A parent came into our office without the patient to speak with one of our ped...
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You Be the Coder:
Know the Consult Rules
Question: A patient presented for an ADHD evaluation. Can we report consult code 99...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 9
Seasonal Coding:
Your Top 3 Autumn Coding Questions Answered
Is loss of consciousness required for a concussion? Find out here. As your patients he...
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E/M Coding:
Can You Spot the Problem in This E/M Note?
Review this documentation and determine how you’d code it before you read the solu...
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Coding Head Injuries Will Lead to Multiple Choices Next Year
Provide precise documentation and narrow it down to the right code. When your pediatri...
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Work With EMR Vendor on Templates
When you’re new to electronic medical records (EMRs), it may be tempting to simply...
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Reader Question:
Look to HCPCS for Oral Medication
Question: Our pediatrician sometimes administers an oral dose of an antibiotic or predni...
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Reader Question:
Local Rules Trump National Guidance
Question: I know you often recommend 96110 for the MCHAT administration, but we use 9942...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Contract, Then Bill Patient
Question: We would like to know when an insurance company denies a procedure and states ...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 8
E/M Coding:
Can You Spot the Problem in This E/M Note?
Review this documentation and determine how you’d code it before you read the solu...
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Leave the HPI Details to the Provider, But Leverage Nurse Help When You Can
Identify which portions of the record ancillary staff can capture. Your pediatrician&...
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Look to 'A' Codes to Report Rotavirus Under ICD-10
Your coding options next October will fortunately be transitioned on a one-to-one basis....
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Handling Codes:
Know When 99000 Applies Outside of Specimen Shipping
In some cases, you can report 99000 even if you aren’t facing a transport charge. ...
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Reader Question:
Blisters May Not Be Listed As 'Ischemic'
Question: I’m coding a case of treatment for an ischemic blister of the right grea...
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Reader Question:
Some Insurers Have Age Restrictions
Question: I have had two patients who have United Healthcare call to say that UHC has to...
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Reader Question:
It's Okay to Shuffle Diagnoses
Question: Our pediatrician documented obesity as a contributing factor in a patient&rsqu...
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Reader Question:
Know What Supports Billing 99441-99443 Calls
Question: A patient called during the weekend and left a message for our pediatrician as...
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Reader Question:
How Do You Report 'Calming Shot?'
Question: One of our patients was on his way to have an x-ray at the hospital. His mothe...
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You Be the Coder:
Non-Problem Counseling May Not Be Payable
Question: A parent of a large family came into the office with two sick children who wer...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 7
E/M Coding:
Spot the 3 Main Problems With This Pediatric E/M Note
Find out what this practice did wrong so you can avoid making these mistakes. You&rsq...
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Seasonal Coding:
Your Top 5 Summertime Coding Questions Answered
Look to ‘V’ codes for non-injured patients. Summer is upon us, which means...
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Some Auto, Worker's Comp Insurers May Opt out of ICD-10, CMS Says
But Medicaid plans will not give you an extension past Oct. 1, 2014, the agency stresses...
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Reader Question:
Consult or Initial Hospital Care? Choose One
Question: Our neonatologist was called to a consult (99251) and then determined the baby...
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Reader Question:
Know What Counts for MCHAT Documentation
Question: Our office has the parent complete the MCHAT, which we then scan into the pati...
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Reader Question:
Medical Necessity Reigns for Non-Mandated Dental Exam
Question: Our state’s Medicaid program is requiring pediatricians to perform a den...
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You Be the Coder:
Code When the Neonatologist Is Called But Not Needed
Question: Our neonatologist was called for a mandatory emergently problem with newborn i...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 6
Know How to Code When There's A Doctor in the (Patient's) House
99341-99350 can be your friend if you make house calls. The image of a physic...
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4 Tips Lead You to Supply Billing Success
Hint: 99070 is not a one-size-fits-all materials code. When it comes to billing for su...
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Office Visits:
Boost Your E/M Bottom Line With These Quick Tips
Chief complaint shouldn’t be ‘follow-up.’ E/M coding might be part o...
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Go Deeper When Pediatrician Documents 'Unspecified'
Good news: Code 079.99 has a one-to-one relationship. Pediatricians treat viral infect...
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Reader Question:
Don't Forget Dx for Office Visits
Question: A cystic fibrosis patient and her mother met with our pediatrician to discuss ...
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Reader Question:
Bundle E/M Visits for the Same Day
Question: Our NP (who specializes in diabetes education) is working with our pediatricia...
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Reader Question:
Are There Alternatives to Modifier 25?
Question: I’m trying to get away from using modifier 25. Is there a requirement sa...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Weight for Newborn Intensive Care Codes
Question: Can we use 99479 for a newborn (34 weeks estimated gestational age) that has a...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 5
Medicaid Pay Boosts Are Available, But You Must Self-Attest
Don’t worry if you haven’t seen pay raises yet—they’ll be retroa...
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Sequestration Cuts Won't Impact Medicaid, CHIP
If you’ve seen the news over the past few weeks, you know that the government had ...
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Mid-Level Providers:
We Answer Your 5 Most Pressing Incident-to Questions
Hospital-based incident to? Not so fast. Many pediatric practices have mid-level provi...
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Prep Now for Next Year's Croup Coding Transition
Be ready to signify the cause of the croup under ICD-10. Coding for children with crou...
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Reader Question:
Check Options for Visit With Parent
Question: The parent of one of our established patients is coming in for a consultation....
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Reader Question:
No Codes Address 'Health Coach'
Question: I am looking for CPT® or HCPCS codes for health coach services that would ...
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Reader Question:
Office Can't Bill Bandage Supply
Question: A patient reports with a swollen right ring finger that she injured while catc...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Insurance in Lieu of Card
Question: How should I handle a patient who has new coverage but has not received an ins...
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Reader Question:
Saturday Hours Won't Rely on Diagnosis
Question: Our office is open on Saturdays. What ICD-9 codes would the claim require to u...
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Reader Question:
Extra Questions May Not Boost ROS
Question: Encounter notes indicate that during the course of an E/M, a patient complains...
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You Be the Coder:
Consider Spence Scale As Developmental Screening
Question: What would be the appropriate CPT® code and ICD-9 code to report when a Sp...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 4
Test Your Pediatric E/M Coding Skills With This Quick Quiz
These questions will evaluate whether your E/M codes are on the straight and narrow. &...
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One Billing Question, 4 Steps to Resolution
Don’t take appeals at face value--research before you write off. It happens to e...
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Government Collects Record-Breaking $835 Million From Fraudulent Medicaid Billers
For every dollar spent on health care fraud investigations, the government recovered a w...
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Know the Rhinitis Cause to Report This Dx Under ICD-10
You’ll be checking the ‘J30.x’ section to find the right rhinitis code...
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Reader Question:
Know How to Bill for RNs
Question: How do we get paid for nurse time if our nurse is weighing a premature baby an...
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You Be the Coder:
How Can We Bill Extended Time?
Question: One of our asthmatic patients was in the hospital for over a week with pneumon...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 3
New Edit Bundles Immunizations With E/M Services, Causing Rash of Denials
CCI also impacts how you’ll report newborn services with critical care. With...
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The Lowdown on CCI:
The Lowdown on CCI:
Know why modifiers are your friend when dealing with CCI bundles Many readers who wrot...
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Pediatrician Charged With Healthcare Fraud for Overbilling Medicaid
Physician faces up to ten years in prison for the crime. If you think Medicaid claims ...
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Consider 'K' Codes for Umbilical Hernia Services Next Year
You’ll say goodbye to code 553.1 effective Oct. 1, 2014. Umbilical hernias are f...
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Reader Question:
ADD Alone Doesn't Warrant Modifier 25
Question: We have many patients with ADD or ADHD. We do yearly exams on these children, ...
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Reader Question:
Look to Dx for Repeat Lab Test
Question: A patient came in for a well check. The pediatrician ordered a urinalysis, whi...
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Reader Question:
Consider Whether to Re-Report Physical Exam
Question: On an electronic medical record (EMR), do I need to redocument the physical ex...
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Reader Question:
Location Doesn't Impact Encounter Status
Question: A hospitalist physician asked my pediatrician to see a premature newborn who f...
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Reader Question:
No New Code Describes Paperwork
Question: I’ve heard that CPT® has a new code for reviewing records separate f...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting Units Trumps Use of Modifier 76
Question: We use modifier 76 (Repeat procedure by the same physician or other qualified ...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 2
99468: Know How to Bill for Subsequent Admissions
Discharge and readmission? You can report twice. When CPT® makes adjustments, the ...
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Patient Privacy:
Avoid Using These Non-HIPAA Compliant Statements With Patients
We polled patients to find out which HIPAA slip-ups medical practices might be making--t...
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2013 Payment:
Congress Votes to Halt Across-the-Board Pay Cuts
Permanent solutions to fix this annual problem did not materialize, however. As many p...
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Get to Know Expanded Tonsillitis Code Set That Takes Effect Next Year
You’ll say goodbye to codes 463 and 474.00 effective Oct. 1, 2014. Tonsillitis i...
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Reader Question:
Non-Par? Bill the Parents
Question: We have recently had an influx of patients (at least one per week) presenting ...
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Reader Question:
Even 10-Day Globals Should Be Taken Seriously
Question: A patient with cerebral palsy saw our pediatrician because of an abscess, and ...
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Reader Question:
You Can Bill Critical Care in the Office
Question: Our pediatrician saw two patients who left the office by ambulance. One was in...
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Reader Question:
Consider the Law When Patient in Collects Requests Referral
Question: I haven’t seen a particular patient since 2011, and his account is in co...
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Reader Question:
99058 Has Unique Requirements
Question: A mother called and reported her baby was having trouble breathing. A nurse re...
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Reader Question:
Check With Payer on "Uncooperative" Rescreens
Question: When a certified medical assistant (CMA) performs a screening and cannot get a...
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Reader Question:
You Can Bill Time-Based Second Service
Question: Can we use time to select a second E/M code even if the other service code isn...
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You Be the Coder:
Provider-Neutral Language Shouldn't Impact Too Harshly
Question: Does our practice need to make any changes to our systems to accommodate the f...
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Pediatric Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 1
2013 Payment:
99495-99496: Two New Codes Allow You to Report Transitional Care Management Services
Payment assignments to these codes could signal the way for private payer fees. CMS of...
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Clip And Save:
Navigate New Intensive Care, Critical Care Transfer Rules
Last month, we told you how CPT® 2013 changes the way you should report neonatal and ...
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Electronic Health Records:
Don't Buy Into These 3 Common EHR Fallacies
Protect your pediatric pay by avoiding these mistakes involving electronic health records...
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Consider How You'll Code After V20.2 No Longer Exists
Your practice probably performs well child visits each day, but how to report them will ...
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Reader Question:
Code Signs/Symptoms When Separate From Definitive Dx
Question: Can I report the diagnosis codes for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and upper respira...
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Reader Question:
State Laws Dictate Who the Doc Can Supervise
Question: Can a pediatrician bill as a supervising provider when the staff member (in ou...
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You Be the Coder:
Modifiers Might Be Required for Well/Sick Visit Combos
Question: We billed a well-child checkup and a sick visit on the same day. For the sick ...
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Available Years: