Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

QuickVue Flu Test

Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before looking at the box below for the answer.

Question: What is the code for the QuickVue-Influenza Test?
 Maryland Subscriber
Answer: The QuickVue-Influenza test is an immunoassay for detection of the influenza antigen using a direct optical observation technique. The test detects influenza type A and B viral antigens from nasal swab/wash specimens with a two-color result compared to a positive and negative control. In the past, the test was reported using 87899 (Infectious agent detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation; not otherwise specified) because there was no specific code. 
However, in CPT Codes 2002, a specific code for influenza was one of three new codes added for specific infectious agent antigens tested by immunoassay with direct optical observation. The new code is 87804 (Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation; influenza).
Because this is a CLIA-waived test, labs operating with a certificate of waiver must report the service with modifier -QW (CLIA waived test).