You Can't Document Consultations Too Carefully
Published on Sun Aug 23, 2009
Question: We received a tissue block from another institution, and our pathologist stated in the microbiology section, "Trichrome stain performed at our institution shows a regenerative nodule." Is this enough documentation to bill 88321 for a consultation and 88313 for the trichrome stain? South Carolina Subscriber Answer: You can't report 88321 (Consultation and report on referred slides prepared elsewhere) and +88313 (Special stains [List separately in addition to code for primary service]; Group II, all other [e.g., iron, trichrome], except immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase stains, each) together. Because 88321 describes a consultation on slides that someone else prepared, you can't claim the charge for preparing special stain slides (such as +88313). Your error seems to be the consultation code selection. You state that you received a tissue block, not prepared slides. Your pathologist states in the report that your institution prepared the trichrome-stained slides. That means you should code the consultation [...]