Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Examine Listed Specimen Choices

Question: The pathology report lists a specimen as a diverticulum of the small intestine. Should we code this the same as a small intestine biopsy?

Iowa Subscriber

Answer: No, a small intestine diverticulum and biopsy are not the same specimen, and you should not use the same code to report the pathologist's examination. A diverticulum is a pouch or sac that branches off an organ such as the intestine, often caused by a hernia.

CPT lists several specimens for small intestine in the surgical pathology section to describe "Surgical pathology, gross and microscopic examination":

- 88304 -- Diverticulum -- esophagus/small intestine

- 88305 -- Small intestine, biopsy

- 88305 -- Polyp, stomach/small intestine

- 88305 -- Duodenum, biopsy

- 88307 -- Small intestine, resection, other than for tumor

- 88309 -- Small intestine, resection for tumor.

You should code your pathologist's work as 88304 for the diverticulum rather than 88305 for a biopsy exam.