Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Simple Specimen Collection Included

Question: Is there a CPT® code for swabbing a wound to collect fluid to send to a lab for culture?

Ohio Subscriber

No, there is no separate charge for swabbing a wound to send fluid to the lab for culture. Medicare and other payers assume that the cost of most simple specimen collection procedures, such as fingerstick or wound swab, is included in the exam.

Exceptions: You might be able to bill for some specimen collection service. For instance, health care entities might be able to charge for venipuncture or urine collection by catheterization using one of the following codes:

  • 36410 — Venipuncture, age 3 years or older, necessitating the skill of a physician or other qualified health care professional (separate procedure), for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes (not to be used for routine venipuncture)
  • 36415 — Collection of venous blood by venipuncture
  • P96l2 – Catheterization for collection of specimen, single patient, all places of service.

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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

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