Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Reader Question:

'Other' Pathology Procedures Have New Codes

Why does CPT Codes 2004 have new codes for what appear to be old tests, like feces starch granules? Have the tests changed?

Illinois Subscriber

Answer: You are correct in your observation: CPT 2004 lists some old tests under new codes. The procedures and the definitions did not change - only the code numbers changed. To make way in CPT 2004 for a new section,  "Reproductive Medicine Procedures," CPT deleted five codes and assigned new numbers to the procedures.

They used to be 89350-89399. Now the codes are 89220-89240, and you'll find them at the end of the "Other Procedures" section of CPT 2004 Pathology and Laboratory codes.

If your lab performs any of these tests, including any unlisted miscellaneous pathology procedures, you'll need to look at the chart above and make sure you're using the new CPT 2004 codes.

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