Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Reader Question:


Question: Following apheresis, should we report CPT 86890 and 88240 for frozen peripheral blood stem cell storage when we use the cryopreservation method?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: No. For cryopreservation of peripheral blood stem cells collected by apheresis, report only 88240 (Cryopreservation, freezing and storage of cells, each cell line). Notes following the CPT codes for bone marrow or stem cell transplantation services (38230-38241) direct coders to 88240, which was a new code for this service in CPT 1999.

Prior to that time, this service was reported with 86890 (Autologous blood or component, collection processing and storage; predeposited) and 86930 (Frozen blood, preparation for freezing, each unit). Although both of these codes are still used for other purposes, do not report them in addition to 88240 for cryopreservation of peripheral stem cells.