Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Reader Question:

88321: Don't Double Dip for IHC

Question: When our pathologist consults on a case that includes immunostain slides, which the pathologist reads, can we bill for the professional interpretation of those slides (88342-26)?

Nebraska Subscriber

Answer: No, you should not bill for the pathologist's interpretation of the slides in this case using 88342 (Immunohistochemistry [including tissue immunoperoxidase], each antibody) with modifier 26 (Professional component).

Based on your description, you should bill for the consultation using 88321 (Consultation and report on referred slides prepared elsewhere).

The consultation code includes the service your pathologist performs when he "reads" immunohistochemistry (IHC) slides (or any slides) that were already prepared.

Medicare's Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) bundles these codes to ensure proper coding and payment.

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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

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