Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

News Brief:

Stick With 2 Codes to Report New Waived Test

You must know urinalysis constituents

A urine chemistry analyzer newly approved by the FDA for CLIA-waived status does the work of two tests. Depending on what your lab analyzes, you-ll report either code -- or both -- for the test.
CMS- latest list of new waived tests, effective June 12, shows both 81003-QW (Urinalysis, by dip stick or tablet reagent for bilirubin, glucose, hemoglobin, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity, urobilinogen, any number of these constituents; automated, without microscopy) and 82570-QW (Creatinine; other source) for the Bayer Clinitek Status Urine Chemistry Analyzer.

Creatinine vs. Other Is Key

Labs may use the analyzer to investigate several urine constituents such as glucose, ketones, pH, specific gravity, etc., for diagnosis and monitoring of conditions such as
diabetes and urinary tract infections. Whether testing for any or all of these, labs should report 81003-QW for the service.
But if the lab performs a semiquantitative creatinine measurement to detect patients at risk for developing kidney damage, you should report 82570-QW. You may report both codes for the analysis if you evaluate creatinine and any of the other urine constituents.

Don't Forget QW

 You must use modifier QW (CLIA-waived test) to report this analysis if your lab is certified as a CLIA-waived lab.