Expect more 22 and 21, fewer 81 claims.Independent labs got a reprieve from place-of-service (POS) billing changes that can impact your reimbursement -- but only until Oct 1. Update: You read a complete description of the change in Pathology/Lab Coding Alert Vol. 13 No. 5, "81 is Out: Claim POS Based on Patient Location." Now this brief update brings you three pointers to make sure your lab is ready.Tip 1: Revise Your ReferencesWith the implementation-date moving from April 1 to Oct. 1, CMS issued new instructions to accommodate the change. You should throw out your copy of Transmittal 2407, which CMS rescinded, and replace it with the new Transmittal 2435. The new transmittal changes the implementation date, but "all other information remains the same," according to CMS. You'll also want to keep the new POS MLN Matters article in your file. You can find the documents at
www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Transmittals/downloads//R2435CP.pdf and