Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

Forget These Screening Codes?

Forget payment from CMS

V codes play a vital role in Medicare's screening services - and failure to use them can torpedo your claims. 

If your lab performs Medicare screenings, here are some of the codes you should use on your claims:

V76.2 - Special screening for neoplasms, cervix

V76.41  - Special screening for malignant neoplasms; other sites; rectum

V76.44 - Special screening for malignant neoplasms; prostate

V76.47 - Special screening for malignant neoplasms; vagina

V76.49 - Special screening for neoplasms; other sites (for women without a cervix)

V76.51 -  Special screening for malignant neoplasms; intestine; colon

V77.1 - Special screening for diabetes mellitus

V81.0 - Special screening for ischemic heart disease

V81.1 - Special screening for hypertension

V81.2 - Special screening for other and unspecified cardiovascular conditions

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