Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

News You Can Use:
Get a Jump-Start on CPT® 2025
See which updates are most likely to affect the services you code. The May 2024 meeting o... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Take This Quiz, Become a Urine Culture Coding Ace
Do you know the difference between presumptive and definitive identification? You may th... Read more
Revenue Cycle:
Hear From Those Affected by the Change Healthcare Outage
Reinforce your skills with paper-based claims. More than four months have passed since m... Read more
Coding Quiz Answers:
Check Your Answers to Our Urine Culture Coding Quiz
And add these ICD-10-CM codes to your urine testing knowledge base Answer 1: Presumptive... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Ab/Ag Tests for Lyme Disease Infectious Agent
Question: Our lab performed an antibody test for Borrelia burgdorferi for a patient w... Read more
Reader Questions:
Master Technical/Professional Reporting for Labs
Question: Could you please explain how to use modifiers 26 and TC for lab and pathol... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus Liver and Lymph Coding With This Case
Question: The pathologist received a liver wedge biopsy specimen along with a lymph n... Read more
Reader Questions:
See How Dx and Modifier Errors Can Derail Reimbursement
Question: The lab performed a urinalysis with microscopic examination for a patient w... Read more
Molecular Pathology:
Get the Answers to Your Frequently Asked Genetic Testing Questions
Here's how to make your way through the CPT® molecular pathology code set. “The geneti... Read more
Address These Key Fields, Complete ABNs With Ease
Don't forget that every ABN form must be one single page. As every pathology practice an... Read more
Stay on the Right Side of the Stark Law With Key Strategies
Scrutinize your referrals to avoid inadvertent violations. Every lab has seen news headli... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Be Wise to Zika Virus Coding
Question: Our lab performed a blood test for Zika virus antigen detection for a patie... Read more
Reader Questions:
Rely on These Tips for Bone Cases
Question: During hip replacement surgery for a patient with severe osteoporosis, the surge... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus Blood Type Reporting
Question: We received a paternal blood specimen for blood typing as part of the neona... Read more
News You Can Use:
Sneak a Peek at the January 2025 CPT® Path/Lab Changes
Plus, know where to find the latest PLA and MAAA code updates. Pathology and laboratory s... Read more
Artificial Intelligence:
Streamline Lab Processes With These 5 AI Hacks
Find out if AI will save staff time for more important tasks. You may think that your lab... Read more
Protect Your Lab With These 5 Must-Know Cybersecurity Facts
Avoid ransomware, email hacks and more by mastering the nuances of cybersecurity. Ever s... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Documenting Separate Specimens Warrants More Pay
Question: Our pathologist received a partial pancreatectomy for diagnosis. The surgeo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Drill Down to CMV Test Details for Proper Coding
Question: I'm new to lab coding; could you help me understand how to report a blood t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Avoid These FNA Coding Pitfalls
Question: During a thyroid lesion FNA procedure, the surgeon asks our pathologist to ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Conquer HLA Reporting Confusion
Question: The lab I code for does HLA typing and compatibility testing. Could you ple... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Remove These 2 Myths for Super-Clean Skin Biopsy Claims
And use this clever coding trick when your provider performs multiple biopsies. Knowing h... Read more
Practice Safety:
Keep Your Staff, Patients Safe With These Lab Precautions
Hint: Follow OSHA, but also have policies in place customized to your practice. Every l... Read more
Avoid These 8 Common Medicare Billing Errors to Keep Pay Flowing
Watch those dates of service, MAC addresses, and more. Your provider documented a claim... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Capture Each Step of This Renal Case
Question: During a renal biopsy procedure for a patient with chronic kidney symptoms,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus Benign Breast Dx Coding
Question: Our pathologist examined a breast biopsy and reported the diagnosis as “f... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Specific With X{ESPU} Modifiers
Question: What are some pathology or laboratory examples of when we might use one of ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Find Escape From Denied Pap Claim
Question: The lab performed a liquid-based Pap test that the physician ordered, which... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Know How to Use the Pathology Consultation Codes
Here's how to get time on your side. In 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Ser... Read more
Follow These 3 Best Practices to Create Compliant Documentation
Don't forget to add the date when you create a documentation addendum. Every coding profe... Read more
Learn These 3 Truths and 3 Myths about PHI
Hint: De-identifying records may allow you to scrub PHI from them. From patient names t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Round Up H. Pylori Coding Options
Question: When our lab performs a test to detect H. pylori infection, how can I dete... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus Breast Cancer Dx Coding
Question: The pathologist diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer. Should we report this... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose CLIA Category Correctly With These Resources
Question: How can I find out the categorization of a lab test under CLIA? Minnesota ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Lookout for ‘Sentinel’ Lymph Nodes
Question: As part of a partial mastectomy case, the surgeon submits a separate contai... Read more
3 Top Takeaways From the Newest PLA NCCI Edits
Discover which code pairs are now open to separate payment. Medicare recently added more ... Read more
Master Modifier 26, TC Coding With These 5 Tips
Hint: These modifiers can't separate every lab service. When your pathologist interpre... Read more
Maintain These HIPAA Best Practices, Avoid These Common Violations
Latest HIPAA report highlights how practices let PHI fall through the cracks. If your la... Read more
Reader Questions:
Recognize Multiplex Parameters
Question: The lab performs a triple antibody stain on a melanoma specimen using SOX1... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus MRI Pre-Procedure Lab Test Coding
Question: How should we code a creatinine test ordered to evaluate kidney function b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Miss Antibody-Specific Codes
Question: A clinician ordered antibody tests for ANCA and ASCA to help distinguish f... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Sidestep Mohs Bundling Pitfalls
Question: We have a dermatology client who, when performing a Mohs procedure, sometim... Read more
CPT® Updates:
Stay Ahead of the 2024 CPT® MoPath Coding Updates
AMA code descriptors acknowledge people-first language. In 2010, Congress passed Rosa's L... Read more
Know These Modifier QW Dos and Don’ts
Hint: Check the CLIA list every time you're submitting a new lab test. Some coding modif... Read more
Practice Management:
Jump-Start Your Error Reduction Program With Internal Audits
Lab tests among the most frequent Part B errors last year, CMS says. If you're not fond ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Examine CF Genetic Testing Coverage
Question: Our lab performs genetic testing for cystic fibrosis looking only at CFTR c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Zero In on Best Breast Tissue Specimen Choice
Question: The pathologist received a breast tissue specimen that the surgeon labeled,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Sidestep 26 With Technical Pap Code
Question: We perform Pap tests that use computer-assisted screening of liquid-based s... Read more
Reader Questions:
Look for Modifier 91 to Clarify Case
Question: A physician ordered a D-dimer test for a patient suspected of having a str... Read more
CPT® 2024:
New Lab Codes Describe Diagnostic Opportunities
Look for immunology, microbiology, chemistry, and more. As clinicians test for myasthenia... Read more
2024 Final Rule:
Highlight Physician Fee Schedule Relevance to Your Lab
Gear up for more than payment changes. The final tally is in — pathologists can expec... Read more
Prepare for Possible CLIA Update
See RFI response in MPFS final rule. Having received stakeholder comments to a request fo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Avoid This Breast Cytology Coding Trap
Question: The pathologist performed a puncture aspiration of a cyst in the patient's ... Read more
Reader Question:
Refresh Drug Test Coding Skills
Question: Our lab performs a broad drug class screening test using liquid chromatogra... Read more
Reader Question:
Untangle IHC Stain Conundrum
Question: The pathologist evaluated slides from two blocks of a breast biopsy specime... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish HIPAA Terms
Question: Could you please explain the difference between “consent” and “author... Read more
Available Years:  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000