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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 12
CPT® 2017:
84410 Solves Bioavailable Testosterone Coding Conundrum
Don’t settle for ‘total’ and ‘free’ coding options. If y...
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Zika Update:
Stay Abreast of Coverage, Diagnosis, and Blood Bank Changes
Distinguish symptoms versus infection. From ICD-10 to CMS to the Food and Drug Adminis...
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Hospital Lab:
Do Your Part for 'Hospital Readmissions Reduction'
Leverage test results to predict risk. If you never thought about how your hospital la...
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Reader Question:
Choose Eye Codes With Specimen and Laterality Details
Question: Our pathologist examined an eye enucleation specimen with a small piece o...
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Reader Question:
N76 Brings Organism Conundrum for Wet Mount/KOH Tests
Question: The lab performs a wet mount and KOH test for a vaginal smear from a pati...
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Reader Question:
Capture CMV Test and Diagnosis
Question: The clinician performs a flexible bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy...
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You Be the Coder:
Look to CLFS, MACs for MAAA Pricing
Question: We read in a past issue of Pathology/Lab Coding Alert [Vol. 14, No. 3] th...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 11
CPT® 2017 Lab Preview:
Expect Genomic Sequencing and MAAA Code Additions
Watch CMS for final pricing decisions. Here’s the scoop on new 2017 clinical lab...
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Anatomic Pathology:
Avoid This $312 Sentinel Lymph Node Mistake
Ensure that you’re up-to-date on IHC rules. Your pathologist receives two sentin...
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Update Reporting Carcinoid Tumors, Viral Hepatitis Carrier, and More
Use 2017 codes as of October 1. Ever since you started using ICD-10-CM for diagnosis c...
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Reader Question:
Find PAMA Lab Reporting Answers With CMS Resources
Question: I’m trying to figure out if our lab has to report data about lab te...
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Reader Question:
Look for Distinct EGD Specimens
Question: The pathologist received tissue from an EGD procedure identified by site:...
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Reader Question:
Stick With 85025 for CBC and Automated Diff
Question: When we run a complete blood count with automated differential, sometimes...
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Reader Question:
Loosen Your ICD-10 Alpha Numeric Expectations
Question: I’d been taught that ICD-10 diagnosis codes have three to seven cha...
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You Be the Coder:
Focus FISH Procedure Codes
Question: Our lab is performing a method new to us, which uses a dual-color in situ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 10
CPT® 2017:
Welcome Drug-Screen Code Update -- Again
Get payers on the same song sheet. If you’re still frustrated because you have t...
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Look for Definitive Drug Test Repricing
‘Pay more,’ stakeholders say. Definitive drug test codes G0480-G0483 were ...
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Pathology Quiz:
Test Your Myomectomy Coding Skills for Clean Claims
Pick correct procedure and diagnosis codes. Trying your hand at a coding scenario can...
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Security Tip:
Dodge "Malvertising" Disaster With These Steps
Beware third-party browser extensions. Ever heard of “malvertising”? You s...
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Pathology Quiz Answers:
Check Your Fibroid Procedure and Diagnosis Codes Here
See how many specimens you have. Now that you’ve decided how to code the case d...
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Reader Question:
Select Modifier for Bundled Cultures
Question: We received a request for urine culture (87086) and expressed prostatic s...
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Reader Question:
Keep pH Part of Urinalysis
Question: When our physician office lab does a urinalysis, we use a kit that requir...
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Reader Question:
'Needle' Specimen Leads Pathology Code Choice
Question: We have a disagreement in our office. If the pathologist examines a needl...
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Reader Question:
Choose Specific MPO Code
Question: We have clients who order MPO blood tests following troponin-negative tes...
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You Be the Coder:
'Skin' Determines Procedure, Diagnosis Codes
Question: The pathology report documents a 2.1 cm “cherry hemangioma,” ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 9
PAMA Finalized:
Get Ready for Lab Price Reporting -- And CLFS Overhaul
One way or another, the change will impact your lab. If you’re an “applica...
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Anatomic Pathology:
Capture 2 Kidney Specimen Exams for Nephrectomy Case
Don’t miss frozen section charge, either. When your pathologist receives kidney ...
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Avoid Dx Denials When 'Grace Period' Ends This Fall
Count on specificity, 2017 code change awareness. You may recall how relieved you wer...
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Reader Question:
Use Modifiers With Caution to Avoid Denials
Question: I’ve recently begun coding for our lab because we’re short st...
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Reader Question:
Don't Miss Decalcification Charge
Question: The pathologist examined a “paranasal sinus osteoma” specimen...
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Reader Question:
Document Factors Influencing Health
Question: A physician client ordered an HIV test for a patient with “high ris...
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You Be the Coder:
Follow Rules to Override HPV Bundle
Question: In addition to a Pap smear, our lab performed an HPV test for high risk t...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 8
Zika Virus:
Look Ahead to CDC and Commercial-Lab Zika Testing
Understand protocols and coding pitfalls. Travel-related Zika virus infections have c...
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Distinguish Zika Exposure, Symptoms, Infection
Watch for pregnancy impact on coding. You should understand Zika testing after reading...
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Anatomic Pathology:
Don't Make This $400 Tongue Specimen Mistake
Code ‘lesion excision’ based on purpose. Coding for tongue specimens shou...
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HIPAA Audit:
Strengthen Your Plan for Phase 2 Audit Focus
Use protocol tool even if you don’t face audit — this time. Even if your lab ...
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Reader Question:
Focus DCIS Coding
Question: If the pathology report indicates “ductal carcinoma in situ,”...
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Reader Question:
Code Highest Level Cytology
Question: The cytopathology lab received a bladder washing specimen, reviewing a di...
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Reader Question:
Report Unit of Service per Test
Question: We perform a single PCR test that can identify and distinguish between Ba...
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You Be the Coder:
Greet Screening Pap and HPV Test Code
Question: If we perform a screening Pap smear and high risk HPV test for a Medicare...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 7
Don't Miss IHC and More for This Lung FNA Case
Focus on diagnosis, too. Follow the steps performed by the pathologist and lab analyst...
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Jump On Diagnosis Changes Coming This October
The annual update process is back in full swing. You’ve had a five-year code fre...
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Outpatient Rules:
Submit to OPPS Lab and Pathology Packaging
Follow status indicator for separate pay. As the Outpatient Prospective Payment System...
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Jump on Business Associate Tracker Tool
Use HHS template to make your job easier. If you’re like most labs and find keeping...
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Reader Question:
Follow Pathologist's Lead in Code Selection
Question: How should I code a left ovary struma ovarii if the pathologist notes tha...
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Reader Question:
Focus on C. difficile Test Method
Question: The physician ordered a Clostridium difficile test for a patient exhibiti...
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Reader Question:
Remember Sequestration Cuts
Question: Are our pathologist’s Medicare payments still subject to the two pe...
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Reader Question:
Define 'Breach' to Recognize Problem
Question: An employee at our lab accessed records without a legitimate reason. He d...
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Reader Question:
Not All Hair Exams Are Equal
Question: We received a hair specimen that the pathologist evaluated under the micr...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Strep Method, Recurrence for Correct Codes
Question: When our lab preforms a strep test from a throat swab for a patient that ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 6
CCI 22.1:
Beware New 'G-Code' Drug Screen Bundles
Method and UA codes off the table. After assigning seven, new HCPCS Level II “G&...
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Medicare Billing:
See How POS 19 Could Impact Your Pathology Pay
Understand “off-campus” clinics. You should currently be using one new and...
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Look for MIPS to Centralize Quality Reporting
Pay for performance here to stay. When the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Ac...
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Reader Question:
Translate Bethesda FNA to ICD-10
Question: What ICD-10 code would you use for a thyroid FNA of a nodule that has the...
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Reader Question:
Use 83721 for Reflex LDL
Question: I noticed in an earlier reader question that you said we can’t sepa...
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Reader Question:
Capture Multiple Hydrocele Exam Steps
Question: Our pathologist examined a cytology specimen obtained when the surgeon dr...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Miss Lipoma Difference
Question: Our pathologist examined a right breast biopsy specimen and diagnosed the...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 5
Anatomic Pathology:
Don't Miss the $74 Surprise in This Hemorrhoidectomy Case
Let diagnoses lead your procedure code choice. The surgeon may have described a hemorr...
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Fungal Disease:
Get Histoplasmosis Analysis and Diagnosis Tips Here
Signs and symptoms may indicate testing need. Diagnosing histoplasmosis infection can ...
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Blink and Miss Conversion Factor Decline
Error warrants small adjustment. If you weren’t paying close attention, yo...
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PAMA Update:
Await CMS Final Rule Before Reporting Your Lab's Data
CLFS repricing on hold for now. With the proposed-rule deadline upon us for reporting ...
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Reader Question:
Reserve QW for CLIA-Waived Labs
Question: Please help settle a disagreement in our office — as a lab with a C...
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Reader Question:
Watch for "Complete Class" HLA Code
Question: Our lab performs high resolution HLA Class I typing, sometimes testing fo...
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Reader Question:
Keep Up With Sequestration Cuts
Question: In looking at our pathology payments, it appears that we’re still g...
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Reader Question:
Learn When HIPAA Trumps State Law for Medical Record Fee
Question: What should we do if our state law is different from HIPAA regarding fees...
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You Be the Coder:
Beware Date-of-Service Edits
Question: The pathologist examined specimens from a double mastectomy, identifying ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 4
Anatomic Pathology:
Focus Your Liver Resection Coding With 4 Easy Steps
Distinguish blocks, specimens for stains. When your pathologist examines a liver resec...
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Clinical Laboratory:
Keep your H. Pylori Test Coding On Track With Our Expert Tips
Heed payer coverage rules to get the pay you deserve. When a patient presents with per...
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Boost Your Lab's Pay With Claims Management Strategies
Keep your AR up-to-date. You’ve stayed on top of the coding changes, educated yo...
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Reader Question:
Date of Service Trumps Claim Line Edits
Question: We’ve been involved in testing for enteric adenoviruses types 40 an...
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Reader Question:
Compare Cyst Drainage, FNA
Question: The pathologist received a pelvis cyst needle-aspiration specimen and exa...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish CRP, hs-CRP Tests
Question: What are the clinical indications for C-reactive protein test versus high...
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You Be the Coder:
PIN Grade Guides Prostate Dysplasia ICD-10 Code
Question: The pathology report documents dysplasia of prostate. How should we repor...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 3
CCI 22.0:
Focus You Q1 Coding With This Edit Update
Expect bundles with most new 2016 codes. With 57,161 new edit pairs — roughly 10...
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News You Can Use:
Compulsory Lab and Pathology 'Packaging' Part of OPPS
Molecular pathology exempt, in most cases. You’ll find more and more lab and pat...
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OIG Alert:
Expect Watchdog Actions to Target Your EHRs
Watch your clinical lab payments, too. If you thought HIPAA enforcement was tough last...
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Reader Question:
Anticipate HIPAA Illegal Immigrant Question
Question: If our lab reports someone who is an illegal immigrant, is this a violati...
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Reader Question:
Watch for HAAb Antibody Class
Question: Our lab performs two tests for Hepatitis A antibody — one for IgG c...
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Reader Question:
Get Valid Provider Signatures
Question: I’m having trouble getting my pathologists to sign their claim form...
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Reader Question:
Turn to 88333 Family for Intraoperative Touch Prep
Question: Our pathologist received a skin lesion excision specimen for which the su...
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You Be the Coder:
Zero in On Diagnosis For This Prostatectomy Case
Question: Please help with the ICD-10 coding on the following multiple specimens re...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 2
Coverage Policy:
Focus on 7 New Drug Test 'G' Codes for Medicare
See how the change impacts your bottom line. Labs had to wait in suspense almost to th...
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Physician Fee Schedule:
Greet 2016 Fee Changes That Could Jumpstart Your Pay
Check out these steep IHC and ISH increases. Unlike some other specialties, things are...
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Beware: Your Breach Report May Backfire
Best defense is good compliance plan. If you experience a reportable privacy breach, y...
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Reader Question:
Watch 'Glucose' Charge for Tolerance Test
Question: I’ve found conflicting answers about how to bill for a Glucose 2 ho...
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Reader Question:
Identify Factors Leading to Lab Test with 'Z' Codes
Question: What diagnosis code would I use if the patient is requesting lab tests to...
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Reader Question:
Understand CLFS Re-Pricing
Question: I’ve heard that PAMA requires Medicare to re-figure all clin lab fe...
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Reader Question:
Focus on FOBT Coding
Question: We received an order for a fecal specimen collected during a DRE for a pa...
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You Be the Coder:
Zero In on ICD-10 Flu Diagnosis
Question: How can we report the diagnosis of swine flu influenza in ICD-10-CM? Oh...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 1
Cervical Cancer Screening:
Update Your HPV Testing Protocol
Every five years passes CMS muster. If your lab is stuck in the biennial Pap/reflex to...
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PAMA Action:
Meet the Proposed CLFS Pricing Rule
Lab reporting starts January 1. Finally — the rule for re-valuing the Clinical L...
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Keep Up the Good Work -- Smooth Transition Underway
CMS reports 90 percent claims acceptance rate Maybe the sky didn’t fall when we ...
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Reader Question:
Don't Double Dip for Lab Method
Question: Our lab performs a procedure to assay non-drug analytes that involve...
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Reader Question:
Pay Attention to ICD-10 Combination Codes
Question: Our lab performed a culture ordered for a patient with a diagnosis of sep...
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Reader Question:
Zero In on Lipid Order for Proper Coding
Question: A physician ordered cardiovascular lipid panel screening. How should I co...
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Reader Question:
Ignore 'Direct' or 'Indirect' for Immunofluorescence Studies
Question: I understand that coding for immunofluorescence studies to aid in the dia...
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Reader Question:
Look for SSN Protection
Question: I’ve heard that Medicare is removing the patient’s Social Sec...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Out This Lung Case
Question: Our pathologist evaluated a frozen section of a lung wedge biopsy during ...
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Available Years: