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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 12
CPT® 2014:
88342, +88343 Clarify Immuno-Stain Coding
Antibody and block define unit of service. You’ve reported some special stain co...
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Zero In on DCIS and 'History' Reporting
Z86.000 beats V13.8 for specificity. You won’t be lumping ductal carcinoma in si...
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Drug Testing:
Demystify Toxicology Coding With 4 Steps
Stick with 80100-80104 for ordered screening. Your lab may have high-complexity method...
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Medicare Drug Screen:
G0431, G0434 Define Your Options
Steer clear of 80100’s for this payer. If you’re reporting drug screening ...
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Reader Question:
+88177 Pairs With 88172
Question: Is it appropriate to bill 88177 with modifier 59 when the pathologist pe...
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Reader Question:
87621 Captures HPV Genotyping
Question: Should we bill HPV genotyping by amplified probe technique as 87621 x 2 ...
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Reader Question:
86828-86829 Include Technical Flow Cytometry
Question: I’ve been told that when reporting new codes for HLA Class I and/or Clas...
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You Be the Coder:
'Container' Doesn't Dictate Specimen
Question: If a surgeon submits multiple needle core breast biopsies in a single containe...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 11
Achieve Perfect Panel Coding With 3 Tips
Never list ATP codes on claims. A physician orders a panel of tests, your lab bills on...
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Look to New Apps for ICD-10 Transition Help
Expect deadline to stay the same. If you’re still holding out hope for another I...
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Skin Case:
Select Procedure Code Once You Pinpoint Diagnosis
Watch out for DSAP ICD-9 trap. Your pathologist receives two skin specimens from the s...
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Reader Question:
Payer and Method Guide Urine Test Code Choice
Question: We bill for urine drug screens (non-chromatographic) in our pain clinic lab us...
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Reader Question:
Don't Confuse Blood Draw with Analysis
Question: A pulmonologist ordered arterial blood gas analysis to be performed during co...
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Reader Question:
Bill Recipient & Donor Transplant Suitability Testing
Question: Could you please explain how we should bill for typing by serology for a bone ...
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Reader Question:
Watch for TC on IHC Slides
Question: A dermatology office sends us a specimen block and asks us to prepare MART-1/M...
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Reader Question:
Explore MTHFR Codes
Question: What is an MTHFR test for a pregnant patient, and what codes should I report f...
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You Be the Coder:
88237 Code Per Specimen
Question: We set up two tissue cultures from the same bone marrow specimen with two diff...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 10
CPT® 2014 Preview:
Get Ready for New Therapeutic Drug Assay Codes and More
Follow the continuing MAAA payment debate, too. Microbiology, immunohistochemistry, mo...
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T86.1_Expands Kidney Transplant Rejection Code Options
996.81 won’t find a direct equivalent in ICD-10. If your lab monitors immunosupp...
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Maximize Potential 'Quality' Pay With These 4 Steps
Avoid big penalties that start in 2015. If you’re already participating in the P...
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Check Out This PQRS Pathology Summary
And see how to do your measure calculation. Pathologists have five possible measures t...
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Reader Question:
Method and Source Influence Molecular Prep Charge
Question: When our pathologists prepare already-diagnosed tissue for EGFR, KRAS, or BRAF...
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Reader Question:
Simple Specimen Collection Included
Question: Is there a CPT® code for swabbing a wound to collect fluid to send to a la...
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Reader Question:
Skin Type, Not Location, Drives Code
Question: Our pathologist assessed a large skin specimen from the left side of the face ...
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Reader Question:
Clarification: Include 'Validation' in Drug Screen
Question: I noticed that a reader question from July implied that you can separately bil...
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You Be the Coder:
88321-88325 Rely On 'Case' and Slide Prep
Question: We have three scenarios involving pathology consults on previously diagnosed m...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 9
Surgical Pathology:
88304-88309: Sort Out Small Intestine Specimens To Get the Pay You Deserve
Don’t let the terminology confuse you. Duodenum, polyp, resection for tumor, div...
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152 Crosswalks to C17 for Malignant Small Intestine
Expect most details to remain the same. When your pathologist examines a small intesti...
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2014 Medicare Fee Schedules:
The '1-2-3 Punch' Could Hit Pathology and Laboratory Fees
You can still take advantage of comment period. They’re just proposed rules, bu...
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Survive HIPAA Audit With These 5 Tips
Get ready with home-grown audits of your own. The government is on the prowl with rand...
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Reader Question:
Site Changes Intraoperative Touch Prep Coding
Question: Please clarify if there’s a difference in how we should bill the followi...
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Reader Question:
Lab Bills for Lab Work
Question: A neurosurgeon removed the implanted pain pump and catheter. He found some flu...
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Reader Question:
V72.62 Provides Physicians a Specific Ordering Diagnosis
Question: A physician client submits V70.0 as the ordering diagnosis for lab work. The l...
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You Be the Coder:
Limit Venipuncture Units
Question: If we have a chart for a hospital outpatient that shows multiple blood draws f...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 8
Molecular Pathology:
Capture Unit of Service Bonus with G0452 Interpretation
Watch for upcoming MUE. Now that you’re using CPT® Tier 1 and Tier 2 codes (...
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CCI 19.2:
Choose Specific Codes for Consultation, Bladder Tumor
Know when you can override edits. If your lab performs bladder tumor tests or molecula...
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ICD-10 Prep:
Crack These Coding Conventions to Prepare the Way for ICD-10
Remember some familiar ICD-9 phrases, too. Each month in these pages you read about IC...
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OIG Alert:
Recovery Captures $3.8 Billion in Recent 6 Months
Don’t get caught in OIG sweep. You better cross your t’s and dot your i&rs...
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Reader Question:
Don't Double Dip for Metabolic Panels
Question: A patient had a lab outpatient draw in the morning for BMP, and a lab ER draw ...
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Reader Question:
Beware Units for Drug Tests
Question: We have a Medicare patient on pain management, and we performed a 12 drug pane...
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Reader Question:
ICD-9 Can't Nail Down PUNLMP
Question: What ICD-9 code should I use for a bladder cancer pathology report diagnosis o...
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Reader Question:
Check Date for FOBT
Question: What date of service should our physician office lab use for an FOBT card sent...
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Reader Question:
Turn to 88184-88189 for Lymphoma Evaluation
Question: Our lab runs a flow cytometry panel consisting of CD3 (total T cells), CD4, CD...
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You Be the Coder:
Resolve 'Soft Tissue' vs. 'Lipoma' Discrepancy
Question: Our pathologist examined a specimen that the surgeon identified as "soft ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 7
FNA Case:
Focus on Site to Bring Home FNA Pay
Beware ‘pass’ terminology. With multiple specimens and procedures in a sin...
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193 to C73: Make This Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis Transition
Use additional codes for functional activity. Unlike many conditions that have greater...
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Molecular Pathology:
Brace Your Practice for Interim Pricing That May Disappoint
Check out the CMS gap-fill amounts with comment period. A fog just lifted on the myste...
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Vault Over Your Lab's 'Unit Edit' Hurdles
Discover guidelines to legitimately override edits or appeal claims. CMS’s theo...
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Reader Question:
G0431/G0434 Edit Restricts Use
Question: Our lab sometimes performs a G0431 drug screen service on the same date of ser...
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Reader Question:
Skip Outdated/Bundled Cytology Codes
Question: Our lab performed direct smear and simple filter prep for a bladder washing sp...
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You Be the Coder:
V72.6x Needs Help to Show Medical Necessity
Question: When physicians order labs before a procedure, they often identify the reason ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 6
Anatomic Pathology:
88305 vs. G0416: Prostate Biopsy Question Remains
See what CMS’s change from ‘5’ to ‘10’ specimens means for...
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Ramp Up ICD-10 Prep With CMS Resources
Use breather created by partial code freeze. With the ICD-10 implementation just over ...
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5 Answers Sharpen Your Code-Bundling Know-How
Learn when modifiers, ABNs won’t help your bottom line. There’s more to Me...
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You can access the National Provider Call presentation materials online at www.cms.gov/O...
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Reader Question:
Test for Gastrin, Not Calcium
Question: Our lab performs a calcium infusion gastrin test with four timed readings for ...
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Reader Question:
Constrain TC Billing for Hospital Patients
Question: Our pathologist performs a cervical conization specimen exam at our lab for a ...
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Reader Question:
Limit Pathology and Consultation with Mohs
Question: We are a dermatopathology lab with a Mohs surgeon on staff who has a separate ...
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Reader Question:
Revert to Ordering Dx for Normal Pap
Question: What’s the correct diagnosis code for a negative anal Pap screening? ...
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You Be the Coder:
Billing Entity Drives Code Selection
Question: We are a pathology group that is contracted with the hospital to perform all p...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 5
CCI 19.1:
Choose 1 Gene-Specific or HLA Test Code
Watch modifier indicator for override options. Your lab faces nearly 75 new edit pairs...
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Get Ready for NCD Changes to Parallel ICD-10 Implementation
Your ‘covered diagnoses’ lists will accommodate new code set. You know tha...
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17311-17315: 4 Tips Maximize Mohs Pay
Don’t miss add-ons and separate services. Riddle: When is a pathologist not just...
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POS Update:
Beware Place-of-Service Misinformation
CMS still promises path/lab instruction. The place of service (POS) implementation dea...
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Reader Question:
Don't Lose Pay for Inadequate FNA
Question: Our pathologist examined an FNA of right thryoid, specimen, which was inadequa...
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Reader Question:
Check Ordering Diagnosis, Indication for 89321 Coverage
Question: Our Medicare contractor is denying payment for 89321, whether we’re bill...
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Reader Question:
Devolve to Test Codes for 'Incomplete' Panel
Question: If a physician orders every test of the renal panel except albumin, should I b...
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Reader Question:
Beware Unpublished MUEs
Question: Our pathologist received 13 colon biopsy specimens from a follow-up colonoscop...
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You Be the Coder:
Modify Claim for MUE Success
Question: Sometimes our pathologist exceeds the MUE for tests such as FNA exam. Are we a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 4
CPT® 2013:
38243 Captures HPC Boost for Transplant Patients
Drop ‘stem cell’ terminology — use ‘hematopoietic progenitor&rsq...
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Expand Documentation for AML
You’ll need more diagnostic information for HPC transplant patients. "Acute...
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Bronchial Specimens:
4 Tips Help You Capture Each Step of This Complex Case
Beware FNA and cytopathology pitfalls. When your pathologist examines multiple specime...
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Molecular Pathology:
81200-81479 Gapfill Precursors Trickle In
Payment unknowns turn to grim predictions for molecular labs. It’s anybody&rs...
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Reader Question:
Unravel 'Scar' Code Choices
Question: When our pathologist examines scar tissue, or tissue with a diagnosis related ...
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Reader Question:
88302 -- Not Just for Listed Specimens
Question: Should we only and always use 88302 for any specimen in which our pathologist ...
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Reader Question:
Skip 88173 for Adequacy Check
Question: Our pathologist examined an FNA specimen from a nodule in the right oropharyng...
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Reader Question:
86386 Specifies NMP22
Question: Our physician office lab recently began performing the urine BladderChek test ...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Lose Out on FISH Charges
Question: We perform FISH, and we’re wondering how to bill when we have already pr...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 3
CCI 19.0:
Additional Bundles Target New CPT® 2013 Codes
Add hundreds of pairs to your ‘restricted list.’ Each year brings new, rev...
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277.0 to E84 Scrambles Cystic Fibrosis Codes
Prepare to change Dx coding for CF screening. If you’re reporting the screening ...
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CPT® 2013:
81401: Find 32 'Camouflaged' Tier 2 Tests
Check out online AMA errata and symposium resources. Glancing through the Tier 2 molec...
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News You Can Use:
You're Saved From 26.5 Percent Physician Pay Cut
But RVU changes still in effect. Pathologists, along with all practitioners paid on th...
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Reader Question:
Exercise Caution With Lumpectomy Margins
Question: The pathologist examines a specimen that the surgeon labels “breast...
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Reader Question:
Use Ordering ICD-9 for Clinical Tests
Question: A physician orders an IFE test for a patient with protein in the urine. W...
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Reader Question:
Pick Most Extensive Respiratory Virus Code
Question: Our lab tests a bronchial lavage specimen for respiratory viruses by mult...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Billing "Reflex" Manual Diff
Question: In our lab, when a CBC with automated diff is ordered and then flagged by...
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Reader Question:
786.50 Updates PT NCD
Question: When our lab bills for PT ordered for a patient with unspecified chest p...
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You Be the Coder:
Solve Dx for 'Normal Tissue' Dilemma
Question: Our pathologist examines a portion of rib removed for thoracic outlet syn...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 2
CPT® 2013:
Maneuver CPT® and CMS Instructions' Split Decision for MAAA Coding
To use or not to use the new codes: that is the question. As with last year’s ne...
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543.9 Ruptures into Many More-Specific ICD-10 Appendix Codes
Go beyond ‘other’ and ‘unspecified’. When ICD-9 yields to ICD-...
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CPT® 2013:
MAAA Line-up: Get Familiar With 9 New Algorithm Codes
The following new CPT® 2013 codes represent individual MAAA tests: 81500 --...
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2013 Fee Schedules:
Prep for These Cuts Under Medicare CLFS and PFS
Watch for SRG relief by year’s end. The word is in -- expect less pay for y...
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Medical Records:
Audit Proof Your Pathology Reports
Follow new CMS guidelines when you must make changes. Pretty much every pathologist ha...
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Reader Question:
88141 Still a Roadblock for Some Payers
Question: We are having problems with 88141 for Aetna patients. They are denying them as...
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Reader Question:
Method Dictates Cytology Code
Question: Our pathologist received 2cc colorless, slightly hazy fluid from bronchial lav...
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Reader Question:
Hematologist Might Use ED Codes
Question: An emergency department (ED) physician asked our hematologist/pathologist to t...
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You Be the Coder:
Beware 'Noncontributory' Language
Question: Our pathologist examined three distinct cytology specimens and documented cell...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 14, Number 1
CPT® 2013:
81200-81479: Get Ready for Molecular Pathology Overhaul
Don't miss 'unlisted' molecular code 81479. You had over 100 new molecular codes in 2012 ...
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Diagnosis Coding:
3 Tips Focus Your ICD-9 Code Choice
Avoid ‘unspecified’ codes -- choose test’s ‘reason’ i...
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All Eyes Turn to Medicare Cuts Following Election
Fiscal outlook brings worries. Like everyone else, you're probably watching Washington, D...
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Molecular Pathology:
Say Goodbye to 83912 -- And Hello to G0452
Solve physician professional pay problem. As CPT® 2013 jettisons 83912 (Molecular ...
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V84 to Z15: Don't Expect Big Changes for Genetic Test Results
Follow one-to-one crosswalk. Despite a major CPT® revamping of genetic test codes ...
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Reader Question:
Check Payer for Multiple Anatomic Pathology Services
Question: I've always billed multiple anatomic pathology services (such as 88300, 88...
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Reader Question:
Skip Mohs Codes or Lose TC Pay
Question: Our lab prepares the slides for the surgeon that performs Mohs. Can we charge a...
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Reader Question:
Cut Losses for Lymph Node 'Scrape'
Question: Our pathologist cuts a lymph node, then touches slides to each half, and stains...
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You Be the Coder:
87621 Leads High Risk HPV
Question: When our lab performs a high risk HPV screening that returns positive, we then ...
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Available Years: