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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 12
3 Tips Substantiate Bone Marrow Case Study Coding
Grab separate biopsy, aspirate, and clot pay. Bone marrow cases can have lots of compl...
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Expect Direct 289.9 to D75.9 Diagnosis Crosswalk
But coagulation defects exit 'other specified' category. You can expect some s...
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Limit Peripheral Smear to Medicare Inpatients
Other payers may cover the service. Pathologists typically receive a peripheral blood smea...
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Place of Service:
Stay the Course on POS Reporting -- For Now
Pathology/lab instruction to follow. First it was April 1, then Oct. 1, 2012 -- now ...
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Clear Up Your Medicare Re-Enrollment Questions With This Update
Missed deadline means 'deactivation' instead of 'revocation.' When you receive your lab's...
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Reader Question:
Don't Miss Additional Cytology Services
Question: Our pathologist received a bronchial lavage specimen from a Medicare patient an...
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Reader Question:
Scrutinize TC Denials Following 'Grandfather' Expiration
Question: Since the TC Grandfather Provision ended July 1, 2012, we're receiving approxim...
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Reader Question:
Don't Create Electrolyte 'Panel'
Question: A physician orders blood electrolytes potassium, sodium, calcium, chloride, mag...
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You Be the Coder:
Solve 'Trigone of Bladder' Mystery
Question: What is the correct procedure code for our pathologist's examination of a ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 11
CLFS Pricing Proposal:
Don't Expect Pay for MAAA Algorithm
Just add up the lab tests, CMS says.Despite consistent stakeholder recommendations to pric...
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758.0 Down Syndrome -- Just One Code is Not Enough for ICD-10
Specific and unspecified codes will give you 4 choices.Once CMS implements ICD-10 beginnin...
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Clip-and-Save Chart:
Follow Medicare Pricing to See How You'll Fare in 2013
Use this handy table to get a jump on new CPT 2013 Codes and their recommended Medicare ...
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Molecular Pathology Payment:
Wait for Gapfill to Learn Your Molecular Pathology Pay
CMS indicates CLFS, perhaps some MPFS pay.The Clinical Lab Fee Schedule (CLFS) is for mole...
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88305: Is 4 the New Prostate Biopsy Maximum for Medicare?
Palmetto GBA policy sets the tone. "I'm concerned that payers may interpret t...
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Reader Question:
G0431 or G0434 Could Describe Immunoassay
Question: Our lab performs an immunoassay drug screen for six drug classes for a Medicare ...
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Reader Question:
Ink in the New ICD-10 Implementation Deadline
Question: Will we still need to convert to ICD-10 Codes , or has the use of ICD-9 been ext...
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Reader Question:
Malignant Behavior Leads Struma Ovarii Choice
Question: The pathology report states, "right ovary with struma ovarii showing multifocal ...
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Reader Question:
Collect from Patient After Secondary Insurance
Question: Often, when we perform lab tests, the patient has secondary insurance, some of w...
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You Be the Coder:
88108 Gets Bladder Washing Green Light
Question: Our cytopathology lab received a bladder washing specimen with the clinical di...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 10
Anatomic Pathology:
1-2-3 Examples Elucidate Ovary Coding
Bundles aren't always 'hard and fast.' With six "ovary" listings...
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Molecular Pathology:
Greet 13 New Tier I Codes in CPT® 2013
But payment remains a mystery.The biggest news at the annual CMS clinical laboratory Fee S...
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News You Can Use:
Prepare for 2013 Lab and Pathology Medicare Pay Cuts
Learn what's possible, and watch for final rule and Congressional changes.There may be som...
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CPT® Ovary Options
Although the code numbers overlap, you need to be familiar with six distinct code listings...
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Enter 'Right,' 'Left' for Ovarian Cancer Specificity
You'll keep a general code, too. ICD-9 keeps it simple for primary ovarian neoplas...
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Reader Question:
Pathololgic Fracture Leads Choice
Question: According to the surgical report for a knee resection, a patient diagnosed with ...
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Reader Question:
Justify 82310 and 82330 Together
Question: An endocrinologist client sometimes orders total calcium and ionized calcium tog...
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Reader Question:
83540/83550 Work Together for Transferrin Saturation
Question: Will Medicare pay for both CPT 83540 and 83550 on the same date of service?Geor...
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Reader Question:
88312 Spotlights PAS Stain
Question: The pathologist examined a toenail biopsy and also performed a PAS stain. The pa...
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You Be the Coder:
Determine Method for Molecular Tissue Prep
Question: Our pathologists often perform EGFR, KRAS, and BRAF molecular analyses. In addit...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 9
CCI 18.2:
87501-87502: Influenza Virus Typing Trumps Lab Procedure Codes
See why reporting new bundles together was already noncompliant. Following an April Co...
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CPT® 2013 Preview:
Brace for Molecular Diagnostics, HLA, Microbiology Changes, and More
MAAA brings new 'algorithm' category.Even more than in 2012, you need to get ready for lot...
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See What Supreme Court ACA Ruling Means for Your Lab
You may experience short-term 'preventive care' bonus.Now that the Supreme Court has uphel...
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J09-J11 Identify More Specific Influenza and Comorbidities
Lose ICD-9 2009 H1N1 reference. Influenza reporting gets more specific once you quit u...
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Reader Question:
Don't Assume Special Stain
Question: Our pathologist evaluates a stomach resection from a sleeve gastrectomy performe...
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Reader Question:
Follow Payer Guidance for Colon Biopsy
Question: When our pathologist examines a colon biopsy from a screening colonoscopy (tur...
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You Be the Coder:
Match Pap Screening and Interpretation
Question: When our lab gets requests for a Pap test ordered with V76.2 , I've been told th...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 8
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert:
Missing Polyp/Fibroid Distinction Could Cost You Hundreds
3 scenarios show the way to accurate pay. You use the same procedure code for a uterine fi...
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Independent Lab:
3 Tips Ensure You're Ready to Report POS Correctly This Fall
Expect more 22 and 21, fewer 81 claims.Independent labs got a reprieve from place-of-servi...
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N84 Merges ICD-9 621 and 622 Polyp Codes
Follow 'location' to choose the right code. Uterine polyp reporting gets much ...
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ICD-10 Sentinel:
Scrutinize AMA and Community Reaction to Implementation Delay
Watchful waiting will keep your lab ready. While you're waiting for CMS to make a ...
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Reader Question:
Ask Payer for G0364, 38220 Distinction
Question: Should I report G0364 or CPT 38220 for bone marrow aspiration and biopsy at the...
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Reader Question:
Count Drug Classes and Procedures
Question: We perform a seven drug-class test by immunoassay (amphetamines, barbiturates, b...
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Reader Question:
Abide by Contractual Fee Schedule
Question: Our lab changed the type of kit we use to test for bilirubin in whole blood. The...
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Reader Question:
80500: Meet 'Consult' Requirements
Question: If a physician requests a review of his diagnosis based on patient history, clin...
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You Be the Coder:
Understand Method to Code HER2/NEU
Question: Our pathologists use a billing template to check off what tests were done, fil...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 7
Breast Case:
Track Each Test Phase to Boost Breast Specimen Pay
Avoid pitfalls at each pathology exam stage. When a patient advances through multiple diag...
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D05: Breast Cancer 'In situ' Expands Beyond 233.0
Update ER/PR status codes, too. You'll face significant changes in how you report ...
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Clinical Lab:
81000-81015: 3 Tips Drive Proper UA Code Selection
Avoid QW for PPMP labs.Urinalysis (UA) might be one of your lab's most frequently-ordered ...
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Molecular Pathology:
83890-83914: AMA Takes Steps to Delete Codes for 2013
Genetic test modifiers and array codes may go, too.Despite 101 new CPT® 2012 codes, ...
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Breast Case:
Don't Miss Ancillary Service Charge for ER/PR
Catch 'status' diagnosis codes.After the pathologist's work outlined in "Track Each Test P...
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Reader Question:
Beware Multiple Colon Biopsies
Question: Our pathologist received a specimen container labeled, "multiple colon biopsies,...
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Reader Question:
Master Anti-Markup Rule
Question: Medicare requires participating providers to indicate on the claim form in Box 2...
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Reader Question:
Don't Overlook 'Reason for the Test'
Question: Our lab sometimes receives orders from a client for a "pre-procedure workup" inv...
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You Be the Coder:
Normal Tissue Earns Ordering Diagnosis
Question: The pathologist examined a colon biopsy from a patient having a diagnostic colon...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 6
Skin Specimens:
88304-88305: Make Sure You Don't Upcode for Cancer
Stick to skin-origin codes regardless of depth or size. No one's happy reporting a skin co...
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C43, D03: Two Families Replace 172 for Melanoma
Watch for more specific site options, too.Don't slack off with your ICD-10 preparations ju...
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CPT® 2012 Cytology:
88107: You Won't Miss the Missing Code
4 tips simplify your non-gyn cytology coding.Just remember four specific rules about codin...
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ICD-10 Delay:
Build 1 Extra Year into Your ICD-10 Change-Over Schedule
But don't count on the delay quite yet, expert warns. You'll have until Oct. 1, 2014 (inst...
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Check Out This Stark 'Physician Self-Referral Law' Update
Exceptions only apply in specific scenarios.If anything keeps pathologists with ownership ...
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Reader Question:
Pick Units or Modifier For Multiple Specimens
Question: I'm getting conflicting instructions about how to report multiple units of "like...
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Reader Question:
Don't Miss HIPAA 5010 Reprieve
Question: I heard that there's been another delay for HIPAA 5010 enforcement. Is that true...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish Uterus and Ovaries for Separate Pathology
Question: The surgeon submitted a hysterectomy in three separate containers identified as ...
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Reader Question:
Get Specific Orders for Heart Labs
Question: A cardiologist ordered "CVD markers" for a patient presenting with chest pain. W...
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You Be the Coder:
Grasp Leiomyoma Exceptions
Question: Please help clarify how to code intramural leiomyoma findings in a uterus specim...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 5
CCI Policy Manual:
G0416-G0419: Mark 5 Prostate Biopsies as the Magic Cutoff For 88305
Method, not number, should lead code choice. Quarterly updates aren't the only way that Me...
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ICD-10 Sidebar:
600 to N40: Expect Fewer Enlarged Prostate Code Choices
Cyst moves to different family. When you start getting test orders under ICD-10 with enla...
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Place of Service:
81 is Out: Claim POS Based on Patient Location
Expect "facility" payment to impact your bottom line.With a last-minute CMS announcement t...
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Legislation Update:
Prepare for Sunset of TC 'Grandfather' Arrangements
Accept short-term MPFS pay rescue.The "Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 201...
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Reader Question:
Check Payer Rules for IHC
Question: Our lab processed a lymph node biopsy for a patient with melanoma. We stained bl...
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Reader Question:
Use Lab Protocol to Establish Urine Culture Order
Question: We know that Medicare is reviewing urine reflex cultures, and we're wondering if...
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Reader Question:
Follow Method to Choose HPV Code
Question: Our lab started receiving specimens from an otolaryngologist client for HPV test...
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Reader Question:
88321: Don't Double Dip for IHC
Question: When our pathologist consults on a case that includes immunostain slides, which ...
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Reader Question:
82731: Analyte Leads Code Choice
Question: Our lab has started performing a fetal fibronectin test that an OB orders to ass...
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You Be the Coder:
Distinguish 'Specimen' Vs. 'Site' for Touch Preps
Question: If our pathologist performs intra-operative touch preps on two separate breast b...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 4
Molecular Pathology:
83890-83914: Keep On Stackin' in 2012
Heed payer guidance for new MoPath codes -- some may surprise you. With Medicare paym...
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V84.0x Involves Simple ICD-10 Crosswalk
Apply the same BRCA positive rules when the codes change. You won't see "BRCA...
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Put a Fork in Genetic Test Modifiers
Rarely used; gone for good?Remember those two-place genetic testing modifiers that first a...
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Molecular diagnostics:
2 Steps Master Molecular Stacking Codes
Don't forget interpretation charge.You'll need to use them for at least the rest of this y...
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Delay Gives You More Time to Implement ICD-10, HHS Confirms
With no new date in sight, press on with your lab's preparation.Your target for ICD-10 imp...
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Reader Question:
Remember CLIA Status Modifier
Question: We're a CLIA-waived lab performing the NMP22 test by Alere. How should we ...
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Reader Question:
Pathology Findings Lead Dx
Question: Our pathologist examined a biopsy from a screening colonoscopy that the physicia...
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Reader Question:
Beware PhD 'Interpretation'
Question: Our laboratory recently started performing a new molecular test for CF. The test...
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Reader Question:
88387 Bundles Baffle Coders
Question: The pathologist dictates, "Lymph node segregated from breast tissue for extensiv...
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Reader Question:
Check if 'Panel' is CPT® Defined
Question: What are the correct CPT codes for Celiac Panel and Celiac Infant Panel?Kentucky...
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You Be the Coder:
'Cocktail' is in the Procedure
Question: I've heard that if we use two IHC antibody stains on a single slide, we can no l...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 3
CCI 18.0:
87389: Pick Just 1 HIV Test Code or Risk Denials
Update bundles for cytology, special stains. Just as you're starting to use CPT&r...
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Catch Up Your Outpatient Edits to CCI 18.0
Counting on version 17.3 will put you behind.If you're used to ignoring new CCI edits for ...
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Same Code Assignment Could Cause ICD Confusion
Some conditions change classification.Ready or not, here it comes. More changes came down ...
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CCI Policy Manual:
83704: Look for NMR Lipoprotein Limits and Opportunities
Update your transfusion medicine guidelines, too.You always watch to see how Correct Codin...
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Reader Question:
Prep Your ICD-10 Breast Specimen Coding
Question: Our pathologists examine lots of breast cases, so we're trying to prepare for di...
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Reader Question:
85060: Know Medicare Inpatient Restriction
Question: Medicare doesn't pay for 85060 for outpatients. Can I submit this code with a mo...
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Reader Question:
88305: Acknowledge Cell Block Units Restriction
Question: The pathologist interprets two FNA specimens -- one from a nodule in the ri...
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Reader Question:
KOH Test Stands Alone
Question: Our lab receives a toenail excision with some attached skin for a fungal test. W...
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You Be the Coder:
Find Dividing Line for ISH Codes
Question: When our lab performs ISH procedures, we have PhD scientists who give the result...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 2
CCI Policy Manual:
88342, 88360-88361: Report IHC Per Specimen for Medicare Beneficiaries
Update your microdissection guidelines, too. Just when Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) pol...
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185 Entails Simple ICD-10 Crosswalk
Apply the same PIN rules even when the codes change.If you don't have any trouble using th...
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Confirm FNA Unit of Service for Medicare
Lesion and evaluation episode constrain coding.If you understand how to report your pathol...
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HIPAA Compliance:
Get Ready for Updated, Aggressive 5010 Timeline
You might not have until March 31.You thought you wouldn't face enforcement action regardi...
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Physician Fee Schedule:
See How Medicare's '3-Day Payment Window' Could Impact Your Lab
Ownership is the key for bundling rule.Did you know that one of the least publicized chang...
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News brief:
Expect 2-Month Medicare Payment Reprieve
Hang on to 'grandfather' exception, too.You won't face a 27 percent Medicare pay cut start...
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Reader Question:
Don't Forget New CTC Code
Question: Our lab performs the CellSearch® test to evaluate circulating tumor cells ...
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Reader Question:
38220-38221 Face Bundling Restrictions
Question: When our pathologist examines a bone marrow aspirate and bone marrow biopsy, our...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish 2 CCI Edit Files
Question: Our lab performed a calcium test, and later the same day, the physician ordered ...
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You Be the Coder:
TC/26 Not For Every Code
Question: Our facility billed the global charge for 84165, but then the pathologist, who i...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 13, Number 1
CPT® 2012:
81200-81408: Payment Hurdles Postpone New Molecular Diagnostics Codes
Keep using 83890-83914 for most payers. Don't expect 101 new CPT® molecular diagnost...
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Physician Fee Schedule 2012:
Steel Yourselves for 27 % Medicare Conversion Factor Cut
Plus: Physician signatures, cytology rates on the line.Welcome to another round of tense w...
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CPT® 2012:
Get All the Pay You Deserve -- Code Per Block for Special Stains
88312 unit change could earn you $107 or more.The American Medical Association (AMA) has c...
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CPT® 2012:
Clip-And-Save: Identify New and Deleted Codes That Impact Your Lab
Use this at-a-glance tool for accurate 2012 coding.Get a preview of new and deleted CPT�...
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Reader Question:
Check Out CMS Website for CLIA Details
Question: We are a CLIA waived lab. How can we find out if a specific test kit is somethin...
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Reader Question:
ICD-10 Prep is Different for Paper Claims
Question: If we file paper claims to Medicare, will the claims form change once we begin u...
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Reader Question:
Ensure Constituents for Full Urinalysis
Question: Our lab performed a macroscopic urine test, but due to color interference, we co...
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Reader Question:
Use Modifier 22 When Extra Work Warrants
Question: Our pathologist examined a very large lipoma located primarily in the upper back...
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You Be the Coder:
Break Out Components for Evocative/Suppression Payment
Question: I've looked on the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule for pricing for Calcitonin s...
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Available Years: