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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 12
Did You Catch CMS's Unveiling of Medically Unlikely Edits?
Find out why Medicare denies your second slide consult. The once-secret limit to the nu...
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CCI Says:
Choose Only 1 Flow Cytometry Interpretation Code
Take this modifier 59 check-up, too. Selecting just one code from 88187-88189 for your ...
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Get the Final Word on Physician-Signature Debate
Perform diagnostic tests without a signed order --here's how. If past Medicare directio...
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Reader Questions:
Correctly Bill Unlisted Procedures --" Here's How
Question: When we perform an unlisted procedure such as a CPAS urinalysis, how should we...
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Reader Questions:
Keep Up with CLIA-Waived Test Changes
Question: We are a CLIA-waived lab. How do we keep abreast of changes to the list of tes...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Miss the ICD-10 Boat
Question: I read about the transition to ICD-10 in your last issue. How are these diagno...
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Reader Questions:
Capture Multiple Analyzer Steps
Question: Our lab identified Proteus rettgeri from a wound culture, and performed suscep...
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You Be the Coder:
Do This for Cyto-Histo Correlation
Question: When our pathologist reads an abnormal Pap smear, we charge 88141. When the pa...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 11
Sneak Preview:
Get Ready for 2009 Laboratory Codes Now
Prepare to update how you code MPO and DCP. From a marker for myocardial infarction (MI) ...
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Clip and Save Chart:
Jump Start Your Preparation for 2009 Lab Codes
Study this table for clinical laboratory tests. CMS recently posted the new lab test code...
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Decode Prostate Terminology and Translate to Proper Pay
Recognize when multiple units can help your bottom line. TUR, saturation, needle, subtota...
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Diagnosis Coding:
Transition to ICD-10 Could Be Just 3 Years Away
Heads up -- you-ll need some time to learn the ropes. You thought getting ready for ...
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Reader Questions:
Point to Urine Codes for Prostate Secretion
Question: Our lab receives two urine specimens from a urologist, one labeled -express pros...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Double Dip Blood Smear Interpretation
Question: On review of peripheral smear slides from a CBC, the cytotechnologist noted imma...
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Reader Questions:
Consider Final Diagnosis
Question: Our pathologist received a uterus with a pre-op diagnosis of uterine prolapse an...
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Reader Questions:
Make Sure You Know QW's Limits
Question: Our lab operates under a CLIA certificate of waiver. Do we need to use modifier ...
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You Be the Coder:
Clarify Touch Prep Specimens and Sites
Question: We have a case in which the pathologist performed touch preps on three separate ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 10
Master Breast Pathology Coding With These 4 Tips
Make sure you distinguish aspiration specimens -- find out how. If you don't know needles...
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Learn the Truth Behind the 2008 PQRI Bonus Rumor
Use alternative reporting period to prepare for 2009. If you think that pathology measure...
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Reader Question:
Don't Miss 'Grandfather' Extension
Question: Our lab bills our Medicare carrier for the technical component of pathology serv...
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Reader Question:
Conform to CLIA's Uric Acid Coding
Question: Our physician-office lab uses the Abaxis xpress blood chemistry analyzer and oft...
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Reader Question:
Look Out for 80047 Pay
Question: We-ve seen our payment drop for the basic metabolic panel code that CPT introduc...
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Reader Question:
Report Drug-Monitoring V Code
Question: When our lab performs repeat glucose testing for a patient with gestational diab...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 9
ICD-9 Update:
Brace Yourself for a Plethora of New Pap Test Codes
Discover a new way to report vaginal findings. You already know to look to ICD-9 catego...
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ICD-9 Update:
Take on 796.7 for Accurate Anal Pap Smear Coding
Stop using -other site- for anal smears. Starting Oct. 1, you won't have catch-all code...
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CMS Regulatory Update:
Zero In On Correct 'Date of Service'
Treat pathology technical component like lab specimen. Don't get caught unawares w...
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Make Sure You Get Travel Allowance for Specimen Collection
Medicare will pay for trips to nursing homes or homebound patients. If the cost of fuel...
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Reader Questions:
Beware Coverage Limits for Fecal DNA Test
Question: Our lab wants to start using PreGen-Plus, a commercially-available DNA stool t...
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Reader Questions:
Understand Modifier 59 Column Distinction
Question: When we need to override an edit pair that CCI lists in the "mutually exclusiv...
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Reader Questions:
Use Screening Pap Code Regardless of Findings
Question: If our lab runs a screening Pap smear but the findings are abnormal, should we...
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Reader Questions:
Identify GTT by 'Glucose Challenge'
Question: A physician ordered seven glucose blood tests over a three hour time period, i...
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You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Specimens and Antibodies for Breast Case
Question: For a breast case, we used an AE1/AE3 immunostain on serial sections from mult...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 8
ICD-9 Update:
Let Diagnosis Changes Catapult Your October Lab Claims to Success
Don't lose medical-necessity clout by missing new codes. If you don't get your 2009 ICD...
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Clip-and-Save Chart:
Get a Grip on New ICD-9 Codes That Affect Your Lab
From carcinoid tumor to Pap smears, make sure you-re ready for diagnosis. With more th...
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ICD-9 Update:
Don't Get Caught Using 2008 'Benign' and 'Malignant' Codes for Carcinoid Tumors
Pathologists must assign 209.xx for neuroendocrine cancer. Soon you-ll no longer choose...
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Reader Questions:
Infectious Agent Stands Alone
Question: When billing for infectious agent tests such as Chlamydia (87491) and gonorrhe...
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Reader Questions:
Watch Ovary/Fallopian Tube Bundles
Question: Our pathologist received an ovary with an attached fallopian tube. Although th...
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Reader Questions:
Use Cystatin C for Renal Function
Question: When our lab tests for serum creatinine and cystatin C for patients with kidne...
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Reader Questions:
Beware Counterstain Charge
Question: When we use an immunohistochemistry stain to identify Melan-A positive melanoc...
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Reader Questions:
Capture New VRE Code
Question: A hospitalized patient developed a urinary tract infection following removal o...
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You Be the Coder:
Heads Up for Colon Donut Debate
Question: Our pathologist examined a colon resection for tumor and also examined two col...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 7
5 Steps Net Surgical Consult Pay -- Every Time
Learn to maneuver 88329-88334 pitfalls and possibilities Specimens, blocks, sites -- if...
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3 Scenarios Test Your Surgical Consultation Savvy
Zero in on blocks and sites to bring every penny in the door Now that you know the rule...
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New ABN Solves Noncovered Test Woes -- Here's How
Use universal form to ensure lab test pay If your payer denies coverage because you can...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Miss New Retrograde Ejaculation Code
Question: A physician ordered an automated urinalysis with a microscopic exam for retrog...
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Reader Questions:
Zero In on Tracheal Aspirate Methods
Question: We received a "tracheal aspirate for cytologic evaluation" consisting of 3 cc ...
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Reader Questions:
Document 2 Flu-Strain Test
Question: We use the BinaxNOW influenza A and B testing kit, which gives results for bot...
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Reader Questions:
Clarify E/M Requirements With FNA
Question: When our pathologist performs an FNA extraction, he generally documents speaki...
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Reader Questions:
Clarify Screening Pap Ordering Diagnosis
Question: We-re getting denials when physicians order screening Pap smears as part of th...
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You Be the Coder:
Beware of Manual Diff Reflex
Question: If a physician orders a CBC with automated differential but the test results r...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 6
CCI Says:
Pick 1 Code for Organism Identification …quot; or Else
Watch for new Mohs edits, too Coding principle: You can't bill for a primary-source infec...
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Test Your PQRI Coding Knowledge With a Quick Quiz
Answer correctly and capture Medicare bonus pay Last month our experts gave you a Physici...
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Reporting PQRI? Independent-Laboratory Pathologists, Beware
Learn how CMS bombshell could imperil your bonus pay If you-re a pathologist employ...
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Reader Questions:
Let 'Method' Drive Your Urinalysis Claims
Question: Our lab performs urinalysis using a chem-strip method. What is the proper code?K...
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Reader Questions:
Count Biochemical Tests for Proteus Identification
Question: We cultured a septic lesion from a burn patient and identified the organism as P...
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Reader Questions:
Keep Track of HPV Coverage Rules
Question: For a patient whose thin-prep Pap test showed LGSIL, our lab performed low-ris...
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Reader Questions:
Add Up IHC …quot; Here's How
Question: We performed manual morphometric Her-2/neu, ER and PR on bilateral breast ...
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You Be the Coder:
Avoid Fibroid Coding Pitfalls
Question: Our pathologist received three large uterine masses and diagnosed each as a fibr...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 5
Pay Attention to Pathology PQRI and Get Medicare Bonus Pay
Take advantage of reportable measures for breast and colon cancer The Physician Qualit...
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Don't Miss Quality Opportunity for Clinical Labs
Learn how you can benefit from PQRI Although they-re not eligible for reporting and gar...
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Colon Cancer Screening:
Steer Clear of 82272 or Lose Medicare Pay
Watch out for FOBT G codes Whether a fecal specimen is from a digital rectal exam (DRE)...
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Make Sure You're Using the Right FOBT Coverage Rules
Don't confuse lab NCD with colorectal cancer screening You have to distinguish between ...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Let 'Sinus Contents' Confuse You
Question: When the pathology report identifies a specimen as "sinus contents" and has a ...
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Reader Questions:
Make Sure NPI Is on Track
Question: I-ve already started using my NPI number, but now my FI is telling me there's ...
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You Be the Coder:
Use the Right PSA Ordering
Question: When a physician orders a PSA test for a patient with BPH and the results show...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 4
Ramp Up Your Multiplex Amplification Coding With These Tips
Understand lab procedures -- or lose rightful pay When you-re billing for molecular dia...
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4 Steps Ensure Proper Pay for Heart Screening Test
Abide by 5-year rule or risk denials Labs that perform heart-disease screening tests ar...
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Know the 'Signal' to Keep Molecular Diagnostics Coding on 'Target'
Enhance your coding savvy with 5 definitions You can't avoid technical jargon if you wa...
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News You Can Use:
Don't Count on Current Medicare Rate -- Here's Why
Hold on to the -grandfather- exception for now After the threat of a 10.1 percent Medic...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Miss Reverse Transcription Pay
Question: What is reverse transcription, and how should I code for the procedure? Washi...
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Reader Questions:
Beware Cytogenetics Interpretation Pitfall
Question: Our lab performs a chromosome analysis of amniotic fluid that involves perform...
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Reader Questions:
Master Non-Gyn Cytology With These 'Filtration' Tips
Question: We received a CSF specimen that we vacuum washed on a cellulose filter to prep...
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Reader Questions:
Finesse Surgical Consult Codes to Get Correct Pay
Question: Our pathologist consulted on a thyroidectomy during surgery. He performed a fr...
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Reader Questions:
Capture Additional Stool Culture Steps
Question: Our lab performed a standard stool culture with additional plates as follows: ...
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You Be the Coder:
Update HPV ICD-9 Codes or Miss Screening Pay
Question: When our clients order a screening HPV test using the appropriate screening IC...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 3
Beware of Double-Dipping Pay for Panel or Semen Tests
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Don't Freeze Up Over Fewer Cryopreservation Choices
CCI deletions highlight G-code ouster You won't have G0265 and G0266 to kick around any...
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Location, Location, Location Is Key to 'Giant Cell Tumor' Coding
Document soft-tissue mass or settle for tendon-sheath pay When your pathologist diagnos...
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Reader Questions:
Watch for MUE Modifier
Question: If our lab can show medical necessity for multiple units of a single procedure...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Miss Out on p63/AMACR Pay
Question: Our pathologist uses an antibody "cocktail" stain for prostate biopsies called...
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Reader Questions:
Limit 'Second Opinion' Consults for Medicare
Question: I-ve always understood that we can report consultations on slides or tissues r...
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Reader Questions:
Zero In on Wet Mount Differences
Question: Suspecting a vaginal infection when a patient presents for a Pap test, the phy...
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Reader Questions:
Hemoglobin A1C Testing
Question: I-ve heard that there is a new G code for hemoglobin A1C testing, but I just g...
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Reader Questions:
Let Final Diagnosis Guide Colon Pay
Question: Our pathologist examines a colon resection with a final diagnosis of Crohn'...
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You Be the Coder:
Learn Rules for Stand-Alone Flow Cytometry Interpretation
Question: We have a reference lab performing our flow cytometry panels, but our patholog...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 2
CPT 2008:
3 Modifier Changes Your Lab Needs to Know Now
Meet the new documentation rules head-on or risk denials If you use modifiers to report...
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Clip-and-Save Chart:
Put These Common Lab Modifiers in Your 'Coding Toolbox'
Describe procedure status to ensure clean claims Repeat services, send-out services, co...
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CPT 2008:
Boost Your Basic Metabolic Panel Claims -- Watch for 80047
Ionized calcium distinguishes new basic metabolic panel Get ready to change how you cod...
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Correction: A typographical error identifying a bone marrow biopsy extraction as "38220"...
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Reader Questions:
Look for New CLIA-Waived Lipid Tests
Question: Our point-of-service lab often uses a desk-top analyzer to perform alanine ami...
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Reader Questions:
Catch Decalcification's Professional Side
Question: When can I bill for the professional component of decalcification? This seems ...
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Reader Questions:
Count Each Immunofluorescent Antibody
Question: Our pathologist examined a kidney biopsy using the following special "IF" stai...
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Reader Questions:
Beware of Ordering Diagnosis -- Here's Why
Question: Our pathologist receives a skin specimen labeled "atypical growth of left ear....
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Reader Questions:
Avoid This Mastectomy Pitfall and Get Extra Pay
Question: The pathologist examined two sentinel lymph nodes, marked and separately ident...
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You Be the Coder:
Zero In on Pap Interpretation Requirements
Question: A physician sends a Pap smear to the pathologist for interpretation based on t...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2008; Volume 9, Number 1
Respiratory Virus Code Starts Jan. 1 -- What You Need to Know Now
Get paid with specific chemistry and microbiology codes If you-ve been wondering how to...
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3 Ways to Prepare Your Lab for 'Unlisted Antigen' Changes
Watch for 2 new codes to replace 86586 You just got used to using 86586 for unlisted ce...
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CPT 2008 Clip and Save:
Master Lab and Pathology Changes -- Start Today
Don't miss revisions in chemistry, immunology, surgical pathology and more Avoid denial...
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Fine-Tune Skin Test Immunology Coding
CPT 2008 returns the -unlisted antigen- option CPT's removal of 86586 from the "skin te...
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Reader Questions:
Jump On Cell Block Opportunity
Question: We received 400 cc of fluid from a pelvic washing that we processed as three c...
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Reader Questions:
Watch for Screening Frequency Limits
Question: We often receive Medicare denials for screening cholesterol or lipid tests eve...
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Reader Questions:
Add Up Urine Culture Steps
Question: Our lab performed a urine culture that resulted in presumptive identification ...
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Reader Questions:
Watch Medical Necessity for ESR
Question: When our lab performs an erythrocyte sedimentation rate that the physician use...
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Reader Questions:
Modifier 59 Documentation a 'Must' -- Here's Why
Question: Do we have to provide documentation when our pathologist uses modifier 59 to b...
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You Be the Coder:
Tread Carefully on 88172 Technical Component
Question: When our lab processes a fine needle aspiration to evaluate adequacy while the...
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Available Years: