Pathology/Lab Coding Alert

CPT 2005:
Get Ready for Morphometric Analysis Code Changes
Automation distinction is the key You can stop pulling out your hair over how to repor... Read more
What's the Difference in Her-2/neu Tests?
Some measure the gene, some measure the protein productYou see so many different Her-2/neu... Read more
IHC Coding Preview:
Know the Method for CPT 2005
After 2004's confusion concerning the new code for immunohistochemistry (IHC) tumor morpho... Read more
Think You Have Plenty of Time For New Codes? Think Again
CMS scraps the 90-day grace period You used to have until April 1 to work out the bug... Read more
CPT 2005:
The Spotlight's on Chemisty & Flow Cytometry - Are You Ready?
Watch for immunology and surgical pathology changes, too Starting Jan. 1, you have new... Read more
Here's How to Play 'The Price Is Right' for Clinical Lab Tests
Count on new-code rates for 2005 Here's the Medicare payment scoop you need for 11 new cl... Read more
Reader Question:
'Other' Pathology Procedures Have New Codes
Question: Why does CPT Codes 2004 have new codes for ... Read more
Reader Question:
Multiple Tests Can Reduce Pay
Question: When our lab bills Medicare for a comprehensive metabolic panel and a lipid pane... Read more
Reader Question:
Use New Code for Computer-Assisted ER/PR
Question: We perform ER/PR as immunoperoxidase stains, and the pathologist manually scores... Read more
Reader Question:
Phlebotomy Depends on Payer, Method
Question: What is the correct code for phlebotomy services (blood draw)?Nebraska Subscribe... Read more
Reader Question:
Apply Special Stain Codes With Primary Service
Question: When the pathologist performs special stains on a tissue specimen, such as an AF... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Blood Culture Anaerobe Rules
Question: When a physician orders blood culture for suspected bacteremia, the lab perfor... Read more
Get Ready to Recoup Pay for Diabetes, Heart Disease Screening
Medicare proposes glucose and lipid test coverage for 2005Soon you won't always need signs... Read more
Thyroid Basics:
Here's How to Report the Pathology Exams
It all comes down to separate specimens, experts sayOne lobe or two? The answer may surpri... Read more
Want to Get Paid for 2 Bone Marrow Specimens? Do This
Use Medicare's proposed G codeWhen your pathologist procures a bone marrow aspiration spec... Read more
Here's How to Capture Each Lab Procedure for ART
Select the correct code from each of the 6 steps Assisted reproductive technology ... Read more
Try Coding This IVF Scenario
Then check your answers against the expertsTry your hand at coding the following case, whi... Read more
Reader Question:
Wait for LDL Results
Question: We're getting denials when our lab performs a lipid panel and an LDL cholesterol... Read more
Reader Question:
Code per Test, Not per Organism
Question: Our lab performs some infectious agent antigen detection tests that involve more... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Distinguish Telepathology Coding
Question: A distant hospital sends us slides via telemetry. Our pathologist examines the s... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Here's the Lowdown on Infectious Agent Detection Bundles
Question: We perform both "high-risk" and "low-risk" HPV tests on the same specimen using ... Read more
Get the Scoop on the Flow Cytometry 'Per Marker' Debate
CPT Codes 2005 to replace 88180 with separate technical and professional codes Prepar... Read more
Follow These 3 Tips for Skin/Soft Tissue Coding
Use documentation to establish key points You've all faced it - pathology examination of ... Read more
Sneak a Peek at New Laboratory and Pathology Codes
Start coding and payment planning early You can study the following chart to get a preview... Read more
Got Medical Necessity for NCD Lab Tests?
Make sure you update your 'covered' ICD-9 codes With new ICD-9-CM codes effec... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Out What Distinguishes 88112
Question: Our lab receives a non-gyn specimen and processes it with the following steps: 1... Read more
Reader Question:
You Can't Double-Dip for Measured and Calculated Values
Question: A physician ordered free, total, and complexed PSA on the same date. We received... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Pair Tests With 'Same Result'
Question: Our lab prepares cytospins and thin-prep slides for all fluids other than urine.... Read more
NCCI 10.2 Update:
Get the Scoop on Infectious Agent Bundling
You can only choose 1 code and 1 method If you want to report infectious agent detection ... Read more
Want to Secure Full Payment for Nephroureterectomy? Here's How
Capture individual specimens -- even if you received them en bloc Don't let a fear... Read more
Infectious Agent Edits:
Use Our Chart to Navigate NCCI Lingo
Understanding columns and modifiers can save you $$$ Want a handy list of the edit pai... Read more
G0328 or 82274? Choose Just 1 Fecal Blood Code
NCCI 10.2 bundles all FOBT code combinations If you didn't get the message from Me... Read more
NCCI Includes Path Consult in FNA Slide Payment
Version 10.2 will make sure you don't unbundle 88329 from FNA interpretation You a... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch Restrictions for CLIA-Waived HIV Test
Question: I've heard that CLIA-waived labs can perform an HIV serum test using fingerstic... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Out What Separates 84153 From G0103
Question: Are G0103 and CPT 84153 interchangeable for PSA (prostate specific antigen) s... Read more
Reader Question:
Expect Lab-Test Denials? Use Modifiers -GY and -GZ
Question: What are the -GY and -GZ modifiers, and how and when should I use them for lab ... Read more
Reader Question:
Most Specific Code Describes Bone Specimen
Question: A 78 year-old female patient diagnosed with osteoporosis fractured her hip and ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Should You Bill 88342 per Stain, per Specimen, or Per Block?
Question: How many immunohistochemistry stains of can we charge for this case: one breas... Read more
Tumor Morphometry Update:
Make Sure to Use 88342 for Medicare Manual IHC
Follow payer rules for CPT 88361 If you're reporting 88361 to Medicare when your pathol... Read more
Make Sure You're Ready When CMS Scraps 90-Day Grace Period
Update your code sets to prevent denials You will no longer have a 90-day grace period... Read more
Watch Method Restrictions for DNA Ploidy:
Here's How
You'll have to choose between CPT 88358 and 88182 More than one code describes a DNA plo... Read more
Do You Need More ICD-9 Codes For Pap Results?
Consensus Guidelines for Cervical Cytological Abnormalities. "The Bethesda distinct... Read more
Quick Key:
Implement These ICD-9 Codes for Pap Smears
List of new diagnosis codes for use beginning Oct.1 Looking for a way to remember the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Pass-Through Billing Rules
Question: We are an independent lab, and we send out orders for molecular diagnostic tes... Read more
Reader Question:
Who Performs Semen Analysis Doesn't Change Code
Question: Can a pathologist bill for semen analysis, or is it only the clinical laborator... Read more
Reader Question:
Decipher Lip Diagnosis Codes
Question: When I report malignant neoplasm of the lip, what is the difference between &q... Read more
Reader Question:
Stains Include Preparation to Examination
Question: Does CPT 88314 refer to histochemical stains made from sections cut on the cr... Read more
Reader Question:
Sometimes You Can Override 88173/88112 Edit Pair
Question: I've noticed that the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) lists the ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Try Your Hand at This Complex FNA Exam
Question: The pathologist extracts an FNA from a left-lobe thyroid nodule. While the pat... Read more
3 Tips Help You Master FNA Coding
Get paid when pathologists do more than 88173 Your pathologist might perform several s... Read more
Watch Additional Services With FNA
Bill for special stains and cell blocks If your practice reports FNA slide interpretation... Read more
You Can't Assume Needle Means FNA
Surgical procedure influences pathology exam code How will you know if your pathologist ... Read more
CPT 2004 Errata Aftermath:
Here's How to Bill 87046
AMA reinstates 'per-plate' coding instructionYou just adjusted your stool culture coding t... Read more
Here's How to Get All You Deserve for Stool Cultures
Case study: Test yourself by coding from culture to treatment Stool cultures can be as si... Read more
Reader Question:
Codes Don't Support Multiple Pap Smears
Question: How should we bill for multiple conventional Pap smears or thin-prep Pap smears ... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's How to Differentiate Lymph Node Specimens
Question: I noticed that CPT lists lymph nodes as pathology specimens under 88305 and 88... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Don't Use Surgical Pathology Codes
Question: When our pathologist receives a surgical pathology case for a second opinion, ho... Read more
Don't Double-Dip With G0027 Semen Analysis
Code the most extensive service to recoup all of your pay Semen analysis codes 89300-8932... Read more
3 Easy Steps Improve Your FOBT Coding
You could be forfeiting your lab's $18 Medicare payment You have to know why and how your... Read more
Compare Fecal Blood Test Methods and Codes
You must know the reason for the test Review the chart to learn the codes for fecal-occult... Read more
News You Can Use:
Want to Make $18 for Each G0328 Claim?
We'll show you how use Medicare's new iFOBT coding rules Code G0107 (Colorectal cancer sc... Read more
Culture Coding:
How to Make $22 for 87081 and 87070
Reviewed on May 20, 2015 Thanks to NCCI, you can report a strep screen with another ... Read more
Stumped by NCCI 10.1's ESRD Bundles? Not Anymore
Why you can report only one ESRD G code If you're choosing multiple codes from th... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Is a TURP a Resection?
Question: The pathologist examines eight pieces of tissue submitted from a TURP, labeled... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Use 88312 and 88313 for Combined Stain
Question: When our pathologists perform a combined Alcian Blue/PAS stain for esophagus bio... Read more
Reader Question:
Identify Every Service for Complex Mastectomy
Question: How should we code this scenario for specimens listed A-E? A -- deep margin... Read more
Reader Question:
FNA Adequacy Includes Opinion and Report
Question: I have been told that when the pathologist performs an intraoperative check for ... Read more
Reader Question:
Extra Work Doesn't Earn a Higher Code
Question: Our pathologist examined an appendix with carcinoma that was extremely complex, ... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch for Separate Specimens
Question: How should we code this case: The pathologist identified a mucinous cystadenoma ... Read more
Don't Code Extra Cultures for Stool and Blood
CPT 2004 updates how you get paid for 87040-87075Minor changes to microbiology codes 87040... Read more
Think You'll See $13.52 for Each Stool Isolate?
Think again: you can no longer code per plateThe 2004 Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CL... Read more
Examine These CPT 2004 Culture Code Changes
Then use the coding scenarios to test your understanding CPT revised five culture cod... Read more
4 Steps Improve Your Radical Prostatectomy Coding
CPT 88309 is just the beginning For a pathologist's radical prostatectomy examin... Read more
Test Your Prostate-Coding Savvy
Use this clinical example to sharpen your skills You're faced with a pathology re... Read more
Reader Question:
Serum Iron NCD Adds Renal Failure Codes
Question: In treating a patient with hypertensive renal failure, the physician ordered ser... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Single Code for Multiple-Organisms Test
Question: We need help coding for Digene GC/CT testing. When the lab performs the GC/CT ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Consultations Per Surgical Case
Question: Our pathologist received a consultation request from an outside laboratory on sl... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Choose Flow Cytometry or Immunohistochemistry
Question: We are a cytogenetics and cancer center lab that frequently performs flow cytome... Read more
Quick Quiz:
Test Your FISH Coding Skills
You know how to use 88361 for tests such as Her-2/neu protein overexpression, but do you r... Read more
News You Can Use:
Is Medicare Denying Your 'Abnormal Bleeding' Claims?
Find out why CMS now pays for 863.91-863.99When you use truncated diagnosis codes, you get... Read more
Coding Basics:
Report the Most Specific Diagnosis
You won't get paid for truncated codes If your lab gets a narrative diagnosis fro... Read more
PPM Labs:
CMS Says You Should Use 89055
Stop using Q0111 for fecal leukocyte exam CPT 89055 is out of limbo -- you should us... Read more
CLIA Certification:
Level May Change How You Perform -- and Code -- the Test
Your lab's Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification level can dicta... Read more
Reader Question:
Learn Codes for CF Smear and Culture
Question: A physician orders a direct sputum acid-fast stain and culture for mycobacteria ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Add-On With Primary Service
Question: If the lab performs a PAS stain for fungus on an esophageal brushing, should I r... Read more
Reader Question:
88323 Requires Interpretation and Report
Question: Our lab prepares only routine stains for surgical pathology exams, and we are ha... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 87077 for CLO Test
Question: What is a CLO test, and how should I code it? Missouri Subscriber Answer: CLO st... Read more
Reader Question:
Report -26 for Decalcification and Stain
Question: I bill for an independent pathologist's professional services, which he performs... Read more
You Be The Coder:
FNA Includes All Slides
Question: We received a fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a breast lesion that required exam... Read more
NCCI 10.0 Takes Aim at New Codes
Don't report G0306-G0307 and 88361 with component tests If you want to code 2004&#... Read more
Stop Billing Touch Preps With Consultations
NCCI bundles many cytopathology and consultation codes You can no longer bill touch p... Read more
Remember Blood Count Bundles With This Clip-and-Save Chart
Use the following chart to find the 25 edit pairs that the National Correct Coding Initiat... Read more
News Brief:
Labs Win Some, Lose Some in Medicare Reform Law
Labs don't know whether to celebrate or wail over the Medicare reform law. While triumphan... Read more
Should You Use 88112 for All Non-Gyn Thin Preps?
New CPT code raises more questions than it answers Although the code is only months old,... Read more
Don't Report 88112 With Other Cytopathology Codes
NCCI 10.0 adds edit pairs for new code No sooner is the ink dry on code 88112 (Cytopa... Read more
Reader Question:
CPT 'Moved' Codes - But Use Them the Same Way
Question: We occasionally perform a water load test for patients with water retention, and... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Reason for Test, Then Underlying Condition
Question: A patient comes for a prothrombin time test, and the ordering physician states t... Read more
Reader Question:
Infectious Agent: One Test, One Code
Question: If we perform a Cryptosporidium/Giardia stool DFA, how should we report the se... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report Separate Slide Consult
Question: If a pathologist receives a case from an outside facility for a patient undergoi... Read more
Are Payers Denying Your Special Stain Claims?
CPT 2004 can help Problem solved. Thanks to CPT Codes 2004 code revisions, labs shou... Read more
Learn This Shortcut to Report CBC Without Platelets
You can report complete blood count (CBC) without platelets using one code again. CMS in... Read more
CPT Lists Hemogram Component Codes
Although Medicare introduced two new codes for CBC without platelets, with or without th... Read more
Don't Let CPT 2004 Panel Updates Confuse You
You can't report 85027 and 85004 for CBC and differential CPT 2004 cleaned up two ... Read more
Reader Question:
Urine Protein and Panel Problem Solved
Question: Our lab often performs a 24-hour quantitative urine protein test in addition to ... Read more
Reader Question:
Continue Reporting Flow Cytometry per Marker
Question: Should we report flow cytometry phenotyping (88180) per marker, or per study, su... Read more
Reader Question:
Differentiate Touch Preps From Surgical Pathology
Question: If our pathologist performs touch preps on four separately identified surgical m... Read more
Reader Question:
List Definitive Identification per Isolate
Question: When the microbiology lab performs additional tests to make a definitive identif... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Are 2 Fingers From 1 Hand a 'Bundled' Specimen?
Question: We recently received in separate containers the index finger and the middle fi... Read more
CPT 2004 Updates Protein Codes
We'll tell you how to navigate the changes Starting Jan.1, get ready to change the... Read more
Clip-and-Save Chart:
2004 CPT Lab Code Changes
CPT introduces almost 60 code additions, deletions and revisions for laboratory and path... Read more
Are You Confused by Infectious Agent Antigen Coding?
code from the 87140 family (Culture typing; ...) " Castillo says. These codes inclu... Read more
News You Can Use:
CPT 2004 Adds Antigen Detection Codes
Remember, you have to use the most specific code available to report an infectious agent... Read more
The December 2003 Pathology/Lab Coding Alert contained an error on page 89. The first sent... Read more
Reader Question:
Sterilization - Reason Is Key
Question: When the pathologist evaluates fallopian tubes removed for sterilization, what p... Read more
Reader Question:
Each Breast Biopsy Codes Alone
Question: We received a single container with two breast biopsies from the left breast, on... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Both Smear and Cell Block
Question: Our lab sometimes performs a concentrated smear examination and also prepares a ... Read more
Reader Question:
Code 'Reason for the Test' When Screening
Question: When a clinician orders a screening Pap smear using an ICD9 Codes such as V76.... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Slide Consultation 88321
Question: When our pathologist receives a request for consultation on slides submitted fro... Read more
Available Years:  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  

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