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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 12
Don't Let NCCI 9.3 Surgical Pathology Edits Stop You
You can still report separate cytopathology You shouldn't be reporting the CPT 881...
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You Can Get NCCI Edits Free Online
After years of paying to learn about new coding restrictions CMS has placed on your lab, y...
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Learn NCCI's Latest Bundles - and How to Override Them
Heads up for a new list of codes that Medicare says you can't report together withou...
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Here's How to Improve Your Surgical Pathology Pay
Specimens, blocks, smears or stains - just what is the unit of service for pathology pro...
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Did You Know Frozen Sections Break the Rules?
You keep reminding yourself that you can't code per block. And you're right - for cytopath...
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Reader Question:
Separate Bone Marrow Interpretation, Collection
Question: A patient with myeloma was having an unrelated knee replacement surgery. During ...
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Reader Question:
Use HPV Diagnosis as the Reason for the Test
Question: Our lab performed a screening thin-layer preparation Pap smear ordered for a low...
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Reader Question:
Bethesda and ICD-9-CM Still Don't Match
Question: I've heard that we should report Bethesda's Pap categories of ASCUS and ASCH usi...
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You Be the Coder:
Medicare Changes Fecal Leukocyte Code
Question: We used to bill Medicare for fecal leukocyte exams using G0026, but that code wa...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 11
Are You Wondering How to Code Cervical Cancer Lab Tests?
Follow these 5 steps to improve your Pap reimbursement With more than two dozen proced...
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Get the Pay You Deserve for Pap Tests
You might report the proper procedure code, but if you don't get a signed advance benefici...
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Handy Reference Chart:
Cervical Cytology At-a-Glance
With 25 codes to choose from, you'll report only one, maybe two, every time your lab...
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New Guidelines Could Mean Fewer Paps in Your Lab's Future
ACOG makes changes The type and volume of cervical cytology testing your lab do...
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Reader Question:
You Can't Code for Calculated LDL
Question: Our lab wants to add LDL to the lipid panel so when physicians order the panel, ...
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Reader Question:
Use Colon Polyp as Reason for Pathology Exam
Question: I'm billing for the pathologist's evaluation of a colon polyp under the followin...
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Reader Question:
Report V Codes for Coumadin Therapy
Question: We frequently get patients coming in for a Protime test with a diagnosis of &q...
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Reader Question:
West Nile Virus Requires a Nonspecific Code
Question: Our lab has been receiving more orders for the test for West Nile virus. Is th...
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Reader Question:
Include Diagnosis for Special Stain Documentation
Question: Must the pathology report include an interpretation for each special stain befor...
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You Be the Coder:
PSA Screening Tests
Question: Our lab performs PSA screening tests. I'm familiar with the lab NCD for PSA, and...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 10
Think You're Coding FISH Procedures Correctly? Not if You Aren't Following These Rules
Experts explain tissue versus nontissue guidelines If you've been waiting for dire...
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Clip and Save Chart:
FISH and Diagnostic CPT Codes and Uses
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Don't Code FISH for Every HER-2/neu
Method is the key: Not every HER-2/neu test uses fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)...
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How to Get Paid for Drug Monitoring Tests
We'll tell you how to use 3 new V codes Physicians sometimes order lab tests to mo...
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Prepare Your Lab for Fee Schedule Changes
CMS recently previewed new codes and new pricing that may affect your bottom line. Lab g...
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Report Each Lung Needle Biopsy
Question: Our pathologist received three vials from transbronchial needle biopsies for a...
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Reader Question:
Use 88300 for Gross Only
Question: Suppose the lab accessions a breast biopsy specimen, providing a gross descript...
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Reader Question:
Ovary Can Stand Alone
Question: For a 59-year-old patient with a right ovarian mass, the surgeon submitted the ...
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You Be the Coder:
Report All Special Stains
Question: Can we bill for special stains when the pathologist states that the stain was "n...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 9
Got Medical Necessity? Look for New ICD-9 Codes in Lab NCDs and LMRPs
Don't get caught with old diagnosis codes that won't get your lab claims paid. ICD-9 2004 ...
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ICD-9 Updates Codes for Benign Prostate
With or without urinary obstruction? That is the question. To assign the correct diagnos...
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Report Ordering or Final Diagnosis on Medicare Claims?
When should you report the ordering physician's diagnosis, and when should you report the ...
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Report Most-Definitive Diagnosis for Physician Pathology Services
If you know the final pathologic diagnosis, put it on your Medicare claim. CMS clarifies...
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Reader Question:
Immunofluorescence Studies Include Preparation
Question: Given a renal biopsy for suspected cyclosporine toxicity following cardiac tran...
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Reader Question:
Use Specific Code for Tzanck Preparation
Question: How should we report a Tzanck stain for herpes? Should we report it as special ...
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Reader Question:
CMS Adds 401.1 to Lipid NCD Medical-Necessity List
Question: Physicians often order lipid testing for patients diagnosed with benign hyperte...
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You Be the Coder:
Specimen Not Too Small if You Do the Work
Question: If the pathologist examines frozen sections from a small punch skin biopsy durin...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 8
Think NCCI 9.2 Wont Impact Your Lab?
Medicare Adds Hematology and Consultation Edits If you report hematolo...
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Know How to Override NCCI 9.2 Consultation Bundles
If your pathologist performs a consultation on referred material (88321-88325) with a...
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2 Ways Medicare Fee Schedule Adjustment Can Save You Money
Good news for pathologists: You wont have to cough up overpayments arising from the delaye...
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Want Payment for Diagnostic PSA? Code Symptoms, Not BPH
Medicare has demoted benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Although it was once considered a...
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Screening PSA Is Another Story:
You Dont Get Paid Under Diagnostic PSA Rules
Forget everything you just learned about diagnostic PSA coding. If you want to report a sc...
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NCD Lists Covered Diagnosis Codes
You can use diagnosis codes for any of the following clinical situations to report a dia...
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Reader Question:
Details Dictate Prothrombin Time Payment
Question: A 59-year-old patient is on Coumadin for his cardiac arrhythmia. He came in for ...
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Reader Question:
Report Immunohistochemistry Per Specimen, Per Stain
Question: If the pathologist receives two separately identified sentinel lymph nodes and w...
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You Be The Coder:
Test Includes Molecular Diagnostics
Question: A physician ordered an HCV RNA PCR test and HCV RNA quantification. In addition ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 7
3 Steps to Improve Your Neck Specimen Coding Skills
Whatever the otolaryngologist excises, the pathologist examines. But coding these...
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Table 1. Coding for Surgical Pathology Head and Neck Specimens
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Want to Improve Iron-Test Pay? Dont Forget Medical Necessity
Your labs serum iron revenues could be anemic if insurers dont know that the patients di...
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Surgical Pathology Neck Specimens:
Get the Level Right
Knowing the organ name is not enough. Although reporting head and neck tissue examination ...
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Know Serum Iron Studies
Serum iron tests give different diagnostic information, so not all conditions warrant the ...
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No Cervix? Medicare Explains Reporting Pap Smear Screens
At last you can tell the truth when billing Medicare for posthysterectomy screening Pap s...
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Reader Question:
Bill for Touch Preps With Sentinel Node
Question: When performing a sentinel lymph node biopsy, our pathologists often perform t...
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Reader Question:
Identify Femoral Head Specimen
Question: How should we report the examination of a femoral head submitted for avascular ...
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Reader Question:
Assign Placenta Most Specific Diagnosis
Question: When our pathologists examine placentas submitted due to cesarean or other abn...
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Reader Question:
Special Stains Not Clear
Question: Is it possible to get a complete list of stains that we should report as eithe...
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You Be the Coder:
No Hidden Rules for Fecal-Occult Blood
Question: Would you please clarify when to use G0107 versus 82270 for fecal-occult blood...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 6
Unravel Pathology Consultations Crazy Quilt of Codes
All consultations are not created equal. Even abiding by the three R's (request, repor...
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Take the Consultation Challenge Take the Consultation Challenge
It's good to know the rules, but the proof is always in the pudding. Because three dis...
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NCCI Enforces Pap-Test Dualism
Medicare says pick one a Pap test is either for screening or for diagnostic purposes....
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Settle Bethesda/ICD-9 Discord
Question: Which diagnosis code should we use to report ASCUS Pap smear results under the...
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Panel Code Includes Every Test
Question: Our lab performed the following tests for a patient per physician order: 842...
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Report New CLIA-Waived HIV Test
Question: Our lab will begin performing a new test manufactured by OraSure Technologies ...
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Multiple Nevi May Be One or More Specimens
Question: When the pathologist receives five nevi in two containers, how should we repor...
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Use Modifier -91 for Multiple Glucose Tests
Question: A 15-year-old diabetic patient came to the emergency room complaining of weakn...
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You Be the Coder:
Dont Report Certain Thyroid Tests Together
Question: Our lab recently began performing the free T4 thyroid test. Previously, we per...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 5
NCCI 9.1 Puts Method in Its Madness
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," acco...
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NCCI 9.1 Deletions Offer Micro Relief
Frustrated microbiologists will rejoice to learn that National Correct Coding Ini...
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Telepathology Should Be Transparent to Coders
Performing pathology services from afar using telecommunications and compute...
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Know the 5-7-9s of Breast Coding
With multiple breast codes and many tissue descriptions, what's a coder to do? You...
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Reader Question:
ICD-9 Coding Is an Exact Science
Question: I've been told that when we report ICD-9 diagnosis codes, we have t...
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Reader Question:
Cell Block Stands Alone
Question: How should we code for bone marrow aspiration? Our pathologist may or may not ...
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Reader Question:
Container Irrelevant for Tonsils and Adenoids
Question: How should we code for tonsils and adenoids submitted under the following th...
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Reader Question:
Immunofluorescent Studies Include Slide Prep
Question: When our lab performs immunofluo-rescence microscopy on a kidney biopsy, how s...
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Reader Question:
Know Frequency Rules for Hyperlipidemia Testing
Question: If a patient is receiving treatment for hyperlipidemia, how should we code th...
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You Be the Coder:
Micro Solution to Definitive Disagreement
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 4
Add Up Specimens to Report Radical Cystectomy
Pathologists aren't the only ones who have to separate tiss...
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Medicare Fee Schedule Looking Up
After gloomy predictions of the second straight annual rate cut for Medicare physici...
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Use NCD to Clear Up Urine Cultures
Don't lose out when it comes to Medicare's new urine culture guidelines. Medicare's ...
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Dont Be Stumped by Clinical Situations
Having a hard time applying the National Coverage Determination (NCD) urine cultur...
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Watch Your Whysto Get Paid for Urine Culture
Medicare says "show me a sign" before it will cover bacterial urine cultures. Labs...
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Susceptibility Tests Are for Any Source
Finding susceptibility studies in a urine culture National Coverage Determination (NCD...
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Coding Clarification for Uterus,Tubes and Ovaries
The February 2003 Pathology/Lab Coding Alert reader question "Uterus and Ov...
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Reader Question:
One Stain Gets One Code
Question: Our lab has begun a new protocol for temporal artery biopsies based on resear...
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Reader Question:
No Code for Insufficient Volume
Question: We know that for cytopathology specimens, we cannot bill for hemolyzed or ina...
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Reader Question:
Date of Service = Date of Collection
Question: Our lab sometimes performs tests a day or more after the specimen was collect...
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Reader Question:
Know Units for Referred Material Consultation
Question: Our pathologists occasionally receive slides for interpretation that have bee...
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Reader Question:
Koilocytosis Conundrum
Question: The pathologist received a cervical biopsy from a patient with a pre-op diagn...
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You Be the Coder:
Cyto-Histo: Correlation or Consultation?
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 3
Reality Check New Pap Codes Reflect Laboratory Practice
"Thin prep" Pap tests are in, but manual screenings are out. So what's a coder to do...
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Labs Must Decode Physician Pay Rule
Payment rates are just the tip of the iceberg in the 2003 Physician Fee Sche...
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Dilemma Remains for Single-Incision Bone Marrow Sampling
A breakthrough bone marrow code has vanished before our very ey...
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Dont Get Stuck With Venipuncture Costs
Blood-draw services can stick it to you unless your lab follows payer covera...
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Reader Question:
Use V Codes for Preventive Screening
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use to bill Medicare for preventive ...
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Reader Question:
Lymph Nodes to Bundle or Not to Bundle
Question: We bill axillary node dissections and radical neck dissections as 88307. How ...
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Reader Question:
Method and Organism Dictate Infectious Agent Codes
Question: Should we bill the Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening in pregnancy using 8749...
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Reader Question:
Code Exostosis for Carpal Boss
Question: Our pathologist examined a specimen that appeared to be submitted in fragment...
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Reader Question:
Report Consult With Intraoperative Touch Preps
Question: Our pathologists often evaluate frozen sections intraoperatively to provide ...
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You Be the Coder:
Know Whats Bundled With Immunofluorescent Tissue Studies
Test your coding knowledge.Determine how you would code this situation before lookin...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 2
CCI Update:
New CPT Codes Are All Bundled Up
CMS was quick to add Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edit pairs for the new ...
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Physician Fee Schedule Conversion a Real Downer
Only an act of U.S. Congress can help now. Medicare's 2003 Physician Fee Schedule c...
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11th-Hour Ruling Extends TC Grandfather Exception
Saved by the bell CMS rescued some hospitals and independent labs from technical comp...
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Medicare Payment Change How Will You Fare?
If you do lots of fine needle aspiration (FNA) surgical procedures, Pap interpretations, ...
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Reader Question:
Uterus and Ovaries to Bundle or Not to Bundle
Question: The pathologist performs frozen sections and a surgical pathology exam of rig...
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Reader Question:
Pap Interpretation If You Did It, Code It
Question: How should we report the pathologist's service if a cytotechnologist identifi...
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Reader Question:
And the PSA Diagnosis Is ...the Reason for the Test
Question: How should we report a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for a 57-year-ol...
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Reader Question:
Code Specific Fecal WBC
Question: What is the correct code for a stool white blood cells (WBC) test? Physicians ...
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Reader Question:
STD Test Exposure or Worry Is Diagnosis Key
Question: If an asymptomatic patient reports a concern that she might have a sexually tr...
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You Be the Coder:
Cytology Concentration and Stains Confound Coders
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before lo...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 4, Number 1
Source Is Key to Stem-Cell Harvesting Codes
Stem-Cell Codes Add Up to Accurate Reimbursement "New and improved&quo...
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CPT 2003 Infuses Lifeblood Into Apheresis Codes
Outdated CPT descriptors kept coders scratching their heads when reporting aphere...
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Modify Confusion Learn When to Use -91 and -59
When a payer assumes that you've either unbundled or duplicate-billed, modifier -59 (Disti...
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Same CPT Code for Different Tests:
Same CPT Code for Different Tests:
Should Labs Use Modifier -91,-59 or None at All? What's a coder to do w...
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Reader Question:
Differentiate Physician-Office Lab Urine Tests
Question: Which code should our physician-office lab use to report urine tests that we ...
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Reader Question:
Weigh in on New Hysterectomy Codes
Question: Will the new surgery codes for myomectomy and hysterectomy (58146, 58545-5855...
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Reader Question:
And/OrDictates Influenza A/B Test Code
Question: Our lab carries out an influenza A/B test using a commercial kit called Zstat...
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Reader Question:
Breast Sampling Method Controls Code
Question: Should we code the interpretation of a breast fine-needle aspirate (FNA) diff...
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Reader Question:
Ask Medicare for Bilateral Bone Marrow Correction
Question: We sometimes perform bone marrow aspirations or biopsies bilaterally, one each...
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You Be the Coder:
Stationary/Mobile Phase Determines Drug Screen Coding
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki...
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Available Years: