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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 12
Lab Testing Is an Important Aspect of Anthrax Coding
With the threat of bioterrorism becoming a reality, clinicians are often the first l...
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An Anthrax Primer
"Because most of us have not dealt with this disease before, a primer on b...
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More Blood Collections Mean More Testing, Coding for Labs
Despite record blood collections averaging 20,000 to 25,000 units a day since the...
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Reader Question:
Ectopic Pregnancy
Question: Which diagnosis code should we use for evaluation of abnormal products o...
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Reader Question:
Pap Smears for Hysterectomy Patients
Question: We began reporting screening Pap smears for patients who have previously had a...
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You Be the Coder:
Tonsils With Lymphoma
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 11
Bill Within CLIA Certification To Avoid Denials and OIG Investigation
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently issued a report pointing out "widesprea...
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Differentiate Source, Procedure for Helicobactor Pylori Tests
Diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease (PUD, 533.x) and certain other gastric disorders is...
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News Brief:
Prepare for ICD-9 Code Changes
The annual update of ICD-9 includes the addition of about 60 codes, including one...
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News Brief:
No Changes for Pathology in CCI 7.3
Version 7.3 of CMS Correct Coding Initiative edits , effective Oct. 1, 2001, through Dec...
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Reader Question:
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Question: We used to bill sentinel lymph node biopsy as CPT 88305, plus additional codes f...
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Reader Question:
ABNs for Noncovered Tests
Question: When must I get a signed ABN for a noncovered test? I have read in authorita...
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You Be the Coder:
Pap Smear
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation bef...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 10
Special Rules To Follow for Hepatitis Testing
Coverage for hepatitis tests generally depends on appropriate documentation of signs...
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Medicare Specifies Code for Post-Hysterectomy Pap Smears
Medicare has refined coding for screening Pap smears for patients who have had a ...
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Medicare Clarifies Requirement for TC Grandfather Exception
In a clarification issued as program memorandum B-01-50, CMS amended its earlier instructi...
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Reader Question:
Question: We have not been able to unbundle certain pathology codes . For example, a ...
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Reader Question:
Monitoring Services
Question: We operate a CLIA-waived-status lab that performs routine monitoring services fo...
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Reader Question:
Bone-Marrow Smears
Question: Are certain stains that are commonly used in the preparation of bone-marrow smea...
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You Be the Coder:
Fine Needle Aspiration
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 9
Laboratory Methods and Coverage Indications Are Key to Coding for Hepatitis Tests
Reimbursement for the acute hepatitis panel or individual hepatitis tests depends ...
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Evaluation of Complex Surgical Specimens:
Whipple Resection
Coding for pathologic evaluation of tissue from complex surgical procedures,...
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Reader Question:
Iron Stain
Question: When should we use 85535-85536 as opposed to CPT 88313 for iron stain? We have ...
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Reader Question:
Question: How should I code an excisional breast biopsy (lumpectomy) when both the lesion ...
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Reader Question:
Question: CPT 88342 specifies that it should be listed for "each antibody." Can 88342...
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You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 8
Diagnosis Is Key to Payment for Tumor Markers
Four new and one revised code in CPT Codes 2001 have helped clarify coding for tu...
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Document Pneumonia Cases Carefully To Avoid OIG Scrutiny
The federal government continues to scrutinize pneumonia coding for cases of overpayme...
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News Brief:
HCFA Changes Name to CMS
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which administers Medicare and Medicaid p...
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Reader Question:
Pap Smears
Question: Our pathologist is contracted by the hospital to provide pathology services...
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Reader Question:
Detection of Infectious Agent
Question: I have received remittance advice that CPT 87522 requires a modifier when liste...
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You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 7
Stain Codes from Microbiology, Hematology and Surgical Pathology Earn Proper Payment
"Clinical labs and anatomic pathologists use special stains to aid in microscopic examinat...
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HCFA Clarifies TC Rules For Independent Labs
Section 542 of the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA) secured a two-...
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HCFA Releases Draft of New Advance Beneficiary Notice
HCFA released a draft version of a n...
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Reader Question:
Question: What are the proper codes for the following? 1. Uterus with cervical dysplasia o...
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Reader Question:
Multiple Skin Biopsies
Question: We received multiple skin biopsies on a patient from multiple sites, labeled and...
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Reader Question:
Prothrombin Time Test and 99211
Question: If a nurse administers the prothrombin time test for patients coming for periodi...
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You Be the Coder:
Skin Tumor
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 6
Receive Fair Payment for Physician Interpretation of Pap Smear
A Pap smear that appears abnormal requires interpretation by a physician, but some patholo...
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Enhance Compliance and Reimbursement with Chart Audits
Laboratories and pathology practices can strengthen compliance and optimize payment by u...
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Codes 88329 and 88331 are Bundled
In the article To Boost Bottom Line,...
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News Brief:
Medicare Changes Pap Screening Frequency Rules
Beginning July 1, 2001, Medicare will pay for a screening Pap smear for low-risk patients ...
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Reader Question:
Wrights Stain Slide
Question: If the lab prepares a Wrights stain slide for a bone marrow aspirate for the pa...
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Reader Question:
E/M With Bone Marrow Aspiration
Question: Medicare is denying an E/M code when our pathologist bills it with the procedure...
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You Be the Coder:
Specimen Transport
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 5
Capture Reimbursement for All Levels of Microbiology Culture Identification
Although the CPT 2001 revisions, additions and deletions of the microbiology codes for cul...
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New Code Provides Accurate Billing for Prostate Cancer Screening and Monitoring
Coding for prostate cancer screening and monitoring changed with the addition of new codes...
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Reader Question:
Aspheresis and E/M
Question: Our hematopathologist often performs a chart review prior to a stem cell harvest...
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Reader Question:
Special Stains
Question: Three kinds of stains are done for microorganisms on each of two blocks, such as...
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Reader Question:
Prostate Needle Biopsies
Question: We sometimes get six or eight prostate needle biopsies in separate containers la...
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You Be the Coder:
Culture Coding
Question: We use CPT 87081 for cultures when they are requested to screen for Group A Str...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 4
Report Additional Services for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Proper Payment
The addition of sentinel lymph node to the specimen list for CPT 88307 (level V surgical...
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To Boost Bottom Line Avoid Bundling Hysterectomy Specimens that Require Individual Diagnosis
Reporting by the book rather than with an under-standing of coding principles could resu...
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Reader Question:
Bladder Biopsy
Question: We often receive urinary bladder specimens for which the stated procedure is som...
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Reader Question:
Screening Tests
Question: If a referring physician tests a patient for chlamydia and receives a claim reje...
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Reader Question:
Question: We have recently been receiving mastectomy specimens consisting of a breast with...
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Reader Question:
Medication Lab Tests
Question: We have had claim denials for certain lab tests ordered to monitor patient respo...
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Reader Question:
Question: What is the definitive explanation regarding the non-gynecological cytology co...
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You Be the Coder:
Malignant Neoplasm of Skin
Question: What diagnosis code should I use when a patient has a previously diagnosed skin ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 3
Ensure Proper Reimbursement for Glucose Monitoring Under Medicares Policies
Reimbursement for blood glucose determinations depends on assigning the proper procedural ...
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HCFA Suspends Significant Portion of CCI 6.3
HCFA has temporarily suspended many of the edits in version 6.3 of the national Correct ...
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Reader Question:
Question: How should we code when a biopsy is submitted initially for frozen section or fo...
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Reader Question:
Fine Needle Aspiration
Question: I performed a fine needle aspiration biopsy on a breast mass (88170). Medicare d...
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Reader Question:
Question: What components are included in the term hemogram in the hematology codes 85021-...
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Reader Question:
Candida Albicans
Question: How should we code the test for Candida albicans when we use a commercial kit th...
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Reader Question:
Postvasectomy Semen Exam
Question: What is the correct code for a postvasectomy semen exam? All we report is sperm ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 2
Correct Diagnosis Codes Are Key to Adequate Reimbursement for Laboratory Tests
"Diagnosis coding for laboratory work can often prove challenging for pathology cod...
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Know Rules and Details of Special Stains for Accurate Payment
Microscopic examination of pathology tissue specimens often involves the use of special ...
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Reader Question:
Breast Quadrantectomy
Question: If we receive a breast quadrantectomy separately from an axillary node dissectio...
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Reader Question:
Colon Donuts
Question: What should the code be for pieces of colon tissue known as colon donuts if subm...
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Reader Question:
Technical Component of FNA
Question: If the pathologist bills CPT 88173 for interpretation of fine needle aspirate...
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You Be the Coder:
Beckton, Dickinson Test
Question: What is the correct code for the new Beckton, Dickinson test for influenza A a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 2, Number 1
Microbiology Code Changes in CPT 2001 Get Optimal Reimbursement
pathology Coder need to be aware of the significant changes in the microbiology section ...
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Ensure Appropriate Payment for Multiple Units of Service Under OCE With Proper Use of Modifiers
Under Medicares revised outpatient code editor (OCE), coders for hospital outpatient patho...
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What is OCE?
The OCE is the HCFA software package for processing outpatient claims, issued to fiscal ...
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Reader Question:
Lymph Nodes
Question: When coding the pathology examination of lymph nodes, at what point or number do...
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Reader Question:
Liver Function Lab Panel
Question: A physician wants to prescribe medication to a patient with systemic lupus eryth...
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Reader Question:
Keratin Stains
Question: My question regards coding for keratin stains, specifically S100 and HMB 45, in...
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You Be the Coder:
Question: A patient reports to her physician complaining of diarrhea (787.91). The physic...
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Available Years: