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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert
Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 12
CPT 2001:
Know Significant Pathology/Laboratory Coding Changes for Proper Reimbursement
CPT 2001 contains many changes for pathology/laboratory coding. The section includes 57 ne...
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Optimize Payment:
Understand Different Types of Ovarian Cysts
Finding the correct procedure code and diagnosis code for ovarian cysts can be a challen...
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Reader Question:
Professional Services for Decalcification
Question: When submitting multiple pieces from a bone specimen, how do we bill profession...
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Reader Question:
Question: Our pathology group often provides a pathologist for immediate cytohistologic ...
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You Be the Coder:
Hemoccult Test
Question: Can the physician bill for a single determination hemoccult test collected and...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 11
Reimbursement for New Pathology Correct Coding Initiative Edits Requires Modifier
The number of pathology/laboratory edit pairs has more than doubled in Version 6.3 of th...
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Unsupported Claim Denials to Stop as Black Box Edits Recalled
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has instructed local carriers that it di...
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News Brief:
OIG to Target Lab Certification, ABNs and More
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS...
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Reader Question:
Thymus Gland
Question: Occasionally, one of our pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons sends us a normal thy...
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Reader Question:
Modifier -91
Question: What modifier should we use when multiples of the same CPT code are billed for a...
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Reader Question:
Skin Diagnosis
Question: A pathologist receives a skin specimen for diagnosis and frozen section evaluati...
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Reader Question:
Level IV Pathology
Question: We received a labeled right axillary mass, which consists of an 8.5-by-4.0-cm el...
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Reader Question:
Soft Palate and Uvula
Question: We received a specimen identified as tonsils, soft palate and uvula. I know that...
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You Be the Coder:
Dermatology Specimens
Question: We receive hundreds of dermatology specimens every day. Some take considerably m...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 10
Careful Documentation Ensures Reimbursement For Fecal Occult Blood Test
Coding for fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) involves understanding the various tests and t...
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Capture Reimbursement With Medicare ABN
Unless youre diligent about seeing that you have a signed waiver of liability statement fr...
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How New APCs Affect Payment For Pathology Services
Last month we looked at how the outpatient prospective payment system will impact billin...
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Reader Question:
Surgical Pathology
Question: We received three numbered containers. The contents of #1 was identified as left...
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Reader Question:
Molecular Diagnostic Tests
Question: Our lab sometimes runs multiple molecular diagnostic tests for the same patient ...
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You Be the Coder:
Skin Lesion
Question: What would be the appropriate diagnosis and procedure codes for the re-excisio...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 9
Capture Full Reimbursement for Pathology Consultation During Surgery
Coding for pathology consultation during surgery can be a source of confusion for many. ...
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Continue to Bill Medicare for TC of Outpatient Services
Independent laboratories have a temporary reprieve. They can continue billing the techni...
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Avert Improper Denials for Interpretation of Pap Smears
Some pathologists are getting claim denials for interpretation of abnormal Pap smears (e.g...
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Reader Question:
Tonsil Resection
Question: I have a cancerous tonsil resection along with a radical neck procedure in a sep...
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You Be the Coder:
Prostate Biopsies
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 8
Bone Sampling Codes:
Optimize Billing for Aspiration and Bone or Bone-marrow Biopsy Services
"Some of the confusion regarding appropriate coding for various bone sampling and e...
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Minimize Claim Denials by Avoiding Truncated Codes
The new ICD9 Codes that will go into effect Oct. 1, 2000, include the expansion of sever...
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Reader Question:
Lipoma of the Cord
Question: A specimen is submitted as a lipoma of the cord. It is, but it is also a hernia ...
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Reader Question:
Microscopic Report
Question: Several of the pathologists within our group recently submitted reports without ...
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Reader Question:
Question: We are concerned with pathology billing for a hysterectomy, with or without ov...
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Reader Question:
Question: A LEEP (loop electrocautery excision procedure) is not just a colposcopic biopsy...
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You Be the Coder:
Skin Lesions
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 7
Gain Rightful Reimbursement by Coding All the Steps in Stem Cell Treatment
Pathologists and laboratories specializing in hematology may work closely with oncologists...
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Understanding Medicares CCI Is Powerful Compliance Tool
Unbundling breaking down a single procedure into its component parts and billing for add...
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Know the Five Key Steps to Successfully Appeal Denials
Insurance denials for ethically claimed services are an irritating and somewhat frequent o...
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Reader Question:
Insufficient Specimen
Question: A pathologist receives a slide, which is said to be prepared from a breast fine ...
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Reader Question:
Fungus ID
Question: If we do a urine culture or a wound culture, and a fungus identification, how wo...
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You Be the Coder:
Trichrome Stain
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 6
Avoid Denials for Prostate Cancer Screening With Appropriate HCPCS Codes
Medicare began coverage for two procedures for prostate cancer screening on Jan. 1, 2000...
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Clinical Pathology Consultation Codes:
Understanding How to Use Them Is Key to Reimbursement
Clinical laboratory test results often are returned as a computer-generated report or, und...
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Optimize Payment by Correctly Coding for the 88160 Family
Seemingly an oasis for lab personnel and pathologists toiling through a tray of slides on ...
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Reader Question:
FNA Billing
Question: During the fine needle aspiration (FNA) procedure, usually the aspirate is fir...
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Reader Question:
Specimen Evaluation
Question: What is the correct code for evaluation of a capsule surrounding a breast implan...
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Reader Question:
85060 Billing Requirements
Question: An 80-year-old Medicare patient has an abnormal CBC (complete blood count). The ...
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Reader Question:
Bone Marrow
Question: In the answer to a reader question, Bone Marrow Exam, on page 32 the April 2000 ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 5
Get Paid for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
CPT 2000 does not contain a specific procedural code for sentinel lymph node biopsy. That ...
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AHIMA Releases New Standards of Ethical Coding
Proper coding for neurosurgical procedures and practices requires up-to-the-minute infor...
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HCFA Proposes Uniform Policies For Clinical Diagnostic Labs
A proposed rule by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) could have a signific...
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News Brief:
Look for Corrections to National CCI Version 6.1
Due to a large number of errors, the implementation of the national Correct Coding Initi...
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Reader Question:
Cervix Cone Biopsies
Question: We frequently receive cervix cone biopsies. The inner and outer cone are in sepa...
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Reader Question:
Cryopreservation of Stem Cells
Question: When peripheral blood stem cells are removed from a patient by apheresis, what c...
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Reader Question:
Bronchial Washings
Question: What is the correct code for bronchial washings? When we receive documentation f...
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You Be the Coder:
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 4
How a Lab Can Avoid Medicare Denials for Pap Smears
Medicares directives for reporting Pap smears can be confusing, but understanding and co...
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Compliance Programs Impact Coding and Billing
This issue of Pathology/Lab Coding Alert includes an insert that is a description of the...
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Eliminate the Confusion of Streptoccal Detection Codes
Coding for streptococcal detection methods can be confusing, with multiple references sc...
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Reader Question:
Pathological Diagnoses
Question: How do I code specimens with no pathological diagnoses, especially when the proc...
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Reader Question:
Consult vs. Substitute Physician
Question: We have a confusing billing situation in which one pathologist is covering froze...
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Reader Question:
Question: Recently, one of our insurance carriers denied claims for gross examination only...
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Reader Question:
Bone Marrow Exam
Question: If examination of aspirate from bone marrow needle biopsy (85102) requires the p...
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You Be the Coder:
Advanced Benficiary Notification
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 3
Maximize Payback with Fine-needle Aspiration Coding
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) used for the diagnosis of suspicious lesions is growing rap...
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Decide Which ICD-9 Codes Best Comply With the Guidelines
Both compliance and reimbursement can hinge on the correct assignment of ICD-9-CM codes....
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Collect for E/M Services Provided With Apheresis
Usually, the pathologist responsible for apheresis services also provides evaluation and...
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You be the Coder:
Physician's Office or Lab - Who Bills?
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Reader Question:
Organ and Disease Panel Codes
Question: I read in your January issue (CPT 2000 Revises Organ- or Disease-Oriented panels...
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Reader Question:
Sinus Coding
Question: What is the proper CPT code for right and left maxillary sinus contents submi...
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Reader Question:
Surgical Pathology Specimens
Question: How should I code surgical pathology specimens that did not survive processing, ...
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Reader Question:
Colon Polyps
Question: How should I code three colon polyps in one container with no identification as ...
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Reader Question:
Breast Biopsies
Question: Which types of breast biopsies are CPT 88305 and which are 88307?Anonymous Texa...
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Reader Question:
Pathology Specimens
Question: We received specimens that include the lobe of a lung and different level biopsi...
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Reader Question:
Radical Nephrectomy
Question: On a radical nephrectomy specimen, can an additional CPT 88307 be charged if th...
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Reader Question:
Endometrial Carcinoma
Question: My question involves a specimen of uterus with tubes and ovaries. The diagnosis ...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 2
Tactics to Avoid Unbundling Specimen Coding
Understanding when tissue samples represent different specimens is the key to correct co...
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Correctly Reporting Technical And Professional Components
The organizational structure of your practice or lab is key to determining how to bill pro...
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News Brief:
No More Secret 'Black Box' Pathology Edits
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) wants to make all claim edits used by Me...
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Reader Question:
Autologous Plateletgel Therapy
Question: We are looking for the specific CPT and HCFA insurance and Medicare billing co...
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Reader Question:
Aspiration and Interpretation
Question: We are having trouble with BCBS of South Carolina about using CPT codes 88170 an...
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Reader Question:
Mastectomy and Lymph Nodes
Question: What is/are the code(s) for mastectomy received in one container and lymph nodes...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding FNA With Multiple Specimens
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Pathology/Lab Coding Alert - 2000; Volume 1, Number 1
CPT 2000 Revises Organ- or Disease-Oriented panels
The primary revisions to the CPT Codes 2000 pathology and laboratory codes are contained...
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Modifier 59, How to Avoid Confusion in Reporting Multiple Procedures
Correctly using modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) can help prevent denials for ...
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Get Proper Reimbursement for Consultations on Referred Material
When material is referred from another pathologist or facility, the use of CPT codes 88321...
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Cut Through the Confusion of Pap Guidelines
CPT 1999 ushered in completely new and revised cytopathology codes for Pap screenings, a...
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Reader Question:
Different Diagnosis
Question: What do I do when a pathology procedure that is carried out is not indicated b...
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You Be the Coder:
Pathology Surgery Exam
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Available Years: