Question: Is code 27752 appropriate for replacement of a splint after debridement of blisters and desquamated skin? The physician then used an image intensifier to confirm reduction in the lateral and anteroposteroir planes.
Answer: The correct code here would be 27750 (Closed treatment of tibial shaft fracture (with or without fibular fracture); without manipulation) or 27752 (Closed treatment of tibial shaft fracture (with or without fibular fracture); with manipulation, with or without skeletal traction), depending upon whether or not reduction was performed. Reduction seems evident here, so 27752 is more appropriate. In addition, 29515 (Application of short leg splint (calf to foot)) may be coded.
If, however, the splint was used to provide protection to and facilitate skin healing so as to enable a future open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), the closed reduction codes are not used.