Coverage will apply to primary care practitioners, Decision Memo indicates.
Amidst growing complaints that Medicare's annual wellness visit (AWV) should be expanded to a full annual physical, CMS has taken baby steps to assuage frustrated medical practices with a new preventive care decision. On Nov. 8, the agency announced that Medicare would offer a free annual cardiovascular disease prevention visit to all beneficiaries.
Under the new coverage limitations, CMS will cover the free intensive cardiovascular risk reduction visit, which includes the following three components, the Decision Memo states:
Who can perform these? Sorry, cardiologists-- CMS is restricting the preventive visit mainly to non-specialists. "The visit must be furnished by primary care practitioners, such as a beneficiary's family practice physician, internal medicine physician, or nurse practitioner, in settings such as physicians' offices," CMS said in its Nov. 8 email about the coverage. The Decision Memorandum itself also adds geriatric medicine practitioners and ob-gyns to the list of practices eligible to perform the benefit. CMS appears to hope that streamlining the visit to primary care practitioners will ensure that more beneficiaries benefit from the visit.
"Access to preventive services helps Medicare beneficiaries identify health risk factors and disease early to provide greater opportunities for early treatment," said CMS administrator Donald Berwick, MD, in a Nov. 8 statement.
Know What the Visit Entails
CMS is using its "Five As" approach to describe what the practitioner should perform during the behavioral counseling intervention for aspirin use and healthy diet. The "Five As" are as follows, according to CMS's Decision Memorandum:
To read the Decision Memo in its entirety, visit