Part B Insider (Multispecialty) Coding Alert

Part B Payment:

Know These MSP Facts to Ensure Medicare Reimbursement

Hint: Look at patient's age and employment to pinpoint primary payer.

Many different things factor into whether Medicare is the primary or secondary insurer for a particular patient, but the following are among the most common you may encounter, according to CGS Medicare's Vanessa Williams, who spoke during the Part B payer's March 21 webinar, "Medicare Secondary Payer: The Basics."

Follow the first chart to find out when Medicare is typically primary, and use the second chart to determine when Medicare is usually the secondary insurer.


  • Patient is age 65 or older and covered by both Medicare and a group health plan for an employer with less than 20 employees.
  • Patient is 65 or older and has a retirement group health plan through her employer, but is no longer working.
  • Patient is under the age of 65 but entitled to Medicare, is disabled, is covered by a group health plan through an employer or a family member's employer, and the employer has fewer than 100 employees.
  • Patient has end-stage renal disease and group health plan coverage, and 30 months of Medicare eligibility or entitlement have already passed.
  • Patient has end-stage renal disease and COBRA coverage, and 30 months of Medicare eligibility or entitlement have already passed.
  • Patient is age 65 or older OR disabled, and is covered by both COBRA and Medicare.
  • Patient is dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Patient is covered by Medicare and also has a Medigap or supplemental insurance plan.
  • Patient has both Tricare and Medicare, but is on inactive military status and is being treated by civilian providers.


  • Patient is age 65 years or older and is covered by both Medicare and a group insurance plan either through herself or a spouse; employer has 20 or more employees.
  • Patient is under the age of 65 but entitled to Medicare, is disabled, is covered by a group health plan through an employer or a family member's employer, and the employer has 100 or more employees.
  • Patient has end-stage renal disease and group health plan coverage, and is still within her first 30 months of Medicare eligibility or entitlement.
  • Patient has end-stage renal disease and COBRA coverage, and is still within her first 30 months of Medicare eligibility or entitlement.
  • Patient is entitled to Medicare but is being seen under workers' compensation coverage for a job-related illness or injury.
  • Patient was in an accident and no-fault or liability insurance is involved for the accident-related healthcare.
  • Patient is an active duty military member entitled to both Medicare and Tricare.
  • Patient is an inactive status military member entitled to both Medicare and Tricare being treated at a military hospital or by other federal providers.