Part B Insider (Multispecialty) Coding Alert

Now's Your Chance To Comment On MAC Transition

Soon your Part B carriers will be a thing of the past. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is replacing the carriers and intermediaries with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for both Part A and Part B.

There will be just 15 MACs serving the whole country. In late June, CMS will award its first MAC contract, for a district that includes Arizona, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. The new contractor will take over those states in July 2007.

And CMS is going to be soliciting bids for three other areas, each of which covers four states. Now's your chance to comment on the work documents that CMS is using to solicit bids. You can view CMS' Request for Information (RFI) online at, starting May 3. CMS welcomes comments from providers on this document and its planned transition.

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